Marvel or DC: Who is superior? Twin brothers Jon and Joe debate the answer through film reviews and mathematical fight simulations. New podcast episode every Tuesday.
Winner of Best Podcast, Best Co-hosts, and Best Sound Design in the 2020 Colorado Podcast Awards. A Tomatometer-Approved Publication.
Listen to these recommended episodes, or scroll down for our most recent episodes!
Jonathan is older (and wiser) by 1 hour and 8 minutes. He used to be a Marvel fan, but then he grew the hell up and recognized DC's superior stories and timeless archetypes.
Joseph is the younger and better looking twin. He knows two things for certain: That with great power comes great responsibility, and that DC sucks more than a vacuum in a tornado.
Executive Producer
Zach is a knowledgeable DC fan, as well as the host of the "Senjoh World" podcast. He's the proud papa of BOTH a sweet baby girl AND a massive film and video game collection.
Executive Producer
John is a Marvel fanatic and all-around comic book TV/movie fan who specializes in coming up with fan theories and spoiling things for other fans. Also, his rap game is 🔥. Check out his show "Konsole Kombat".
Executive Producer
Brandon is the collector of the group, and has an assortment of Funko Pop! figures that most nerds would commit cold-ass murder for. Fortunately for Brandon, his piercing green eyes keep the nerd murderers at bay.
Executive Producer
Miggy is a recent college grad and a lifelong DC fan. Specifically, he likes Flash, Nightwing, Blue Beetle and long romantic walks on the beach. Yes, ladies, he is single — hit him up in the DMs. *UPDATE: Sorry ladies, my boy’s TAKEN! #BetterLuckNextTime
Executive Producer
Scott goes by Scotty Macho, the only one in the group with an actual superhero name. Plus he's a veteran, has a son named Damian Wayne, and somehow can duplicate himself which is freaky. We're all jealous.
Executive Producer
Wait, didn't we already see this guy already? Why does he look just like the Marvel version of Scott Camacho? Either way, you should listen to their podcast, Max Destruction!
Executive Producer
Adam is the world's biggest Deadpool fan and he will slap you with his chimichanga if you disagree. He is the co-host of such fine shows as "The Blast From Our Past Podcast", "Throwback Trivia Takedown", and "Cartwright! A Seinfeld Podcast".
Executive Producer
A true 90's child, Devin Davis grew up loving the X-Men and Batman cartoons and the DC vs Marvel comic book crossover. His older brother essentially bullied him into liking superheroes as a kid... which makes him a solid big brother in our book.
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Executive Producer
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