Atrocitus vs Juggernaut

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• 0:00:00 - Introduction
• 0:03:41 - No-Prize Time
• 0:09:54 - Captain America: Brave New World Official Teaser
• 0:16:46 -...
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• 0:00:00 - Introduction
• 0:03:41 - No-Prize Time
• 0:09:54 - Captain America: Brave New World Official Teaser
• 0:16:46 - Question of the Week
• 0:17:42 - Agatha All Along Teaser Trailer
• 0:21:35 - Watchmen: Chapter 1 Redband Trailer
• 0:25:56 - Atrocitus vs Juggernaut intro
• 0:29:01 - Juggernaut history and powers
• 0:37:14 - Atrocitus history and powers
• 0:48:23 - Fight speculation
• 0:56:57 - Duel results
• 1:01:35 - Sign off
Executive producers: Ken Johnson, John Starosky, Zachary Hepburn, Dustyn Balcom, Miggy Matanguihan, Brandon Estergard, Nathaniel Wagner, Levi Yeaton, Austin Wesolowski, AJ Dunkerley, Scott Camacho, Gil Camacho, Adam Speas, Andrew Schunk, Dean Maleski, Devin Davis, and Joseph Kersting
"Take a Chance" "Clash Defiant" "Blip Stream" "Nowhere Land" Kevin MacLeod (, Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
#Atrocitus #Juggernaut #MarvelVsDC
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And welcome to the Dynamic Duel Podcast, a weekly show where we review superhero films and debate the superiority between Marvel and DC by comparing their characters in stat-based battle simulations. I'm Marvelous Joe. And I'm his twin brother Johnny DC. And guys, this is the episode where we find out who'd win in a fight between the Red Lantern Atrocitus and the Juggernaut. Holy shitballs, this is going to be an awesome episode.
I cannot believe it has taken us until year, what is this, eight, nine, to get to a Juggernaut duel. Shame on us. It's a crime for sure. Yeah, Juggernaut is one of the most powerful Marvel characters out there. And I don't think Atrocitus has a chance in hell of winning this duel. I mean, the guy punches strong. What else is there? Oh, you'll find out.
later on as we get into the characters' backstories, and then we'll run their stats in a thousand simulations to come out with a definitive winner. Before that, we're going to break down the latest comic book movie news that came out this past week, which we got a lot of. There was the new Captain America Brave New World official teaser, we got the Agatha All Along teaser trailer, as well as the Watchmen Chapter 1 Red Band trailer. A lot to talk about, but as always, we list our segment times in our episode description, so feel free to check out the show notes if you want to skip ahead to a particular topic.
Our artificially intelligent duel simulator AJ 9k has a quick message for our listeners. So listen up.
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The DynaMic Podcast Network tier lets you create your own podcast using this Monte Carlo simulator. Johnny and Joe will help you develop your show, provide graphic support and consultation, and get you simulation results. Pitch the twins your ideas via email at dynamicduelpodcast at Check it out at slash dynamicduel. Pip pip cheerio. Thanks AJ and N1K and thanks to everyone who supports the podcast. Guys, be sure to tune into the other shows on the DynaMic Podcast Network this week.
including Max Destruction, which pits your favorite action heroes from film and television against each other. This week, hosts Ken and Scottie are pitting Schwarzenegger's Conan the Barbarian against King Leonidas from 300. I know we said that last week, but in their last episode they actually reviewed Conan the Barbarian. On the Senjoworld podcast, hosts Zachary Hepburn speculates on fights between fan favorite anime and manga characters. The show is currently on a season hiatus, but it's coming back in a few weeks.
So this is the perfect time to catch up on Send Your World's 40 episode library. And on the Console Combat podcast, hosts John and Dean find out who would win in fights between popular video game characters. In yesterday's episode, they found out who would win in a battle between Codsworth from Fallout 4 and Clap Trap from Borderlands. So it was like a BattleBots episode. Visit or click the link in our show notes to listen to all of the shows in the DynaMic Podcast Network.
But with that out of the way, quick to the no prize. A no prize is an award Marvel used to give out to fans. Our version, the dynamic duel no prize, is a digital award that we post on Instagram for the person that we feel gave the best answer to our question of the week. Last week we asked you guys, what other Marvel or DC character would you like to see get a cultural re-imagining for a one-off special? And this was coming off of the Batman Ninja versus Yakuza League teaser trailer that we got.
the week prior, we were saying what other kind of concepts you guys could come up with that was similar to Batman Ninja. And we got a lot of great answers. Like all of them were great. It was really hard to pick the honorable mentions and winner this week. But the first honorable mention goes to Travis Herndon, who said, What's up, Donn and Medoos. Travis here. Shout out to my twins. So my answer had to be Spider-Man, but with an African style makeover.
You can even go for a more mystical route with him that instead of like a regular spider total, it could be a Nazi, the spider from African mythology. I mean, that would be cool, like a mystical Spider-Man. Like imagine that kind of Spider-Man teaming up with Black Panther. So that's my answer, African Spider-Man. This was such an awesome answer. African Spider-Man, of course, there's the African deity and Nazi, the spider. So it totally makes sense that there would be an African Spider-Man and, you know, his stories could take place.
in early Africa and it works so well for the character, especially since Anansi is always depicted as kind of like a trickster, jokey kind of god. But the answer is too good because it's already actually been done in Marvel Comics. The very first Spider-Man in the Marvel 616 universe was actually named Anansi and he was in Africa. Yeah, that blew my mind. I loved this answer so much. I totally thought we were going to give it the win until you were like, this is actually already a thing. I was like, what?
And maybe Travis Herndon subliminally already knew that, and maybe that's why he gave it as his answer. But yeah, great answer. Our next honorable mention goes to Cat Stevenson, who said. Hi guys, it's Cat, first time caller, long time listener. I think it would be really cool to set Hawkeye in a wild Western setting.
I know it's one of the weirder things, but I think a Sheriff Hawkeye thing would be really intriguing to watch, and I think it'd be super fun. It'd be a good movie, different animation styles, and I would till to see a bow and arrow duel scene. That would be epic. Alright guys, hope you have a good day. Bye bye. This is a really fun answer. I think having Hawkeye set in the days of the Old West using his bow and arrow instead of gun slinging...
fight villains as like the sheriff of this old west town. That's perfect. I could totally picture it in my head. Like maybe he was trained by Native Americans at the time and the use of the bow and arrow and he just prefers to use that and he's like shooting down the barrels of bad guys guns as they're like set to draw and everything like that. It would be fantastic. Yeah, seeing like a high noon type duel and the dirt roads of the old west with a bow and arrow would be wild. Wild west. And they could probably name the movie Wild Wild West.
And then they have like a giant spider in it. And Nazi. Oh, my God, it's all it all makes sense. It's coming full circle. Great answer, cat. Our next honorable mention goes to Colby Hentges, who said, Hey, boys, Colby Hentges, I'd like to see Dr. Strange get a Celtic reimagining, less occult and mysticism, more nature and druid kind of vibes. That's what I want.
That would be cool. Like have an old medieval style version of Dr. Strange. Just reimagine him in that time period, probably set around Ireland or Scotland or something like that, the old Celtic region, and have a more of a, yeah, Druid nature bound type of spell caster. I think that works pretty well for the master of the mystic arts. I'm actually not too familiar with Druid shamanism and how it compares to something like occultism. So I'd actually be really interested to see that. Well, it's like a lot of animal and plants.
control, like nature control type stuff, right? Gotcha. That'd be totally cool to see. And I would love to see it like in that, like book of Kells, Wolfwalkers type animation style. That'd be really cool. Oh, hell yeah. Yeah, that's really cool. That's a great idea. Great answer, Colby. We want to give a special shout out to Micky Matangian who suggested the idea of a Filipino flash, which was a great concept. I think we were just looking for more of a hook there. Also shout out to Cyrus Moore who said he wanted to see stories about green lanterns throughout American history, dating back to the Revolutionary War.
which was just a little bit more broad of a concept than we were looking for. But that does sound pretty cool too. Yeah, I really liked both of those answers. But the winner of this week's no prize is Joseph Kirsting, who said. Hi, it's Joseph Kirsting. The character I think is green arrow in ancient Greece. I think you see him grow up under the rifle king. Maybe a son of Apollo get banished by an evil king. Him.
fight his way back in a classic hero quest and overthrow the evil king and become a vigilante king hybrid and then it'd be pretty cool. Yeah, ancient Greek myths are heavily influential when it comes to heroic storytelling in comics in particular. It would be really cool to see Oliver Queen among the pantheon of heroes that include like Hercules and Perseus and Jason.
His old school approach really works within that world, because you could also explain his trick arrows as being divine or mythic in some way. Yeah, given to him by Apollo or Artemis or something like that, fantastic. Yeah, that would be really cool. The way Joseph described the story that he would wanna see, it sounds a lot like Perseus, and that's fine with me. I think if you could retell some of these ancient stories with superhero characters, I think that'd be actually a pretty cool interpretation.
That actually would be really cool. I would read a series about that for sure. So great answer, Joseph. You win this week's No Prize. If you the listener want a shot at winning your own No Prize, stay tuned to later on in this episode when we'll be asking another question of the week. And now that that's done, on to the news.
Alright, this past week we got our first official teaser trailer for the upcoming Captain America Brave New World movie that's coming out on Valentine's Day in 2025. I was really shocked when this trailer came out because I wasn't expecting it to come out, but it makes sense considering that they're starting to do fan screenings for Deadpool and Wolverine and this teaser is almost certainly playing before that movie. And I'm here for it. I think my big takeaway from watching the trailer was that it perfectly captures
the vibe of the Captain America spy espionage thriller section of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That tone was established in films like Captain America The Winter Soldier, Captain America Civil War, and of course the Falcon and the Winter Soldier Disney Plus television series. It's my favorite pocket of the MCU, I think, and this trailer gets me super pumped to revisit that tone for these Marvel films. Yeah, it totally gives off vibes of Winter Soldier for me.
I really didn't want to like this trailer because you know Falcon and the Winter Soldier I thought was okay. It had some great action scenes, but I can't say I was really looking forward to seeing this film in particular. Now I cannot wait to see this. It looks like it's going to be everything that I hope the MCU returns to. It just looks like it's going to be really badass. For sure. Yeah, I mean if you watched Falcon and the Winter Soldier, that show did have a villain problem with Flag Smasher.
But we got to see Falcon go up against the likes of Batroc the Leaper, which was really badass, and the Tunisia flight scene was probably one of the most incredible action scenes out of any Marvel movie or show. Actually, I think it'll be hard to top in this movie, but considering we see Captain America going up against like other fighter jets in a similar vibe to the first Iron Man movie, they might just be able to accomplish beating the Tunisia flight scene.
Yeah, I don't know if they're going to be able to, but it looks like they're trying really damn hard. You know, with the second wingman, his sidekick, the new Falcon, I forget his name. Yeah, Joaquin Torres. That's going to be cool. And also looks like they're doing a callback to Eternals because there's been a lot of speculation that that whole flight action scene takes place around Tiamat, the celestial that was coming out of Earth's core. Yeah, the big rumors that that's where Adamantium is going to come from.
I don't know if that's been confirmed or not, but that would be pretty cool as a tie into the future X-Men franchise. Yeah, for sure. Now, the teaser trailer starts with Sam Wilson meeting with President Thunderbolt Ross, formerly General Thunderbolt Ross, who was played by William Hurt, who unfortunately passed away prior to this movie filming. Harrison Ford, we've talked about this recasting before. I think he's an inspired choice to replace William Hurt.
caliber and credibility with fans show up in a Marvel film. I'm really excited to see Harrison Ford in this role, especially since one of the most exciting things about this trailer came from one of the end tags of the Red Hulk appearance. Yeah, that was a fantastic way to end this trailer. I got pumped up. Like the Hulk is my favorite Marvel character. I honestly don't know too much about the Red Hulk. I know that the angrier he gets, the hotter he gets, not like sexually.
But like heat wise, yeah, the angrier he gets, the more he emits heat radiation. Okay, cool. Yeah. Uh, we need to get duel with him in here soon, I think, or maybe closer to the actual drop date of this film, but I'm looking forward to that too. For sure. Yeah. I think one of the coolest things about this whole trailer too, was this initial setup, this conversation between Sam Wilson and Thunderbolt Ross and the premise that Ross wants to make Captain America a
figure in the military once again.
It's also interesting because they already have US Agent working for them, so why would they need Captain America? That's a great point. Probably because US Agent sucks. Yeah, fuck that guy! Although, he'll be showing up in the Thunderbolts movie, so he might be able to redeem himself there. As will Thunderbolt Ross, apparently. We get some pretty good shots of Giancarlo Esposito's character. We don't quite know who he's going to be playing, but the rumor is that he's going to play a former SHIELD agent named G.W. Bridge.
who's actually a good guy. The vibes that he gives off during this trailer is that he looks kind of sinister, but that could also be translated as badass as fuck. It was interesting to see Isaiah Bradley here who was in the Falcon and the Winter television show. He was another super soldier, the first black super soldier, and he tries to assassinate President Ross. Yeah, not gonna lie, this trailer definitely hit a little bit differently after Trump's assassination attempt.
It's a dark reminder of what the world is actually like. For sure. You know, there's actually a lot of shit going on in the real world that's affecting this movie and actually even the Falcon and the Winter Soldier because that show originally had a plot dealing with a global virus. And now you have this movie with an attempted assassination and also all the shit that's going on in Israel and Gaza right now. As a matter of fact, that geopolitical situation has forced Marvel to
drop the moniker of Sabra from Shir Haas who plays the character in this movie. I believe the change that they're going with is that Ruth Bat Sarraf is going to be a former black widow as opposed to the Israeli hero. Can life stop imitating art, please? For real, right? Hopefully nothing else drastic happens like the White House doesn't get destroyed or something like that. Yeah, if it's destroyed by like a red hulk especially, I'm gonna be like, nope.
We do get a slight glimpse of the back of the leader's head, Samuel Stearns played by Tim Blake Nelson, and we hear his voice in this trailer too, actually. Who knows what part the leader is going to play in this movie. If he's the one who's maybe mind-controlling Isaiah Bradley because he does have the power of telepathy in the comics, maybe he has something to do with transforming President Ross into the Red Hulk. That would make sense. But however it plays out, I'm super here for this movie, man. I cannot wait to see it.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to the leader as a villain because we've been waiting for him ever since the second film within the MCU, The Incredible Hulk. Right, yeah, they've been sitting on the character for a while, so hopefully it's all worth the wait. Hopefully this movie is better than the Falcon and the Winter Soldier television series, which we thought was mostly okay. But that brings us to our question of the week.
What has been your favorite Disney Plus original series from Marvel Studios so far?
Record your answer at by clicking on the red microphone button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, which will prompt you to leave us a voicemail. Your message could be up to 30 seconds long, and don't forget to leave your name in case we include you on the podcast. We'll pick our favorite answer and award that person a Dynamic Duel No Prize that we'll post to Instagram. Be sure to answer before July 20th. And speaking of Disney Plus originals, this past week we also got our first
teaser trailer for Agatha All Along season one. I also was not expecting this trailer. I don't even know what I was expecting from this show. I thought maybe it was gonna be quirky and silly, similar to the early episodes of the WandaVision television series, but I was kind of blown away by this trailer, honestly. Were you surprised, Jonathan? Dude, I was so confused at the start of it. Like, it's a long setup, right? Making you feel like you're in some sort of dark police procedural. Yeah, I mean,
It heavily evokes the television series called The Killing, which is a fantastic television series. Actually, this series appears to be evoking a lot of thriller and horror based series, including The Killing, including, you know, like even The Exorcist. There's a whole lot to enjoy here. And I'm actually really looking forward to the show after not really anticipating it at all. I think it'll be a good time around the Halloween season. Yeah, I agree. This is definitely a show that I don't think anyone asked for. I mean, Agatha Harkness.
getting her own television series. That's kind of crazy. But I was really glad to see that this show is invoking like a lot of different horror genre tropes in the same way that WandaVision did with classic television. I think it makes it a worthy successor of WandaVision in that regard. Yeah, Agatha Harkness is not a popular Marvel character for sure, definitely nobody asked for this series, but she does inhabit this very specific
corner of the Marvel Universe, specifically witchcraft. You know, if you're talking about witches, outside of the Scarlet Witch, Agatha Harkness is like the biggest player in the game. And it seems like they have an interesting story to tell here where we see that Agatha was trapped in Wanda's spell. And since the Scarlet Witch died in the Multiverse of Badness, there's no way for her to get out. So we have this other witch, Rio, played by Aubrey Plaza, kind of snap her out of the spell and see if she can get her magic back, it looks like.
Although I'm not entirely sure Aubrey Plaza is a good guy or a bad guy here. She really comes across as the same character that she played in the Legion television series, which is far and away one of my favorite Marvel television series ever. But in that show, she played Lenny, who was once possessed by the Shadow King. And I don't know if it's just Aubrey Plaza's demeanor or cadence or something like that, but she always comes across as a little kind of sinister. I totally get those vibes as well.
If they have any sort of multiversal aspect to the show, it would be nice to get a callback to Lenny, because Aubrey Plaza was just incredible in the Legion television series. But here she plays a witch alongside Agatha. Agatha is going to walk the Witch's Road, which is apparently a trial to get her magic powers back. And so she assembles this coven of covenless witches, which looks like a lot of fun. Apparently this includes Billy Maximoff, who is the son of Wanda.
I don't know who the actor is. I've never seen him in anything. I've seen a lot of people praised his performance in Heartstopper. So hopefully that translates to this show. No, he's not actually Billy yet, right? Well, he's credited, I believe, as just teen, but I think it's gonna be revealed that he is Billy. Okay. A.K.A. Wiccan, a member of the Young Avengers. I wonder if we'll run into Speed as well this series. His brother? Yeah, that would be fantastic. I don't know if he fits.
within the story that they're trying to tell here about witches and magic, but it feels not right to see one brother and not the other. I think it's fantastic that Marvel appears to be going full on horror with this, you know, we did get a glimpse of that with the werewolf by night special, but it looks like they're taking that even further here with some truly scary seeming moments in the teaser. Yeah, for real, at one point I was like, what the fuck is this, the conjuring? The show debuts on September 18th, I believe the first two episodes are going to come out on that day, then each episode is going to come out weekly into November.
and we'll definitely be reviewing it once all the episodes come out. So look forward to that, but also look forward to our upcoming review of Watchmen Chapter 1 for which a Red Band trailer was dropped this past week. Now I don't have too much to say about the trailer other than it looks incredibly faithful to the source material as we've talked about the teaser trailer that they did for parts 1 and 2. It looks like it's just the comic book panels in animated form. Actually watching this trailer
made me really appreciate how faithful Zack Snyder was to the source material when it came to framing his shots from the comic. Yeah, I think the last time we talked about this project, I mentioned how this animated Watchmen series of films just seems redundant, especially when you have Zack Snyder's version out there. I still feel the same way. And in fact, I actually like a lot of the line deliveries and voices given by the actors from
Zack Snyder's live-action film like Billy Crudup's voice as Dr. Manhattan was way better than Dr. Manhattan's voice in this trailer and for this upcoming movie. Yeah, I won't disagree with that I thought Billy Crudup's performance and voice performance specifically was phenomenal in the Watchmen movie and some of the lines from this trailer Kind of felt like they were trying to imitate the same delivery that they made in the live-action film Such as like maybe this was a political killing things like that. Yeah, Jeffrey Dean Morgan's
delivery of the comedians line, what are you kidding, we're saving them from themselves, was like a lot more cocky and nuanced than this voice actor who just seems like angry in one note. So even after this trailer, I feel like I'm less excited for it. Really? Yeah. I like the look of it. I'm glad that it exists in the sense that more people are going to be exposed.
to the Watchmen story. Maybe people that would never have picked up the comic, which you know is hailed as maybe one of the best examples of comic books as a medium. But also, the Watchmen storyline, I think, also translates to different mediums pretty well. Well, in that regard, I think I would have rather had something like a Watchmen video game or something like that than this rehash of the Watchmen story, because the Watchmen story never changes, right? I feel like there are so many other projects that DC could have done.
besides this considering we got already a pretty faithful adaptation of this story, we could have got something like, I don't know, a Hawkman animated film or something like that. And that just seems like it would have been a better use of their resources. I know Watchmen is a brand and everything like that, but I think telling the same story over and over is just a missed opportunity on DC's part, which is why I appreciated so much what Damon Lindelof did with the Watchmen HBO television series. Oh, just like adding to that universe? Yeah. Yeah, he did a fantastic job with that.
I did notice that Paramount was one of the studios responsible for this animated film. They of course helped produce the live action film made by Zack Snyder along with Warner Brothers and I'm wondering if this maybe is a push in some way for Paramount to make money. I know that the studio is being sold currently and this may be like an easy cash grab considering the fact as we've learned since the last time we reviewed the teaser trailer for this, Watchmen is apparently DC Comics best selling published work.
Like by far, year after year. More than like the Dark Knight or something like that? Something bad? Yeah, oh yeah, absolutely, totally. That's weird. I mean, is it, it's a really good piece of work. Of course the trailer was red banned for this film because it's gonna have nudity in it. In the trailer, it even shows Dr. Manhattan's schlong, which is gonna be weird to see animated. I wonder what kind of floppy effects that are gonna give it.
Yeah, it was pretty floppy in the live action movie. Not that I was paying too much attention, but yeah, not that you were stepping frame by frame. But yeah, it looks incredibly faithful. From the looks of it, the film may go up to the fearful symmetry chapter within Watchmen, which I know was the halfway mark of the book. And then part two will carry on the story from there. Exactly. So like the prison sequences, the breakout, all the squid stuff. That won't be until next year.
Chapter 1, of course, is being released on August 13th, so we're just a month away from reviewing it. Along with everything else that's being released around that time, geez. For real. Disney and Warner Bros. decided to release everything all at once this summer. It's ridiculous.
But I think that does it for all the news for this episode, so let's go ahead and get into our main event where we find out who would win in a fight between the Red Lantern Atrocitus and Juggernaut.
Alright, Atrocitus versus Juggernaut. These are two extreme powerhouses from Marvel in DC, both wielding Crimson energies as it were. You know, Atrocitus with his red lantern ring and Juggernaut with the Crimson Bands of Sidorak. That was like a Doctor Strange thing, wasn't it? Yes, he has a spell called the Crimson Bands of Sidorak which he uses to ensnare people. Now he invokes the same entity that the Juggernaut is a champion of.
but no, the bands that the Juggernaut wields are what provide him his armor. It's not like he can summon an ensnaring spell or anything like that. All right, so these are like bracelets? Yeah, pretty much. Okay, so it's like the tough guy wearing red jewelry duel. Exactly. Another tiny between these characters is that they're both magically powered. I know that the Juggernaut is, but I'm not so sure about Atrocitus. Yeah, Atrocitus is like a shaman, you could say. So their powers sort of come from magic in a way.
Should be interesting, but to explain the methodology behind our duels, let's go to our sentient duel simulator Alfred Jarvis9000. AJ9K tell our listeners how you go about determining a winner in our duel matchups. Yes, of course sir. The way I determine a winner between the contestants is by running 1000 Monte Carlo simulations using the characters statistics. A Monte Carlo simulation is a probabilistic model used to determine outcomes through random sampling. In this case, I randomized the statistics along a normal distribution.
as a way to simulate the many variables that can occur during battle. The stat parameters are based on the official Marvel power grid from which the DC characters' statistics are extrapolated. Additional stat categories are included such as range, damage potential, versatility and perception in order to create a more detailed and accurate simulation. The results of the 1000 simulations provide a percentage of wins for each character. The contestant with the higher percentage is declared the victor
as they have a higher probability to win any given battle. In an equitable pairing, neither character should win 100% of the matches. The comic book stories have shown that there's even a way for Batman to defeat Superman, so the confidence rate of my method falls in line with the precedents that have been established in the source material. My mathematical simulations are without subjectivity or bias. Feats are not the sole consideration, nor are fan votes tabulated for determination of the winner.
Thanks AJ9K! Before we run the simulations though, we like to break down each character's histories and abilities before improvising a scenario on how we imagine one of the 1000 simulations would play out beat for beat. And it's my turn to go first this episode with the Marvel characters' backstories, so let me go ahead and tell you all about Juggernaut. Kane Marco was born to Marjorie and Dr. Kurt Marco, who was a nuclear physicist from Berkeley, California.
Kane's mother died when he was three years old, leaving him in the hands of his abusive father. A troubled child, Kane was sent to multiple boarding schools, all of which he was expelled from. When one of his father's colleagues, Dr. Brian Xavier, died in an accident at his research facility, Dr. Kurt married Xavier's widower, Sharon, and he and Kane moved into her family estate in Westchester, New York, along with her young son, Charles Xavier.
Having a new family didn't end Dr. Kurt's abusive behavior, who continued to beat Kane and his new wife, though he spared Charles, whom he seemed to prefer over his own son. Kane hated Charles for this, and he began bullying his stepbrother relentlessly. What he didn't know though was that Charles was developing psychic abilities stemming from a genetic mutation, and was already experiencing the mental and emotional turmoil that Kane and his mom were going through.
You can learn more about this in our Chief vs. Professor X duel episode. Ultimately, the abuse proved to be too much for Sharon, and she succumbed to alcoholism. Shortly after, Dr. Kurt Marco died in a fire inside their mansion's home, leaving Charles and Kane as orphans. While Charles would use his gifted academic mind to graduate high school early and earn multiple degrees at home and abroad, Kane was pulled into the military. While serving on a mission in Asia,
Kain deserted his unit as they came under heavy fire. Cowardly trying to navigate through the jungle brush, he happened upon the lost secret temple of Citorok, a powerful mystic deity. Within, Kain happened upon the crimson gem of Citorok, which looked like a giant glowing ruby. Planning to steal it, Kain grabbed the gem and upon contact was bombarded with mystical energies that destroyed the temple and buried Kain in the rubble. He emerged, transformed with crimson armor,
and seemingly limitless strength becoming the Juggernaut. With his mind set on vengeance for the injustices of his past, Kane sought out his stepbrother Charles who at this point had become Professor X, the leader of the X-Men, which he formed to defend his dream of peaceful, mutant, and human coexistence. You can learn more about the X-Men in their team duel against the Titans. Kane's new helmet protected him from Professor X's psychic attacks, and the entire X-Men team was able to defeat him.
were unable to stop his newfound might. It took assistance from the Human Torch of the Fantastic Four to melt off Kane's helmet so that Professor X could stop his stepbrother by placing him into a coma. The Professor locked Kane in the mansion's basement, where he attempted to remove the powers of the Juggernaut with some assistance from Doctor Strange. Eventually, Kane came out of his coma and attacked the X-Men again, who used the Gem of Sidorak to send Kane to the deity's dimension known as the Crimson.
Cosmos. Kane eventually made his way back to Earth's dimension and went on to battle other heroes such as the Hulk, before meeting and forming a criminal partnership with a mutant named Black Tom Cassidy, and soon the pair became the world's most wanted criminals. After fighting Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, Kane found himself hurled into space, where he overthrew a small planet and became its ruler. Black Tom Cassidy made a deal for access to a teleportation machine, which he used to get Kane back to Earth.
Upon his return, Kane searched for and rediscovered his Crimson Gem of Sidorak to reclaim his power source, which mystically bonded to his body. Not long after, the powerful psychic entity known as Onslaught emerged, a manifestation of the combined psyches of Magneto and Professor X. Shocked to learn that Onslaught was partly his stepbrother, Kane fought the entity, who ripped the Crimson Gem from Kane's body and trapped him inside of it.
Kane eventually was able to free himself only by destroying a corrupt aspect of Sidorak himself, a battle that would later strip him of most of his power. Humbled, Kane finally reconciled with his stepbrother Professor X and joined the X-Men, coming to understand the mutant plight despite not being a mutant himself. His old partner in crime, Black Tom Cassidy, then formed a new Brotherhood of Mutants, which Kane joined as a double agent for the X-Men,
and later joined the British mutant team known as Excalibur, which you can learn more about in our Uncle Sam versus Captain Britain duel. Kane was among the X-Men who tried to protect Professor X from the Hulk's wrath, who had returned to Earth after being exiled into space by a secret group of influential heroes called the Illuminati. Still unable to access the full power of Sidorak, Kane lost his fight with the Hulk. However, Sidorak then appeared before Kane
to tell him that the Crimson Gem was meant to be used for selfish, not heroic purposes. Agreeing to the Deity's terms, Cain was restored to his full strength and once again fought the Hulk, a battle which ended with the Hulk using Cain's momentum against him and fleeing the encounter. Cain ended up abandoning Sidorak's power, instead choosing to wield the Hammer of Kurth to become a member of the Worthy, a group loyal to the Norse god of fear known as the Serpent.
Eventually, Thor defeated the serpent and Cain lost his hammer. Without the blessing of Sidorak, he was now entirely powerless. Retiring to a farm in Utah, Cain tried to live peacefully, but soon heard Sidorak's gem calling out to him as he started looking for a new champion for the Mystic Deity. Cain heeded the call, but only to the gem first in order to destroy it. He had to take on the power instead of eradicating it, however.
to keep the gem's power out of the hands of a villain known as the Living Monolith. Becoming Cidorak's champion once again, Kain tried to collect a 20 million dollar bounty on Deadpool's head, though the merc buried Juggernaut with a cement truck, buying him enough time to escape. During a confrontation with the former New Mutants member Magic, Kain was condemned to her nether realm of Limbo, where he was cut off from Cidorak's power. Kain had to sacrifice his armor to get back home.
where he once again sought out the Crimson Gem and regained his abilities. You can learn more about Magic in her duel episode against Deadman. Though Kane sought to become a citizen of the mutant island nation of Krakoa, Professor X had to initially deny his stepbrothers request since Kane was not a mutant. However, due to his history as a member of the X-Men, Krakoa's leading council put Kane's citizenship up for a vote, and he was able to join his former teammates on the island.
Kane became a member of one of Krakoa's defensive forces based out of a pocket reality contained in Professor X's son Legion's psyche, a team known as the Legionaries. You can learn more about Legion and Krakoa in their respective duels against Crazy Jane and Danny the Street. And that's the Juggernaut's backstory. Powers-wise, Juggernaut is bonded to the Crimson Bands of Cidorak, granting him immense levels of mystic power. This includes vastly enhanced strength, able to lift in excess of 100 tons.
He is fully invulnerable to damage due to a mystic personal force field around his body, which he can extend to increase his area of protection. Juggernaut's personal inertia keeps him moving in any direction he chooses, making him able to smash through any obstacle and rendering him virtually unstoppable. With enough time and distance, Juggernaut can reach speeds approaching Mach 1. He is only susceptible to high-level mental or magical attacks, and if he is ever injured, the powers of Sidorak allow him to regeneratively heal.
He also has military hand-to-hand combat training, and finally with the bands, he is self-sustaining, having no need for food, water, or air. Hey, sounds like a better version of Rhino. That's not a incorrect statement for sure. Yeah, they both specialize basically in charging their enemies, and I gotta tell you, there's no way that Atrocitus is gonna stop the Juggernaut because you can't stop this motherfucker. Holy shit balls. Is what the Juggernaut is gonna be saying.
when Atrocitus kicks his ass. Let me tell you all about the Red Lantern Atrocitus. Now in DC comics, the Guardians of the Universe are a race of beings who are among the first intelligent beings in the universe. In order to bring order and peace to the universe, the Guardians settled on the planet Oa near the center of existence, from which they directed a peacekeeping army of androids known as Manhunters.
The Manhunter's programming eventually became corrupted however, punishing beings over trivial matters and eventually coming to the conclusion that because organic life could not be perfect, they would exterminate all of it to achieve true order within the universe. Out of 3,600 sectors in the universe that the Manhunters were charged with protecting, they began their universal genocide in Sector 666, where a being named Altos watched as
Furtah, daughter Atreca, and son Limey were murdered by the androids. Although the Guardians were able to decommission the Manhunters before more sectors were entirely annihilated, Altos was one of only five beings in the entire sector to survive the genocide. Together, they formed a terrorist cabal known as the Five Inversions that was dedicated to destroying the Guardians from Oa and all that served them.
With Altos, now known as Atrocitus, as their leader, the Five Inversions performed an alien occult ritual that allowed them to see into the future. Prophesying, among other things, the Blankest Night event when Necron, the embodiment of death, would usher in the death of all life in the universe. After setting up a home base on the planet Yismalt, the Five Inversions conquered three entire galaxies, establishing a dominion known as the Empire of Tears,
with magic and occultism integrated into everyday life. Looking to quell the Inversion's terrorism and replace the Empire of Tears' chaotic magic use with scientific order, the Guardians used their new universal peacekeepers, the Green Lantern Corps, to overthrow the Empire and imprison the five Inversions on Yosmalt. The five prisoners were periodically visited by the Green Lantern named Avan Sur, who became obsessed with their prophecy of the Blackest Night.
When Aben freed Atrocitus in order to guide him to the source of the prophetic Black on Earth, Atrocitus escaped, fatally injuring Aben and beginning a rampage on Earth. After performing rituals to track down William Hand, the one prophesied to herald the Blackest Knight, Atrocitus was attacked and defeated by Sinestro and the rookie Green Lantern, Hal Jordan. Both of whom you can learn more about in our Sinestro vs Magneto,
and Green Lantern vs. Nova duel episodes. Sinistro returned Atrocitus to Yismalt, where Atrocitus vowed revenge against Sinistro and prophesied that Sinistro's home planet of Korugar would fall into chaos. This prophecy eventually resulted in Sinistro defecting from the Green Lantern Corps and starting his own Sinistro Corps, who went to war with the Guardians. It was at this time that Atrocitus forged the first Red Lantern power battery, powered by rage,
in much the same way that Green Lanterns and Yellow Lanterns were powered by Willpower and Fear, respectively. He killed the other four Inversions, using their blood to create a Red Central Power Battery and Red Brains, which were sent to wrathful beings across the universe, primarily those who had been wronged by the Sinestro Corps, including the former Green Lantern Lyra. The Red Lanterns ambushed the Green Lanterns after they had defeated Sinestro, capturing him and retreating to Yasmalt.
There, Atrocitus had Sinestro crucified to a red lantern symbol, attempting to use his blood to expand his new red rings for his core, with the goal of destroying Kor'gar, the Sinestro core, and the Green Lantern core. Before he could, however, Sinestro was rescued by his core members alongside Hal Jordan and a couple of blue lanterns in a massive battle on Yosmalt, forcing Atrocitus to retreat to the dark side of the planet.
where he performed a ritual to locate the Blue Lantern's homeworld, as they too were now the subject of his wrath. During the Blackest Night event, Black Power Rings arrived on Yosemalt and reanimated Lyra as well as the other foreign versions, one of which ripped out Atrocitus' heart, though he survived since Red Lantern Blood was pumped by their red rings once they obtained them. Later on Akara,
Atrocitus attempted to steal the sole orange lantern Larkfleeza's power battery, but was thwarted by members of the other colored core. Hal Jordan, Sinestro, the blue lantern Saint Walker, the violent lantern Carol Ferris, as well as Indigo One. Atrocitus was taken to the planet Riot, where he agreed to help fight the Black Lanterns, despite vowing to kill the Guardians afterward. After tracking the Black Lantern's central power battery to Earth,
the core leaders combined their lights to form the white light of creation, who have failed to destroy the battery. During an attack by a Black Lantern Spectre, Atrocitus sensed its true nature as an entity of divine wrath and attempted to capture him to use his rage as a power source. His attempt failed, however, and Atrocitus received a warning from the Spectre about the true rage entity of the emotional spectrum, a being known as the Butcher.
After Necron and the Black Lanterns were defeated, Atrocitus returned to Earth and used the blood of several criminals to perform a ritual to locate the emotional spectrum entities, including the Butcher, though his actions sparked a confrontation with Hal, Carol, and Sinestro. Atrocitus had hired Lobo earlier to attack them, however, in a ploy to gain the other's trust. His plan worked, and Atrocitus managed to locate the Butcher, which, with reluctant
he managed to imprison his power battery to use as an energy source for his rings to create constructs. Though the Spectre tried to stop him, he found himself unable as he realized Atrocitus' cause was a quote-unquote, Holy One. You can learn more about the Spectre in his duel against Galactus. The Butcher was, however, eventually freed from Atrocitus' lantern by the villain, Corona, a former guardian of the universe who was responsible for unleashing evil and chaos on the world,
near the beginning of time. After using the Butcher to defeat Atrocitus and several other lanterns, Chrona retreated to the planet Riot, and though Atrocitus and the others managed to track him there, they initially only found the Book of Black, which revealed that it was Chrona all along who had corrupted the Manhunter's programming. The lanterns became trapped within the book, but were eventually freed by the Green Lantern Kyle Raynor.
of the opportunity to kill Krona in revenge, as Hal Jordan had done it while Atrocitus was trapped, Krona's corpse was delivered to Atrocitus on his smalt to do with as he saw fit. With the ultimate cause for his rage avenged, Atrocitus feared losing control over the Red Lanterns as his rage dimmed. Performing a blood ritual using Krona's innards, Atrocitus made a new vow to punish the guilty across the universe to maintain order.
and he promoted one of his Red Lanterns, Bleese, to be his right hand, restoring her sanity as the Red Lantern rings drive its bearers mad with rage. Bleese, however, almost immediately attempted a revolt, and on top of that, Krona's corpse went missing, leading Atrocitus to fear that Krona had resurrected somehow. In reality, a being named Abyssmas, which was one of Atrocitus' early attempts at creating life through necromancy,
stole Krona's corpse and ate it, imbuing him with great power. Although Atrocitus was injured in the battle against Abyssmas, he was saved by Jon Mour, the new Red Lantern of Earth. When another Lantern of Earth, Kyle Raynor, attempted to harness the power of the Seven Core, Atrocitus agreed to train Kyle in harnessing rage and the use of a Red Lantern Ring. Shortly after, Atrocitus was confronted by a powerful entity known as the First Lantern,
an alternate reality in which his former self, Altos, did not lose his family to the Manhunters, but instead rose to power as a wrathful dictator within his sector, going so far as to killing his own wife and later being killed by his own son. Atrocitus rejected this reality and joined a campaign to destroy the first lantern with the other core, which also resulted in him and Sinestro killing the last of the Guardians of the Universe.
Stripped of his Red Ring by the Green Lantern, Guy Gardner, who became the new leader of the Red Lanterns, Atrocitus merged with the Butcher, but was stripped of the entity by Kyle Raynor. After attempting to create hundreds more rings and ring bearers on Earth, Guy Gardner destroyed all of the new rings, as well as Atrocitus, seemingly. Atrocitus emerged later on, however, and regained leadership over the Red Lantern.
with whom he began enacting the prophecy of the Red Dawn on Earth, as the planet and its beings were the new source of his rage. And that's Atrocitus so far. Powers-wise, the Red Lantern Atrocitus is an alien of the planet Yismalt with greater longevity, physical strength, and durability than humans, as well as having sharp claws on his hands. He is an accomplished necromancer and shaman of blood magic, allowing him to see into the
and create objects such as red lantern batteries and rings. Upon bearing the red ring, Atrocitus' blood was replaced by a lava-like red plasma, so intent it's capable of burning through and corroding other forms of energy. He can project this plasma from his mouth or ring, and he is one of the few red lanterns capable of creating energy-based constructs of anything he can imagine. He's also one of the few red lanterns in possession of his full mental faculty, and
and not consumed by a debilitating sense of rage. And that's Atrocitus. So it looks like another similarity between the two characters is that sometimes they've occasionally flirted with the idea of being heroes. Uh, yeah, you could say that. He's definitely teamed up with, you know, quote-unquote good Lantern Cores, kind of the same way that the Juggernaut has teamed up with the X-Men. He's a misunderstood anti-hero, I guess you could say. I would not describe Juggernaut as that. He's more of like a selfish dickhead who sometimes gets wise.
And Atrocitus is going to get wise during this matchup because he's going to find out what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Is Atrocitus the unstoppable force or the immovable object? No, obviously Juggernaut is both. Okay.
Where fantasies collide and heroes clash, one podcast network rises above the rest. Prepare yourself for the ultimate showdowns in comic books, video games, movies, and anime. The Dynomic Podcast Network presents Console Combat, where video game legends brawl every Monday. Dynamic Duel, where comic book titans smash every Tuesday. Max Destruction, where the world is at its limit.
TV and action heroes battle every Wednesday, and Sendro World, where anime champions clash every Thursday. Join us as we speculate on the matches and armed with the power of mathematical simulations, discover who will emerge victorious. Visit where we settle the debate and settle the score.
But now that we've got their histories and abilities out of the way, let's speculate on how one of the 1000 simulated matches will go. The winner is determined by simulations, not this speculation, but it's fun to imagine how this fight could play out. AJ9K, what are the rules of our speculation? Well, I should say there are no rules, other than the characters have no prior knowledge of the other going into the fight. All they are aware of starting out...
is that the other character is a threat that needs to be eliminated. For the speculation, the contestants will begin approximately 50 meters apart in a nondescript environment that will have no bearing on the match itself, as no environmental statistics are considered in my simulations. The contestants must earn victory on their own merit. Alright then let's get into it. Atrocitus and Juggernaut meet on the battlefield. Who goes first? I'm going to say Atrocitus goes first, because he's just like really angry.
way more angry than Juggernaut. So he'll start off by aiming his ring at Juggernaut and just napalming the guy with like a stream of hot plasma that's just gonna melt his armor off. No, Juggernaut's force field is gonna stop that. It's not even gonna touch Juggernaut. And Juggernaut's gonna be like, "'Don't you know who I am? "'I'm the Juggernaut, bitch.'" I had to say that. And Juggernaut's gonna charge forward and he slams into Atrocitus, just turning him.
into a red smear. Quickest match ever. Okay, so let me get this straight. Human torch can melt his armor, but atrocitas can't? No, I mean to clarify, the human torch melted the rivets that held Juggernaut's helmet in place, not his armor, and that was like his first comic book appearance. I mean like since then, he's grown more powerful and developed the force field thing.
Okay, but Atrocitus' plasma can destroy other forms of energy, like forcefield energy. No, no, no, Juggernaut's forcefield, it's not like just simple energy. It's magic energy sourced from one of the most powerful elder mystic deities. Like Atrocitus is not more powerful than Sidorak, and like neither are any of the lanterns for that matter. So I don't think Atrocitus' energy is actually strong enough to burn through Juggernaut's forcefield. Okay, fine.
Atrocitus gets slammed into but you know, he's not a smear because he threw up a wall construct at the last second So what juggernaut plows right through the wall and he's this unstoppable force now, right? No, but like Atrocitus was knocked out of the way of the juggernaut by the wall debris is what I'm saying And you know Atrocitus he's an accomplished shaman and he's probably gonna recognize The mystic nature of juggernaut's powers by this point. So while juggernaut
you know, continues to charge in the same direction, Atrocitus is just gonna vomit plasma blood on the floor in a circle around him. What is it? What does the circle of plasma blood do? You're gonna find out. You're gonna learn today. Okay. Well Juggernaut, meanwhile, he's gonna make a long ass U-turn and he's gonna double back to charge Atrocitus again. But this time, you know, he's built up enough speed so he's going like 200 miles per hour. And like,
for sure when he plows it to Atrocitus, he's gonna turn him into a skid mark. Except that like in the time it takes for Juggernaut to do this long ass U-turn, Atrocitus used his blood to create a blood magic sigil around him. And when Juggernaut steps into that sigil, he gets frozen in place. You virtually can't stop him though. Like there's also a mystic force powering Juggernaut's inertia. So you're just talking about magic versus magic.
Okay, okay, well, let's say instead of freezing him in place, the blood sigil just makes him run in place like a like a frictionless surface or like a hamster wheel. Interesting. I'll allow it. And from the sigil, Atrocitus is then going to channel a tornado made of pure blood that just lifts Juggernaut into the air. And now that he's in the air and can't like run or charge or do fucking anything that he can do.
Atrocitus is going to create this giant mace that he's going to swing in the air and knock Juggernaut to the horizon. No, but like, so a force generated against Juggernaut is the same thing as Juggernaut directing a force against the object. So basically Juggernaut is just going to no sell being hit by this red energy mace. It's just going to shatter around him as he's like running midair being lifted up by this blood tornado. And then.
Juggernaut's gonna clap his hands, which is gonna be like this massive thunder clap that generates a gust of wind that's gonna dissipate Atrocitus' blood tornado. And Juggernaut's gonna fall to the ground, you know, outside of the blood sigil, and he's gonna stomp the ground, which is gonna kick up this massive ass boulder that he catches and just hurls at Atrocitus, just smashing into him. Except that this boulder is caught midair by like a giant...
set of claws like talons. It's an energy construct that just crushes the boulder in its grasp before moving over to Juggernaut and gripping him by his helmet like a crane game and bringing him over to Atrocitus who uses the claws to pry off the Juggernaut's helmet, at which point he's going to carve a symbol into Juggernaut's forehead that allows Atrocitus to take control of him, like mentally. And that's one of the Juggernauts just going to punch his own head off.
and end this match. Well, okay, if the Talons pick up and bring Juggernaut over to Atrocitus, then they're generating inertia for Juggernaut in Atrocitus's direction, right? So like, Atrocitus doesn't have any time to pry off Juggernaut's helmet or carve anything into his head because Juggernaut's just gonna keep fucking flying toward Atrocitus, you know, fist first, and he's just gonna punch off Atrocitus's head clean off instead of his own. Hey, hey, you can't.
You can't do that thing. I did the head thing. I say Juggernaut misses and punches Atrocitus through the chest. And surprise, Atrocitus doesn't even need a heart to live. Well, he probably has other organs in his chest, right? Like lungs or something like that. Does he need lungs to breathe? Because those are gone, too, with this hole in his chest. He's an alien. Like, you don't know where his lungs are. All right. Well, then Juggernaut turns Atrocitus around and then rips out his ass lungs. OK.
Same thing.
The disrespect, no way Atrocitus is gonna let this happen to him. He would just get so pissed off. He's already full of rage and he saw this coming. So it didn't happen because he divined the future before this match and saw Juggernaut would try shit like that. And so it doesn't work. Like Juggernaut just ends up under his control. End of match that never happened. All right, we'll go ahead and leave it there. Either Atrocitus manages to pry off Juggernaut's helmet.
and carve a magic symbol in his forehead that makes him take over Juggernaut's mind and cause him to punch his head off. Or Juggernaut rips out Atrocities' heart and or butt lungs. Well it's not the heart. I hate to say it's the butt lungs. We'll just say internal organs. We'll just go with that. Okay. There we go. We'll go ahead and leave the match there. We're going to input the character's stats, run a thousand simulations, and come back with a winner. AJ9K, hit it!
inputting data, running calculations, processing results, simulations complete. All right, this is a pretty interesting match up. The characters were semi-similar in terms of their stats, although we did give the edge in things like durability and strength, obviously, to Juggernaut. Yeah, there was no surprise there. Also no surprise we gave the edge in terms of versatility, range, and evasiveness to Atrocitus because
Juggernaut never evades. Yeah, that's true. We also gave the speed advantage to Atrocitus because Juggernaut really has to accelerate to those high speeds that he can run at. Whereas Atrocitus, you know, he's damn fast. We gave a slight fighting edge to Juggernaut considering that he has a lot of experience as a brawler and also has some military combat training. Whereas Atrocitus was a...
whereas Atrocitus was a psychologist prior to joining the five inversions. And we all know that psychologists don't know how to fight. I'm just saying like he doesn't have much fight training. He's very much a brawler, but I don't know how formal that is. Of course this means that Atrocitus' background gives him the edge in intelligence. We also said that he had the edge in perception, being that he can divine the future. So taking all these stats into account, Jonathan, who do you think is going to take home the dub?
I'm pretty sure it's gonna be atrocities. They were almost tit-for-tat when it came to the different stats But I feel like the stats were atrocities came out ahead in he came out far ahead in and I think most people would agree Our Instagram followers in the poll that we did voted 73% in favor of Atrocities winning which surprised me not gonna lie. I mean, it's the motherfucking juggernaut. You can't stop him I don't see how you can vote against him, but let's see if they're right
AG9K the results please. Here you are sir. Alright the winner between Atrocitus and Juggernaut is... Atrocitus. Of course it is! Of course it is! I guess you can stop this motherfucker cause Atrocitus laid the beat down on Juggernaut winning 827 of the simulated matches over Juggernaut's measly 173 wins.
Shit yeah, eighty two point seven percent over seventeen point three percent is no joke Juggernaut just didn't have you know a lot of the stuff that atrocities excelled in like range versatility and speed Durability and strength alone weren't able to help him overcome. I mean really statistically juggernaut is not that Impressive of a specimen. He's kind of a one-trick pony in that
You know, he smashes things and he punches things and he does that stuff really well, but there's not much more he can do. Yeah, he's sort of like the ultimate when it comes to like smashing and punching things, right? Yeah. But yeah, it definitely didn't help him when it came up against a character as versatile as a lantern. So does that mean that this was a mismatch? Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, I liked the idea of it at the time, because, you know, again, all the different correlations that we found between them.
regards to like red energy and they're just both angry thematically the match works but statistically it could have been worse almost and we definitely can't blame the executive producers on this one because it was my idea for a matchup i perhaps overestimated the juggernaut's ability to go up against red lantern so that's that's my bad and once again you underestimate the awesomeness of dc and now you're learning your lesson
I definitely overestimate the cheater-ness, the overpowered-ness of DC quite often. I tend not to think that the characters are as bullshit as they are, but apparently I'm wrong. It's a fucking lantern character! How did you not see this coming? Because it's the fucking juggernaut, bitch! That's why. Pride, that's what it is. You're too proud of your Marvel characters. Well, pride cometh before the fall, and now you know. Well, my fist cometh before your fall. Next time I see you.
simply because I'm mad about this match. So yeah, next time I see you in person, Jonathan, just be ready. You're gonna get punched. Okay, and like atrocities, before you even reach me, I'm just gonna vomit all over you. That's gross. So have fun. Come at me. Well, that does it for this duel guys. H-U-9K help close this out.
Thanks for listening to Dynamic duel. Visit the show's website at and follow us on Instagram at dynamicduelpodcast. You can support the show on Patreon at slash dynamicduel and joining a tier that works for you, or by rating and reviewing Dynamic duel on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podchaser or on our website. Don't forget to listen to the other shows in the DynaMic Podcast Network, including Max Destruction, Senjow World and Console Combat.
In our next episode, we will be reviewing Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3. This, of course, is the supposed final film in the 10 film Tomorrowverse series. I'm gonna say right now I don't think you can match the conclusion that was Justice League Dark Apocalypse War, but I'm hoping that Part 3 is at least better than Part 2. Yeah, same, same. But that does it for this episode, we want to give a big thanks to our executive producers,
Ken Johnson, John Strosky, Zachary Hepburn, Dustin Balcombe, Mickey Mathagean, Brandon Essergard, Nathaniel Wagner, Levi Yeaton, Austin Wazilowski, AJ Dunkerley, Scott Camacho, Gil Camacho, Adam Spies, Andrew Shunk, Dean Maleski, Devin Davis, and Joseph Kirstink for helping make this podcast possible. We'll talk to you guys next week. Up up and away, true believers.