Best of DC & Marvel 2024 Brothers Awards

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• 0:00:00 - Introduction
• 0:04:00 - No-Prize Time
• 0:12:20 - Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Official Trailer
• 0:17:34 - Question of the Week
• 0:18:19 - 2024 Brothers Awards Intro
• 0:21:35 - Best Trailer 2024
• 0:27:27 - Best Original Music 2024
• 0:34:04 - Best New On-Screen Character 2024
• 0:39:37 - Best Villain 2024
• 0:44:44 - Best Hero 2024
• 0:49:37 - Best Moment 2024
• 0:56:49 - Best Actress 2024
• 1:02:13 - Best Actor 2024
• 1:07:12 - Best Television Series 2024
• 1:12:01 - Best Motion Picture 2024
• 1:18:07 - Sign off
Executive producers: Ken Johnson, John Starosky, Zachary Hepburn, Dustyn Balcom, Miggy Matanguihan, Brandon Estergard, Nathaniel Wagner, Levi Yeaton, Austin Wesolowski, AJ Dunkerley, Scott Camacho, Gil Camacho, Adam Speas, Andrew Schunk, Dean Maleski, Devin Davis, Joseph Kersting, Josh Liner, Mike Williams, and Oscar Galvez
"Take a Chance" "Clash Defiant" "Blip Stream" "Nowhere Land" Kevin MacLeod (, Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
#Marvel #DC #MarvelVsDC
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because again, this is your last chance to help support a good cause. Thanks guys, and on with the show.
Hi and welcome to the Dynamic Duel Podcast, a weekly show where we review superhero films and debate the superiority between Marvel and DC by comparing their characters in stat-based battle simulations. I'm Marvelous Joe. And I'm his twin brother, Johnny DC. And in this episode, we are going to count down the best that Marvel and DC put out in the year 2024 with our 9th annual Brothers Awards episode. Yeah, this is a super fun episode every year. Although
Prior years have probably been more fun because this wasn't a great year for Marvel and DC films I would say. Whoa, speak for yourself. You can talk shit about DC all you want to, but leave Marvel alone. No no no. You did not have a bad year whatsoever. Marvel put out shit in the theaters this year. No, they didn't. And also, they put out great content on Disney+. Oh that's weird. Apparently Joseph loves Sony's Spider-Verse everyone. He just admitted it.
We'll talk all about what shows and movies are getting our awards later on this episode. Before that we're going to break down the latest comic book movie news to come out this past week, of which there was just one news item and that was the official trailer for the Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man television series. As always we list our segment times in our episode description so feel free to check out the show notes if you want to skip ahead to a particular topic. Our artificially intelligent Duel simulator AJ9K has a quick message for our listeners.
So listen up.
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Guys be sure to tune into the other shows on the DynaMic Podcast Network this week including Max Destruction, which pits your favorite action heroes from film and television against each other. This week, hosts Scotty and Gilly are finding out who would win in a fight between Godzilla and Gamera. On the Sendrow World Podcast, host Zachary Heppern speculates on fights between fan favorite anime and manga characters. Last week, Zach wasn't able to put out his Shinra from Fire Force vs. Najima from a Dick in a Box episode.
So he will be doing that this week. And on the console, Combat Podcasts hosts John and Dean simulate battles between popular video game characters. In yesterday's episode, they found out who would win between Shadow the Hedgehog and Black Zero from Mega Man. Visit or click the link in our show notes to listen to all of the shows in the DynaMic Podcast Network. But with that out of the way, quick to the new prize.
A no prize is an award Marvel used to give out to fans. Our version, the dynamic Duel no prize, is a digital award that we post on Instagram for the person that we feel gave the best answer to our question of the week. Last week we asked, on a scale of 1 to 10, how excited has the official teaser trailer for Superman made you for James Gunn's DCU? And why? And we got a whole lot of answers this week, 8 in total, so let's go ahead and count down our 3 honorable mentions.
as well as the no prize winner. Our first honorable mention goes to Daniel Alonso, who said, From one to 10, one, I guess, because I can't pick zero. I mean, Superman is one of the most boring characters of all time. I don't care, I've never cared. And then adding crypto, like, why? The animals in DC are so boring, no one cares. The only version of Superman I've ever.
And it pains me to say liked is Henry Cavill's, but God, I do not care at all about this movie. Did I say this was an honorable mention? Because I meant it was a dishonorable mention. It's so ironic that you are saying Superman is the most boring character because I thought that was your mom. What? Why are you getting personal? He didn't get personal. He just said he doesn't like Superman as a character because he's boring, which is a valid criticism.
Well, I feel personally attacked because I loved this trailer and I don't see how anyone could say it was boring because like I mentioned, when we were discussing the trailer in our last episode, we see a side of Superman, a more human side that we really haven't seen on screen before. For people who think that the character of Superman is boring, do you think James Gunn's Superman movie will be the one to turn them around? If it doesn't, I don't know what can. And what do you have to say to the people who think that Superman is boring?
You are on the wrong side of history, my friends. Wrong side. I know that a lot of people thought that characters like Captain America were boring prior to those MCU films coming out. So I really hope that the Superman movie does for the character of Superman that Captain America was able to do for Steve Rogers. And then some, because Steve Rogers is still pretty boring. You know what, Daniel Alonso, you're right. Good job. Our next honorable mention goes to.
Travis Herndon who said, What's up Dun and Medoos, Travis here, shout out to my Evil Twins. So my scale would have to be a seven and a half out of ten. I think it looks really good, looks promising. The costumes and stuff, still gotta get used to those, but everything else looks pretty good. The music is just amazing. I mean, I'm a sucker for rock ballads. So honestly, yeah, looks promising to me, but I'm not putting my hopes up until I see the movie myself.
And that's fair. It's fair to delay judgment until you see the final film in terms of how you're going to feel about James Gunn taking over the DCU. The trailer may be great, but that does automatically mean that his DCU will be great, although I hope it will be. So was the teaser trailer great? I thought so. Yeah, I thought it was fantastic. I think I'm more along the lines of Travis Herndon here. I'm at a steady like maybe seven, six and a half.
kind of in terms of excitement level. Like the teaser trailer wasn't mind-blowingly awesome. It didn't blow me away. I thought it was pretty good. It was a great Superman movie trailer. As I mentioned, again, last episode, I didn't really have too many expectations and maybe that's why this trailer exceeded mine. I will totally admit that, but I can't help but love what I saw. I remember back in like 2012 when we got the first teaser trailer for
Man of Steel, and I remember being blown away by that. I thought that was a fantastic teaser. I don't know if the trailer for this most recent iteration of Superman quite lived up to that. I think it was hard to really gauge that the first Man of Steel teaser trailer was a Superman movie because we got shots of like a butterfly on a porch swing and a guy walking down the road with a beard. It wasn't as much of a Superman movie as it was just like a fairly decent looking movie in general.
I liked the music for that one, though I do have to say, as Travis Herndon mentioned, the rock ballad that they use here of John Williams' original score hit me way harder than I thought it would. Like when he's saving that young girl and the music is just swelling, I was like, holy crap, tears in my eyes. Tears in my eyes. Oh my god, get over yourself. Tears coming out of my eyes, bro. Thanks Travis Herndon for your answer. Our next honorable mention goes to Mason Thompson, who said, What's giddy?
Plain and simple, 10 out of 10. I love it, because I like how much it pops. I think James Gunn does that very well. And I think he represents more hope than Henry Cavill did. I don't know what it is about it, it just does. And then Guy Gardner's bowl cut, mwah. I like the actor for Lex Luthor, and I like Mr. Terrific, so 10 out of 10.
Yeah, one of the major criticisms of the DCEU was how dark it was, not only in terms of themes, but also in terms of the cinematography. The colors in this new Superman movie looks like they really are going to pop and really jump at you on the screen. I was actually pretty amazed by how striking the visuals were in this trailer. And that's partly why I think people are getting a much more hopeful vibe from this universe.
If you're a DC fan who reads DC comics, seeing things like Guy Garner's bowl cut, that's all really exciting because it feels like for the first time we're getting a pretty close translation of the comics characters to the screen in a more faithful way than perhaps we've had in the past. Well, it means that you're getting a shared universe like right out of the gate. Right. Yes, exactly. It's a risky move to jump in the deep end like that, but we'll see if it pays off. My body is ready.
Great answer, Mason. We want to give a quick shout out to Jarell, who called in for the first time. Thanks for calling in. John Storosky, Josh Hayward, and Michael Williams for taking the time to visit our website and record an answer. But the winner for this week's No Prize is Miggy Mathengian, who said, hey, what's up, guys? This is Miggy. And on a scale from 1 to 10, it would be a million. The Superman teaser trailer got me super hyped. It's everything I wanted and more. We got to see.
the hope that Superman really embodies. We got to see him saving people and being who he is. We got to see crypto and the terrifics and the Daily Planet staff like Lois and his classic enemies like Lex. And a lot of people agree with me because it is the fifth most viewed trailer of all time. The fact that Warner Brothers Studios has been around as long as it has and Superman has become its most viewed trailer.
bodes really, really well for this movie. It's the number five most viewed trailer of all time. And if you look at the four above it, they're all Marvel films. Deadpool and Wolverine actually just set the number one record earlier this year, but also all four of them went on to gross over a billion dollars. I'm not saying that means Superman is going to gross over a billion dollars, but man, what a precedent. Does high trailer views on YouTube correlate to enjoyment of the trailer?
Or do you think a lot of them were hate views? No, no one hate watches stuff that many times. It's it's hype factor. It officially has like the biggest hype factor of a Warner Brothers or DC movie ever, apparently right at the gate. It's awesome. I hate watched it a few times. I'm just going to say that. You know what? That's fine. Keep adding to it. The numbers. Anyone who didn't like the trailer should definitely hate watch it at least five or six more times. And the movie in theaters as well. Right. Go hate watch that.
At least three times. Well congrats to Miggy for winning this week's No Prize. If you the listener want a shot at winning your own No Prize, stay tuned to later on this episode when we'll be asking another Question of the Week. And now that that's done, onto the news!
Alright, this past week we got our first official trailer for the Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man series, which is going to debut in January of 2025, so just in a few weeks here. It's pretty late to be getting a trailer, but maybe that's because when I watched it I didn't like too much of anything that I saw. I'm just gonna say it right off the bat. I didn't love this trailer. What didn't you like about it? Okay, so for a bit of context, this show was originally going to be Spider-Man Freshman
and it was going to be a look at the MCU version of Peter Parker, you know, the Tom Holland version. It was basically going to be his origin story. But the show was later retooled to be an alternate universe version of Peter Parker. You know, this is definitely not the MCU version of Peter Parker. But you know, there's supposed to be a lot of parallels here. One of the parallels we see here is that instead of Tony Stark mentoring Peter Parker, it's going to be Norman Osborn, which is an interesting take.
Yeah, and instead of getting the Iron Spider suit, he gets like the Future Foundation suit. Yeah, that's one of the things I don't like. That's at the end of the trailer. But yeah, it is weird that Spider-Man's initial Spider-Man costume outside of his homemade one is going to be the Future Foundation, which, of course, in the comic books is a white and black Spider-Man outfit that was given to Peter Parker.
By Reed Richards, Mr. Fantastic, when he formed the Future Foundation in honor of Johnny Storm, who at the time had died in the Negative Zone in the comic books. And it was a science organization and it was a cool looking outfit. But it is weird for that to be his first, like, official outfit within this particular universe. So that was like one of the things I didn't like. I also don't really like his initial homemade outfit. Like, it doesn't have the goggles from the MCU version of Spider-Man that we saw.
Like it comes with his curved eye lenses, like right off the bat, which I thought was a little bit weird. But also the suit doesn't look very appealing, despite the fact that it's supposed to be, you know, homemade. Yeah, it's almost more like Scarlett Spider's costume. Well, yeah, I mean, that's what inspired Tom Holland's version of his homemade outfit. But I really liked the way they took that one, where it was like a hoodie, you know, with the goggles. Here we have more like a sports jersey with the curved lenses and everything like that.
He's wearing a backpack which holds his web fluid which is connected to his wrists via these hose cables. It's all just very different. I didn't like some of the scenes that we got here where Spider-Man is beating up a bunch of high school bullies. He straight up web slings a brick into one of the kid's head. I'm pretty sure he commits murder in the course of this trailer. It just seems a little bit violent for the character. I'm not anti-cartoon violence, but I'm pretty sure...
that in the next shot where we see the kid who got hit in the head with a brick, he's totally comatose. And I don't know, it's just, it's weird. This feels a little bit nitpicky, but everything just falls in line with my prior biases that I had developed against the show. We see Peter Parker say deuce is out. I thought that was fucking weird. It is cool to see Liz Allen and Nico Minoru within the trailer. I'm really interested in seeing what they do with Nico if she's gonna get her staff of one.
and maybe there's gonna be like a runaways tie in with this particular series. That would be really cool. But that would be one of the few things that I would be looking forward to. I understand your criticisms, though I guess I am surprised that you didn't like this. I didn't care for it too much. I definitely thought you were going to like it more than I did. I actually did like the animation style. It reminded me very much of like a Silver Age kind of Steve Ditko approach. But that said, I could also criticize that because I would much rather see.
then continue the what-if animation style for MCU projects, just to keep that branding, essentially. No, I mean, I don't need that at all. I mean, look at X-Men 97. Well, that's not in the MCU. Neither is this, you know? And actually, now that I mentioned that, the ideal version of this project, considering how good X-Men 97 was, would have been for them to make Spider-Man 98, which is the year that the 90's Spider-Man cartoon ended. And that cartoon was fantastic. You know, it was a quintessential Spider-Man cartoon.
which came out concurrently with the X-Men 90s cartoon. So I think I would have preferred that a million times more than what we're getting here with this strange quasi MCU take on Spider-Man. Yeah, that seemingly has one foot in the MCU and one foot out. Yeah. I get it. I would have loved to have seen like year one of the MCU Peter Parker. Yeah, I either wanted freshman year or Spider-Man 98. This whole criticism of the trailer just feels like me bitching and moaning.
But I think a lot of people would at least agree that what could have been for this show would have been better. So when we review this, are you going to count that against this show? No, I'm going to try to go in as objective as possible. You know, for everything that I'm saying about the show, it could have really tremendously well-written stories. And in that case, I'm going to rate it accordingly. But I just want to on the record basically that this show probably could have been something better. Well, who knows? Maybe we'll end up seeing this version of Spider-Man in the Beyond the Spider-Verse movie.
or in Secret Wars or something, who knows. I guess we'll find out how good the show is when it starts streaming on Disney Plus on January 29th. But speaking of people's anticipation and excitement levels, for this series that brings us to our question of the week.
On a scale of 1-10, how excited has the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man trailer made you for the series, and why? This question is kind of similar to last week's question about the Superman trailer, but it's going to be about this animated series. Record your answer at by clicking on the red microphone button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, which will prompt you to leave us a voicemail. Your message could be up to 30 seconds long, and don't forget to leave your name in case we include you on the podcast.
We'll pick our favorite answer and award that person a dynamic duel no prize that we'll post to Instagram. Be sure to answer before January 4th.
That does it for all the news for this episode. So let's go ahead and move on to our main event, which will be the 2024 Brothers Awards instead of like going with a purple carpet or a red and blue striped carpet. Jonathan, let's go with the carpet whose fibers are like red on one side and blue on the other. So like the carpet changes color as people walk on it. No, no, no. Two separate carpets. All right. Yeah, let's segregate the Marvel fans from the DC fans. You're right. Red carpet goes to the back door. Blue carpet goes to the front.
The red carpet goes to the glass elevator. Anyway, we're getting too caught up on this carpet thing, but let's go ahead and get seated for the 9th Annual Brothers Awards.
All right, everybody, welcome to the 2024 Brothers Awards. It is the premiere event that we hold every year on this show where we award the best onscreen content to come out from Marvel and DC. Yeah, it's an award show that we've done every year since the podcast started back in 2016. If you've listened to one of our award shows before, you'll know that the Brothers Awards are actually named after the Marvel and DC Red and Blue Brothers that represented their respective universes.
in the DC vs Marvel comic mini series that came out in the 90s. Yeah, we award these statuettes to Marvel and DC Media in 10 different categories, including Best Trailer, Best Original Music, Best New On-Screen Character, Best Villain, Best Hero, Best Moment, Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Series Slash Special, and finally Best Picture. Ten different categories, each with four nominees from which we pick the winner.
Yeah, anything that came out in theaters or on a streaming platform is eligible to win. For Marvel, in 2024 that included the theatrical films Madame Web, Deadpool and Wolverine, Venom the Last Dance, and Kraven the Hunter. And on streaming, there was Echo Season 1, X-Men 97 Season 1, Hitmonkey Season 2, Agatha All Along Season 1, and What If Season 3. So 9 different Marvel projects eligible for a Brothers Award in 2024.
Whereas DC had 13, that included the feature films Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, Watchmen Chapters 1 and 2, and Joker Folie a Deux. For streaming services we had Dead Boy Detective Season 1, My Adventures with Superman Season 2, Suicide Squad Isekai Season 1, Batman Caped Crusader Season 1, Kite Man Hell Yeah!
Season one and the Penguin season one. A lot of season ones here. A lot of content for sure. Although not as much as previous years. I think largely due to the writer's strike, but enough to work with. That's what you say. No, this was a tough year. I feel like for DC and Marvel too for both of us. Not really, no. Yes, don't lie. Don't lie to yourself. Let's go ahead and get started with our first category, which is best trailer.
The way I picked the nominees and the winner for best trailer are the trailers that not only got me very excited for the upcoming project, but also I think gave us something new and exciting. Yeah, it should be noted that the content eligible for this award was not necessarily on our list of projects that came out in 2024. Right. They could be trailers for projects that come out in 2025. Let me run down the Marvel nominees. The nominees are Captain America Brave New World Official Trailer.
Your inner circle's been compromised. Let me fix it. Watch yourself. You're not Steve Rogers. You're right. I'm not. Deadpool and Wolverine. Official teaser. You don't just stand there, you ape. Give me a hand up. Nope, I'm actually okay. Thank you very much. Thunderbolts. D23 Brazil special look. You are all so adorable. Eat shit, Valentina.
Venom The Last Dance Final Trailer What's his name then?
We have something in me.
That's a solid lineup. If I had to guess which one of those gets the win this year, that's tough. It might be the Thunderbolts because I know you like the TOTY's Possum Kingdom that song was used in the Thunderbolts trailer. But I also really liked the style of the Brave New World trailer. So I think I'm going to go with that. That's my guess. And the winner is. Captain America, Brave New World official trailer.
Alright, you guessed correctly right out of the gate. Yeah, Captain America Brave New World was a different kind of trailer for Marvel. You know, they've never really put out something that stylistic ever really. You know, the trailer didn't have the typical Marvel Studios title card. It was heavily stylized with like split screenshots and kind of creepy sound effects and everything like that that just really evoked the best political thrillers ever made. Yeah, there was no music. There were no jokes. It felt very off brand for Marvel.
but also it was really intriguing. Yeah, the trailer was a big swing for Marvel, I feel like, and it gets me excited for the future of Marvel trailers and how stylistic they're willing to go with them from here on out. And also excited for Captain America Brave New World. I am really pumped to see that now. Regarding the other nominees, I nominated Venom, The Last Dance final trailer, because that was when we got word that Null was gonna be in the movie. We didn't know that before, so that got me super pumped.
Of course, the D23 Brazil special look for Thunderbolts was fantastic. It was an extended preview for the film and Deadpool and Wolverine. The teaser for that film came out around the Super Bowl, and it just got me all sorts of hyped. Like we didn't even see Wolverine in that preview until we see his shadow walk over Deadpool laying on the ground and his claws pop. And then we get the official title of the movie, which was Deadpool and Wolverine. So that was all just very exciting. But yeah, Captain America Brave New World gets the win.
for its stylistic choices. Great year for Marvel trailers, absolutely. Also a great year for DC trailers. And let me get into my nominations. The nominees for best DC trailer are Joker, Folie a Deux, official teaser trailer. Whoa.
The Penguin Season 1 Official Teaser 2 Suicide Squad Isekai Season 1 Official Trailer 3
Superman official teaser trailer crypto Home david home
I think this one's pretty clear cut. I think you're going to give it to Superman because even though it's a mid trailer, you just seem to really be gung-ho for it. So that's my guess. And the winner is... Superman Official Teaser Trailer.
Yeah, you're absolutely right. I gave this one the award, not only because it was the most recent one and very top of mind, but also because of, again, how hyped it gets me for James Gunn's universe as a whole. It's really awesome to be a DC fan right now and have something like an entirely new universe to look forward to, especially after a trailer like this that makes you fairly confident in the quality and tone that that universe will have.
I think prior to the release of the Superman trailer, you were most excited by the Joker Folly-A-Do trailer. I almost gave that one the win because that teaser trailer was incredible. What the World Needs Now, a song by Tom Jones, just fit perfectly with the tone and the footage that they were showing. It looked like it was going to be another masterpiece from Todd Phillips, and it really set my expectations unbelievably high.
dashed on the rocks below once the movie finally came out and we all saw it. Yeah, that was definitely an instance of the trailer being better than the movie. Yeah. Regarding the other two nominees, the Penguin Season 1, Official Teaser 2, and Suicide Squad Isekai Season 1, Official Trailer 3, I chose those largely because they also got me really excited and pumped for the upcoming projects. I was actually really happy with just about every trailer that came out for DC this year.
Well, let's go ahead and move on to our next category, which is best original music. Music in movies and television have a way of moving and affecting audiences in a way they may not even realize. A good score can go a long way in setting the tone for a film and our emotional response to it. Yeah, the way I usually judge a film's music is by how evocative it is of the material you're seeing on the screen. If it's iconic.
That's a big bonus. And of course, I try to pick out what's unique as well. This category encompasses both the score and original songs that were made for the movie. DC had some great music this year, and let me go over my nominees. The nominees for best DC original music are Dead Boy Detectives, season one.
Joker, follow ya'll do.
I'll follow you. Take my hand. Stay here, my friend. The Penguin, season one.
may be trouble ahead. Suicide Squad Isekai, Season 1.
These are good options. The music for The Penguin was fantastic, but I think ultimately you're gonna give it to Suicide Squad Isekai, because the music for that show was just next level. And the winner is Joker, Ballyadoo. What? No! Are you joking me? You think I wouldn't give it to a musical that had good music? The songs for that movie sucked. No, you are wrong, my friend. If you listen to the soundtrack,
of Joker Folly I do, it's actually a really damn good soundtrack. And it actually had multiple soundtracks. Not only did it have the score from Hilda Gunnedadder, which crushed it, it also had an original soundtrack featuring songs from Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix. And on top of that, Lady Gaga released a side album called Harley Quinn, featuring a lot of the same music from the movie, as well as some original songs that she composed, which just blew my mind how classic they sound. The movie was
terrible, but amidst the garbage that was on the screen was not the music. You know, you usually have a controversial choice every year. And I think this is your controversial choice for this year. I think you're going to get a lot of flack from fans when they see this award being posted to Instagram, but I think you at least you have a good reasoning behind this one, better reasoning than you have had in past years with your controversial choices.
I'm going to share the albums with you and I hope you listen to them. And I think you'll agree with me at the end of the day. I won't listen to it. OK. OK. Dead Boy Detectives, the Penguin, both had really solid scoring throughout the series. Suicide Squad was interesting also in that it had original music from artists like Maury Kaliope, which was used in the end credits for each episode. Yeah, those songs were bangers. And that was, I think, the clear winner.
Echo, season one.
Hit Monkey Season 2
Kraven the Hunter.
have to say that the music choices they made for Hit Monkey season two were phenomenal but I don't know how many of those were original to the show. Agatha all along was the closest thing that Marvel had to a musical this year so I think that's gonna get the win. And the winner is Agatha all along season one. Alright you're just nailing the guesses so far. Two for two!
Yeah, Agatha all along season one did things with music that we haven't seen since Wandavision in that we had a lot of original music and the score for the show itself was top notch. It was incredible to listen to. Echo had a lot of great original songs, including some really awesome Native American music, as well as a very heavy desert rock sounding riffs. Hit Monkey, as always, is just a fantastic show that not only includes a lot of
great pulls in their soundtrack, but the score itself is a great mix of rock and EDM and hip-hop and R&B. It's just fantastic to listen to. Kraven the Hunter I included on here largely because I thought it was more unique than the other options that Marvel had released this year in that Kraven had a lot of music with strong African influences and traditional Russian music. I don't think I even really noticed the score from Kraven. Well, I'll send you the link to the album and you can check it out.
I will listen to it if you listen to all three Joker albums. I won't. Then fuck off. Let's go ahead and move on to our next category, which is best new on screen character. Now we like to give this award to the characters that are new and surprising and hopefully exciting on the big and small screen. You know, a lot of the reason why fans enjoy watching these movies and shows is to see who's going to be adapted next and what they're going to look like and what their powers are going to be portrayed as.
So this is always an exciting award. Yeah, specifically the nominees eligible for this award are characters that appear for the first time within a specific universe. Right, yeah, when you talk about the multiverse, things get a little bit tricky because you may see new iterations of characters that you've seen previously, but we consider a new adaptation essentially to be a new version of the character. Let's get into the Marvel Award.
The nominees for best Marvel new on-screen character are Gambit from Deadpool and Wolverine.
Null from Venom the Last Dance.
Kraven the Hunter from Kraven the Hunter.
Wiccan from Agatha All Along, Season 1.
Oh, interesting. Does Wiccan technically count? Because we've seen the character in the MCU earlier. Yeah, but that wasn't even the same kid. And I'm not talking just about actor wise. And if you've seen Agatha all along, you'll know what I'm talking about. OK. Either way, I don't think he got the win. I think the winner, hands down, is Gambit from Deadpool and Wolverine. And the winner is Wiccan from Agatha All Along, season one. Wow. Controversial choice. All right. This is yours. Is it?
Here you go. So we've seen Wiccan in the WandaVision television series that came out back in 2021, but that wasn't really the official version of the character. He was just wearing a Halloween costume and it was more of an Easter egg than anything. In Agatha all along, we got to see the fully realized version of Wiccan from the comic books who had the full costume and all of his magic powers. And I thought it was a great adaptation, especially
in the way that they chose to adapt the character of Billy Kaplan. How he was once Billy Maximoff. I don't want to give away too many spoilers because there are more to be had there. But it was just a beautiful story. And I thought Joe Locke did a fantastic job playing the character and out of all the new characters that were debuted this year, I think I'm most interested in seeing more of the story of Wiccan. Nah, not Gambit. I want that Gambit movie.
I will be surprised if we see Channing Tatum back in the role again. Like maybe he'll have another cameo in the Secret Wars movie or something like that. But I don't think he's the MCU's long term gambit. I don't think he's the MCU's gambit, but I think we'll definitely see him again. For sure in Secret Wars. I will bet money on that. Yeah, I wouldn't take that bet. Now, Wickham, he did a good job. Actually, all of your nominees were pretty awesome on this list. Noel wasn't seen too much.
Kraven was, you know, Aaron Taylor Johnson did a good job acting, even though it was Kraven in name only. But I still would have chosen Gambit if it was my award. You thought he was going to make a name for himself here? Hoo yeah, boy. Well, let's move on to the DC award. The nominees for best DC new onscreen character are Charles Rowland from Dead Boy Detectives Season 1.
Edwin Payne from Dead Boy Detectives Season 1.
Harleen Quinzel from Joker Folie a Deux.
Victor Aguilar from The Penguin, season one.
Oh, this is a lackluster list. I have no idea what direction you're going to go with this, but I think my own personal choice would probably be Charles Rowland from Dead Boy Detectives. And the winner is Victor Aguilar from The Penguin season one. OK, yeah, I can totally see why you went this route for me, I think just due to the fact that the character was original to the series. And so it was an exciting as an adaptation from the source material. It would have been the reason why I didn't choose him.
I had a tough time choosing the winner for this award this year. I really wanted to give it to Charles Rowland. He was my runner up because I thought the actors who were in the Dead Boy Detectives did a fantastic job with their performances and the show is just really cool. Ultimately though, I gave the win to the character that I think had the biggest impact on me and that had to be Victor Aguilar from The Penguin. I grew to really love that character as the season progressed and I don't want to give away any spoilers.
But what happens to him in the end of that show is devastating. And I feel like I'm still devastated by that. It was a fantastic show, largely in part because of a character like Victor. For sure. That final episode of The Penguin had a lasting impression. And Renzi Feliz gave a great performance as well. Absolutely. Give the guy an Emmy. Let's go ahead and move on to the next category, which is best villain. Of course, a hero is only as good as his villain. I found that.
What really makes a good Marvel and DC television show or movie is the quality of the villain. You know, a project that has a weak villain usually isn't that impressive. So we like to give accolades to the best villains from this year. Yeah, villains, you love to hate them, but they really set the stakes for the projects that they're in. And story wise, stakes are huge. It's the whole reason for why the hero fights the good fight. Let's start with DC. The nominees for best DC villain are
Esther Finch from Dead Boy Detectives Season 1.
Harleen Quinzel from Joker Folie a Deux.
Joker from Suicide Squad Isekai Season 1.
Sophia Falcone from The Penguin, season one.
Oh, man, I was about to say that this was a lackluster list until you got to that final nominee. I think you're definitely going to give it to Sophia Falcone. And the winner is. Sophia Falcone from the Penguin season one. All right, I finally got one. Yeah, we got Superman the trailer, too. But you're getting two for four. So if you felt Cohn was a no brainer on this list, although I did love the Joker twist at the end of Suicide Squad, Isakai.
but for a majority of the Penguin series, Sophia Falcone was just remarkable as a villain and antagonist for Oswald Cobb. I guess I'm most surprised by your nominees that you included Harley Quinn in Joker Follyado. Did you consider her the villain of that movie? Cause I would have figured it was probably like Harvey Dent. No, I thought Lee Quinzel was a much bigger antagonist for Arthur Fleck.
than Harvey Dent was, even though Arthur Fleck probably would not admit that. Or maybe like the security guard. He'd definitely be a villain as well. I guess it's arguable as to who the main antagonist was. But for my money, that was Lee Quinzel. She was awful. I hated her. Was Esther Finch the witch in Dead Boy Detectives? Yes. OK, yeah, she was great. She was fantastic, but not as great as Kirsten Melody as Sophia Falcone. She knocked it out of the park.
episode to episode. She was essentially the second star of the show. And I wasn't thrilled initially that she was going to be the lead villain of the series, but I thought she was put to use expertly in having Azkab rise to the role of the Penguin. And performance wise, Kristen Milioti scared the shit out of me. So yeah, she was very effective as a villain. Yes, hands down. Give her the Emmy. Let's move on to the Marvel Award. The nominees for best Marvel villain are
Bastion from X-Men 97 Season 1
Cassandra Nova from Deadpool and Wolverine.
Death from Agatha All Along, season 1.
Kingpin from Echo Season 1.
Oh damn, this is a really good list. That's a hard choice to make. I guess I'm gonna go with Bastion from X-Men 97 because I think he was the most complex villain. And the winner is Bastion from X-Men 97 Season 1. Woohoo! Am I that predictable? Yes.
Yeah, Bastion was an incredible villain for X-Men 97. Not only did he continue the themes of the X-Men animated series into this new season, but he also posed like a great, like modern threat to the team in this day and age that felt very in keeping with who the X-Men are. And he did a lot of damage in that show. You think about what happened on Genosha. He was a very effective villain. Absolutely. And the wrap up they did with him at the end.
was so powerful in terms of like the story arc for Cyclops. It was such a great season of television, which is why we gave it five out of five stars when we reviewed the show. Right. He played a large part of that. Yeah, I forget the actor who did his voice, Theo James. Oh, yeah. He did a fantastic job as well. I loved that. That was great. Yeah, I hope he plays the character in live action if they ever bring Bastion into the live action MCU. The live action actors on your list weren't bad, terrible, like Aubrey Plaza as Death.
That was a great twist. Yeah, and Kingpin was the best thing about Echo season one. And Cassandra Nova, of course, was just really interesting and pretty damn cool in Deadpool and Wolverine. Yeah, very spunky. Well, let's move on to our next award, which is best hero of 2024. Of course, this is the opposite of the villain award, whereas the villains set the stakes. The heroes are there to overcome them in the story. Yeah, we like to give recognition to the heroes that inspire us.
and provide the whole reasoning that we watch these tales of morality play out. Starting off with the Marvel Award, the nominees for best Marvel hero are Cyclops from X-Men 97 Season 1.
Deadpool from Deadpool and Wolverine.
Venom from Venom the Last Dance.
Wolverine from Deadpool and Wolverine.
Holy crap. Wow. I think Cyclops had a really, really good arc, but so did Wolverine and Deadpool and Wolverine. So I'm gonna go with Wolverine. And the winner is Deadpool from Deadpool and Wolverine. Oh, controversial choice.
Is it? No, I don't think so. I think if you remember the arc from Deadpool and Wolverine that Deadpool had, I think it was the most depth we got of the character in all of his film trilogy. You know, he started out with a really touching moment talking about how he wants to matter and, you know, getting rejected from the Avengers affected his entire life. He really grew as a character through the course of the film and was really pleased with his journey, as goofy as it sometimes may be.
I think he really grew as a character and as a hero. I guess I kind of thought his arc was just an upgraded version of what we got in Deadpool 2, which you know is still a solid arc for the character. I would have given it maybe to Wolverine because of what that version of the character went through and what he learned from X-23 and everything like that. But I could totally see giving it to Deadpool as well. Honestly, all of the character arcs from all four of your nominees were solid. Yeah, yeah.
He was a standout hero from that series. Venom, you know, the way that movie ended was very much in keeping with the heroic theme of sacrifice. So yeah, all these guys were great. Yeah. Great choices this year. Moving on to the DC award. The nominees for best DC hero are Batman from Batman caped Crusader season one.
Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad Isekai Season 1.
Kite Man, from Kite Man, Hell Yeah, Season 1.
Superman from My Adventures with Superman Season 2.
I have to say your lists are not up to scratch. You can go fuck yourself. The Marvel lists have been much more solid than these lists. I find it hard to pick from your list of nominees primarily because I don't see a good standout option. I'm gonna go with Batman from the Caped Crusader season one. And the winner is Superman from My Adventures with Superman season two. Sure, yeah, why not?
I think on that way too. So I love my adventures with Superman as a show. I think they do a fantastic job reinventing the character for modern times. In season one, Superman's arc really revolved around who he was. And in the second season, it was more about where he comes from and what that means in regards to the relationships that he's developed on the show. I thought they did a fantastic job introducing characters like Supergirl and Brainiac.
for Superman to interact with. And again, I just really like how heroic the character of Superman is in the show compared to some of the other heroes on my list, such as Batman, Harley Quinn, and Kite Man. Well, Superman is the quintessential hero, right? Portrayed correctly, he would always win this award. And I think My Adventures with Superman does just that. It's a fantastic show for sure. Yeah, this is actually the second year in a row that he's won this award.
I was thinking of giving it to Batman, the caped crusader, because that was just as good of a show, I think, as my adventures with Superman season two. But Batman kind of played a second fiddle in that show to the city of Gotham itself. I would agree. Yeah. Like you want to keep Batman mysterious too, you know? Right. Exactly. That really helped with that show, actually.
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Let's go ahead and move on to the next category, which is Best Moment. Now, this is one of my favorite awards to hand out because I like going back and thinking about the moments that really stood out to me from Marvel and DC projects. These are the occurrences on film and television that really got you up on your feet cheering or like just despondent emotionally. But these are the moments that you remember for years to come. Yeah, the nominees for this award consist of the most impactful moments.
from the past year. Let's start with the DC Award. The nominees for best DC moment are Escape from Hell, Dead Boy Detectives, season one.
Joker questions Gary Puddles from Joker Folly-a-doo. Was I the same old Joker that I always been? Oh, it's the Tugtelist yourself. Magical Armor Op from Suicide Squad, Isekai, season one.
Get out of here!
Oz and Victor's farewell from The Penguin, Season 1.
I can't bring you with me this time. Alright now this list is impressive. For as much shit I'm giving you about your other lists, I actually think that these are all standout moments. I don't think anything will stick with me as much as Oz and Victor's farewell though. So that's my guess for the win. The winner is...
Oz and Victor's farewell from the Penguin season one. It has to be. Yeah. Yeah. To me, this was hands down the most impactful moment from, I think, any DC show in recent memory. It was heartbreaking. You know, DC has had some pretty heartbreaking season finales. I think back to the Doom Patrol moment from that show's series finale. And that was pretty heartbreaking, too. Yeah, that Doom Patrol moment won a Brothers Award earlier. And I would have to say that
This packed just the same amount of punch, which is surprising because with the Doom Patrol characters, we had been with them for several seasons. But when it comes to The Penguin, only having one season to establish its characters, it was just a better produced show overall, I would say, as much as I like The Doom Patrol. And it's something that'll stick with me for some time, particularly this moment, which is one of the reasons we gave the show 5 out of 5 stars.
Yeah, I liked your other moments too, like the scene in Suicide Squad Isekai where they get their power up armor in the final episode. That was so much fun. That was a blast. Yeah, totally. Honestly, if this was like an award for the happiest moment out of all of the shows, that would get the win. The escape from Hell scene was also pretty powerful from Dead Boy Detectives. Right, yeah. And of course, Joker questioning Gary Puddles may have been the best part of Joker Folie a Deux. Great list, great list.
Now I kind of feel like my list is a little bit shallow, but these are all stand-up moments too. Let's get into the Marvel Award. The nominees for Best Marvel Moment are... Deadpool Core from Deadpool and Wolverine.
I am Uwatu from What If Season 3.
Let's go, boy. Take her down!
To me, my X-Men from X-Men 97 Season 1. To me, my X-Men.
Oh, is that in reference to the Sentinel fight in episode one of the X-Men 97 show? Yes. OK, that's interesting to me. Honestly, I think the most impactful moment from X-Men 97 would have been what happened in Genosha. So already your list is flawed. I was looking for like quintessential moments, I guess. Gotcha. Well, it was nice just to see the X-Men come back, I suppose, after all these years. But of those options that you gave me of the nominees.
I would say the Deadpool core is your choice. And the winner is Deadpool core from Deadpool and Wolverine. Of course, you know, it was such a fantastic moment. There were so many great climaxes in the third act of the Deadpool and Wolverine movie, which is I think why it got over a billion dollars. People just love this movie because you had the fight with, you know, blade electric gambit against Cassandra Nova's forces.
followed up by the Deadpool fight, followed up by the sacrifice by Deadpool and Wolverine at the end. But the fight against the Deadpool core was not just musically powerful and heavy on the action and a visual effects tree. It was everything rolled into one. It was so much fun to watch. And I think that moment will stay with me for years to come as well. I know it will. Yeah, it was incredibly fun. It was two of four climaxes that happened while I was watching this movie.
I don't know what the fourth one was, but I don't want to know. I don't know if you've seen What If Season 3 yet, Jonathan, but I will... I haven't finished it. So I had no idea what the Watu reference was. The season ends on a bang. We'll get into it in our next episode when we review What If Season 3. The season's not fantastic, but the finale is pretty much everything you could hope for in a finale. Nice. That's good to hear. And of course, release of Symbiotes was another big action scene. It was really cool to see.
the varying symbiotes that the movie introduced. That was just a whole lot of fun, too, in the same way that Deadpool core fight was. Yeah, it was all right. It was definitely not as good as Deadpool. So I think you had a solid choice there. Well, moving on to the next award. This is for the best actress of twenty twenty four. Yeah, we love our actresses. Love me some actresses. It's always fun to give out acting awards, because in that sense, it feels like we're the Oscars, right? But.
Yeah, the basis of this award is who we think gave the best performance in a Marvel or DC project this year. We're way better than the Oscars. Like those are not even relevant anymore. Yeah, if you win a Brothers Award, it means something. Like put it on your resume, right? 100%. Well, let's see what actress gets to do that. The nominees for best Marvel actress are Emma Corrin as Cassandra Nova from Deadpool and Wolverine.
Catherine Hawn as Agatha Harkness from Agatha All Along Season 1
Patti LuPone as Lilia Calderou from Agatha All Along Season 1.
Sashir Zamata as Jennifer Cale from Agatha All Along, Season 1.
Like all of your nominees basically came from Agatha. Interesting. Emma Corrin was from Deadpool and Wolverine. I said almost all. No, you didn't. I said basically all. I said something like that. Anyway, of the nominees, I'd probably say that you went with the star of Agatha all along, who was Catherine Hahn. And the winner is.
Catherine Hawn as Agatha Harkness from Agatha All Along Season 1. I am killing it. You are crushing it, man. You are crushing it. Yeah, Agatha All Along had a stellar cast and really these nominees were just a testament to the fantastic actresses that they got for that show. You know, Patti LuPone and Sashir Zamata were playing minor characters but had major roles within the show and I was really impressed with the caliber of performances that we got in that series.
But, you know, Catherine Hahn led the whole thing and I thought she stood up to the task. As a leading lady, she really impressed me and definitely went up a tier from, you know, just a supporting role in WandaVision. Yeah, she was fantastic. She had a lot of different roles to play, I guess you could say. Everything from, you know, dramatic to comedic to doing a musical number. It was probably an actress's dream role. Oh, for sure. And she crushed it. Yeah.
Of course, Emma Corrin was also good in Deadpool and Wolverine. Jonathan, I guess I'm a little bit surprised that you're surprised by my list. I'm wondering who you would have added like Dakota Johnson from Madden Web. What would you have done? Probably not Dakota Johnson, but probably Sydney Sweeney. OK, OK. No, honestly, I'm actually surprised you went with Emma Corrin over Aubrey Plaza for death. Aubrey Plaza was in consideration.
but I'm still convinced that the character of Death was Aubrey Plaza just stumbling onto the set one day, acting like her normal self. Hahaha. She just is Death. Yeah. Gotcha. Well, great choice. I think Catherine Hahn definitely deserves this award. Moving on to DC, the nominees for best DC actress are Kristen Milioti as Sofia Falcone from The Penguin Season 1.
Lady Gaga as Harleen Quinzel from Joker, Folly I Do.
Jen Lyon as Esther Finch from Dead Boy Detectives Season 1.
Cassius Nelson as Crystal Palace from Dead Boy Detectives, season one.
Oh, that's a solid list. It's going to be in between, obviously, Sophia Falcone and Crystal Palace. But I think it's going to go to Kristen Milioti as Sophia Falcone. That's my guess. The winner is Kristen Milioti as Sophia Falcone from The Penguin season one. Yeah, honestly, to me, the choice was between Kristen Milioti and Lady Gaga. I thought Lady Gaga gave a great performance in the Joker Folly I do, even though.
I hated her character and I hated the movie overall. Her performance was not one of the reasons why, but one of the reasons why I absolutely loved The Penguin was because of Kristen Milioti's performance as Sofia Falcone. You know, I gave her the best villain award in part because Kristen Milioti's performance was so impeccable. It really was. I hope that The Penguin Season 1 really does incredible things for her career because she deserves it. I've seen her in a few other projects and she's...
just an incredibly capable actor, just so transformative. I don't know if I ever would have believed her as a villain until I saw it done and she was just so intimidating that it blew my mind. Yeah, the episode specifically where it goes into her origin, as it were, in Arkham, that hit really hard and I really hope she wins an Emmy just for the episode. Give her the Emmy! You're saying that for every award. Hey, the Penguin deserves it.
Let's go ahead and move on to our next category, which is best actor. You know, this award is just like our actresses award, except the actors are hanging dong instead of the alternative. I don't know how else to put it. I've never actually heard that expression before, but it is accurate. Their actors recommending their performances. Let's do it up. The nominees for best DC actor are Colin Farrell as Oswald Cobb in The Penguin Season One.
George Rexdrew as Edwin Payne in Dead Boy Detectives Season 1.
Jaden Reverie as Charles Rowland in Dead Boy Detectives Season 1.
Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck in Joker Folie a Deux.
Great list, but it's gotta be Colin Farrell, final answer. The winner is Colin Farrell as Oswald Cobb in The Penguin, season one. So like my best actress list, it really came down to The Penguin and The Joker movies for who I thought were in contention for this win. I mean, as great as the Dead Boy Detective guys were, I mean, it's Colin Farrell and Joaquin Phoenix giving master class performances.
In the end though, I ended up giving it to Colin Farrell because I'm still unbelievably shocked that it's Colin Farrell! It does not look like him. And as I mentioned in our review, he gives a technical performance that plays like another actor giving a method performance. And to me that's just incredible. I don't even know how you would classify that, but you're absolutely right. Colin Farrell deserves all the Emmys and every single award for his performance as Oswald Cobb.
and I hope he gets it. Give him the Emmy. Of course, Joaquin Phoenix returning as Arthur Fleck in a role that won him an Oscar the last go-around should not be overlooked. I just felt like we've seen it before. And though we've also seen Colin Farrell as the Penguin before, not like this and not to this depth. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, we previously saw the character in the Batman movie, but the Penguin series was much more substantial. Let's go ahead and move on to the Marvel Award. The nominees for best Marvel actor are
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in Deadpool and Wolverine.
Joe Locke as Wiccan in Agatha All Along Season 1
Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool in Deadpool and Wolverine.
Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock slash Venom in Venom the Last Dance.
Wow, this is a solid list. Who to choose? I want to go with Hugh Jackman, but last time I did that, you gave it to Deadpool. So you might choose Ryan Reynolds, but I'm going to stick with my gut and go with Hugh Jackman as Wolverine as my guess. And the winner is Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in Deadpool and Wolverine. You son of a bitch. Woohoo! It's like you could read my mind or something. It's not cool. Stop doing that. It's weird.
Yeah, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine just when he thought that the guy couldn't bring anything more to a character that he had already spent over two decades playing He did and yeah his performance in the movie I wouldn't say is quite at the level as What he did in the Logan film, but you know he wasn't the main star of this movie, and he had less screen time I still thought his performance was incredible going from a down-and-out Wolverine
you know, severely depressed, giving a really emotional performance when he admits as to the reason why he's depressed. He conveyed anger in a way that we haven't quite seen from the character before, and he was a great straight man to Deadpool's Wisecracking Idiot as well. Yeah, he did the humor great, he did the drama fantastically. The scene between him and X-23 at the campfire alone gives him this award, I feel. Give him the Emmy.
There's no way he's winning an Oscar for this role. Does Hugh Jackman even have an Oscar yet? No, he was nominated for Les Mis, but did not win. That is a travesty. The guy deserves an Oscar. He's definitely not gonna get it for this movie, but someday, hopefully. He should have got it for Logan. Yeah, he should have been nominated for Logan. That's why I say the Oscars are irrelevant. Yeah, Brothers Awards, way better. Well, let's move into our penultimate category.
the best series or special of 2024. Yeah, we live in times now where a lot more media is being consumed at home as opposed to on the big screen in theaters. So this award, I think, gets more and more important every year since we started this podcast. Yeah, this includes television series as well as one of specials. We actually didn't have any specials this year. So this is really just the series category in 2024. Yeah. And Marvel had some doozies, man.
Let me break down those nominees. The nominees for best Marvel series or special are Agatha All Along, season 1.
Hit Monkey Season 2.
What if season 3?
X-Men 97 Season 1
Oh, this is hands down X-Men 97 season one. And the winner is. X-Men 97 season one. Of course. Yeah, that's right. I mean, we reviewed the show and gave it five stars. I mentioned at the time that it was the quintessential X-Men experience watching this season, and I still feel the same way. The MCU has a very difficult time ahead of itself in adapting the X-Men as well as the X-Men 97 season one was.
Yeah, not only did it have that nostalgic edge to it, but also improved animation wise upon what we remember seeing on Saturday mornings and brought an even more mature slant to it than I thought it was even capable of. Yeah, I don't even think you need the nostalgia factor to enjoy X-Men 97. It certainly helps, but I think it stands alone even for fans who are new to the show. I am super pumped for whatever they decide to do with that franchise next. I know we're going to
and hopefully it holds up to season one. If it does, it'll probably go down in history as the greatest animated superhero series of all time. Just the way it portrayed the action, the way the characters were written so true to their comic book counterparts, the themes that it addressed, it was all done flawlessly. It was executed so perfectly. Give that show an Emmy. For real, it was terrific. We gave both Hit Monkey season two and Agatha all along four and a half stars. It was a great year.
great year for Marvel Television and also for DC Television. So let me get into the DC Award. The nominees for best DC series or special are Batman Caped Crusader season one.
Dead Boy Detectives, season one.
My Adventures with Superman, Season 2.
Penguin, season one.
Oh geez, I wonder what it's gonna be. That was a joke. Obviously Penguin season one, final answer. The winner is Batman, Caped Crusader. Fuck off.
It was absolutely The Penguin Season 1. A fantastic show and a year of incredible DC shows. I also wanted to include Suicide Squad Isekai on my list. Did I have room for it? Oh, for sure. Yeah, yeah, that was fantastic. I'm really sad that Dead Boy Detectives got cancelled. I would have loved to have seen what they could have done in another season of that show. But overall, I think the show that gets me most excited for what's coming up next is The Penguin Season 1. Not only was the show incredible,
but I also think it was a tremendous setup for what's ever coming next in Matt Reeves, the Batman universe. Rumors are that we are going to get a Penguin Season 2, I really hope we do. We'll see if that becomes official down the road. I mean, as we said in the review, the Penguin Season 1 was not just S-tier DC television, it was S-tier television in general. Oh yeah, it's classic HBO Sunday night television. It was fantastic. I know a lot of people who watch the show.
who really aren't into the whole superhero genre, and they loved it. I loved it, how could you not? I think this is the first year we've done this show that we awarded two television projects, five stars, from both Marvel and DC. Yeah, you might be right. And as I mentioned earlier, this category has gotten bigger and bigger every year since we started doing this podcast. Oh yeah, and this year specifically for DC, the shows vastly outperformed the feature films. But speaking of feature films,
Let's move on to our final award, best motion picture of 2024. Yeah, for as big as the television category is getting, there's still nothing quite like seeing a film in the big screen in the theater. It's movie magic. You know, I will say that for both Marvel and DC, the theatrical offerings were kind of slim pickings. DC only released one theatrical film in Joker, Fallia, Do and Marvel had three Sony Spider-Man movies come out this year. So.
Um, not our best showing in 2024, but DC also had a lot of direct to video films that came out this year. And so yeah, we're going to find out which one wins. I think we all know what the Marvel winner is going to be, but I'm really interested in seeing who the DC nominees are. Well let's find out. The nominees for best DC motion picture are Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths, part one.
Justice League, Crisis on Infinite Earths, part two.
Watchmen, chapter one.
Watchmen, chapter two.
Shut up, I hate you!
I'm not surprised that JokerFollyIdo did not make your list of nominees. Oh, absolutely not. That is not a great list at all. Geez, Watchmen Chapter 2, I guess. And the winner is...
Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 1 Oh yeah that's okay yeah the obvious answer there that was better than Watchmen Chapter 2 yeah Yeah so Watchmen Chapters 1 and 2 if you listen to our reviews you know I didn't love them I thought they were largely redundant and inferior to the adaptation that we received from Zack Snyder they're not bad they're actually really faithful adaptations but of all of the films that came out this year
The one that I thought was absolutely the best, far and away, was Crisis on Infinite Earth's part one. It was actually the first film to come out this year. Yeah, part two was weaker than part one, and then of course part three dropped the ball on that trilogy of films completely. But part one showed a lot of promise, especially with its non-linear narrative structure. You know, it was really fascinating to see how that movie played out. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, the story of The Flash and his involvement with the Mezzo
and the whole crisis event that was going on was intermixed with a larger story that was being told that involved many characters from across DC's multiverse, particularly the crime syndicate. It was told in a very interesting way that was reminiscent of some other projects, particularly the time traveler's wife. It was a really strong setup for what I thought the subsequent two films were going to try and recapture the magic of, but that didn't quite happen.
Yeah, it was a shame considering how big of a swing DC animation took with part one and just couldn't follow through with. Right. When the first movie came out, we were under the impression that this was going to be a heartbreaking finale to the tomorrowverse that didn't end up being the case, but the movie is still good. I think you're gonna get flack for this award, but you shouldn't because, yeah, it's the most deserving out of all of DC's films this year. I do feel bad for you. Yeah, me too. Thank you.
Let's get on to the Marvel Award. The nominees for best Marvel picture are Deadpool and Wolverine.
Kraven the Hunter.
Madam Webb.
Venom The Last Dance
Let me guess. Madame Web. Nope, just kidding. And the winner is Deadpool and Wolverine. Obviously. I mean, you have an MCU film going up against three Sony films. I am totally shocked that Sony released three Spider-Man Universe films this year. It was a major faux pas on their part and they're gonna be paying for that big time. Hopefully it results in the best case scenario of Marvel getting the rights back to Spider-Man because...
The only decent film out of the three Sony offerings this year was Venom The Last Dance, and that even paled in comparison to the awesomeness that was Deadpool and Wolverine. The three Sony Spider-Man movies this year were a joke. Deadpool and Wolverine was, in my opinion, the best Deadpool movie that came out. So yeah, I see how this easily gets the win. 2024 was just... Ugh! I'm so glad it's over.
Yeah, it'll be good to put this year behind us. And there's a lot of great projects to look forward to in 2025. At least the MCU will be releasing more than one movie in 2025. That's right. You guys are getting Captain America, Brave New World and Thunderbolts. And the Fantastic Four in July. Ah, geez. That's right. I totally forgot about that. We're also getting a lot of great Disney Plus television content, too. We were supposed to be getting a Constantine 2 film next year, but that got scrapped, I believe.
So we're only getting Superman. It's another year where DC only gets one theatrical release. But you guys will also be getting a few direct to video animated films like Batman Ninja versus the Yakuza League. Aztec Batman. All the Batman movies, I guess. Basically, actually, just those three movies have been announced so far. If there are other animated projects in the works, we have yet to hear about them. Well, just another reason to hope that the Superman movie is good.
It has to be. I think it will be. But that does it for the awards show this evening guys. Be sure to reach out to us and let us know who you think the winners in these categories could have been. AG9K, help close us out.
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In our next episode, the first episode of 2025, we are going to be reviewing What If Season 3. I think I'm only on episode 3 of that series. Need to catch up. But you saying that it ends with a bang has me kind of excited because I'm not too thrilled with what I'm seeing so far. Thank you guys so much for listening to us in 2024, and we hope you continue this journey with us in 2025. Big thanks to our executive producers.
Ken Johnson, John Sturawski, Zachary Hepburn, Dustin Belcombe, Mickey Mathanghian, Brandon Estergard, Nathaniel Wagner, Levi Yaiten, Austin Wiselowski, A.J. Dunkerley, Scott Camacho, Gil Camacho, Adam Spies, Andrew Shunk, Dean Molesky, Devin Davis, Joseph Kirsting, Josh Leiner, Mike Williams, and Oscar Galvez for helping make this podcast possible. We'll talk to you guys next week. Up, up, and away, true believers. My 2025 New Year's Resolution. World domination.