Black Condor vs Warpath

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• 0:00:00 - Introduction
• 0:03:50 - No-Prize Time
• 0:09:17 - “Lanterns” DCU series gets Damon Lindelof and Chris Mundy as...
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• 0:00:00 - Introduction
• 0:03:50 - No-Prize Time
• 0:09:17 - “Lanterns” DCU series gets Damon Lindelof and Chris Mundy as showrunners
• 0:12:05 - Question of the Week
• 0:12:37 - Black Condor vs Warpath intro
• 0:16:39 - Warpath history and powers
• 0:23:58 - Black Condor history and powers
• 0:31:25 - Fight speculation
• 0:38:40 - Duel results
• 0:43:12 - Sign off
Executive producers: Ken Johnson, John Starosky, Zachary Hepburn, Dustyn Balcom, Miggy Matanguihan, Brandon Estergard, Nathaniel Wagner, Levi Yeaton, Austin Wesolowski, AJ Dunkerley, Scott Camacho, Gil Camacho, Adam Speas, Andrew Schunk, Dean Maleski, and Devin Davis
"Take a Chance" "Clash Defiant" "Blip Stream" "Nowhere Land" Kevin MacLeod (, Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
#BlackCondor #Warpath #MarvelVsDC
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Hi and welcome to the Dynamic Duel Podcast, a weekly show where we review superhero films and debate the superiority between Marvel and DC by comparing their characters and stat-based battle simulations. I'm Marvelous Joe. And I'm his twin brother Johnny DC. And in this episode, we are going to find out who'd win in a fight between the two Native American characters of Black Condor and Warpath.
Warpath being a member of the X-Men, actually X-Force, and this is kind of a tie into our previous episode which was a review of X-Men 97. But it's also a lead up to our future team duel episode of Outsiders vs X-Force, which is going to be in September. So look forward to learning more about X-Force and the Outsiders throughout these upcoming months. Before we input the character stats and run simulations to find out which character would win in a fight.
we're gonna break down the latest comic book movie news to come out this past week. Of which there was just one news item, we learned about who the writers are gonna be for the upcoming Lanterns DCU television series. As always, we list our segment times in our episode description, so feel free to check out the show notes if you wanna skip ahead to a particular topic. Our artificially intelligent duel simulator, AJ-9K, has a quick message for our listeners, so listen up.
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Thanks AJ9K, and thanks to everyone who supports the podcast. Be sure to tune into the shows on the DynaMic Podcast Network this week, including Max Destruction, which pits your favorite action heroes from film and television against each other.
Hosts Ken and Scotty are returning this week for the show's third season premiere, this time pitting Starro the Conqueror from the Suicide Squad against Legendary's King Kong. On the Senjou World podcast, host Zachary Hepburn speculates on fights between fan favorite anime and manga characters. This Thursday for the show's season finale, we'll learn who will win between Rimuro Tempest from That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime vs. Yateng Jujji aka Rau
from Reim Monster. And on the Console Combat Podcast, hosts John and Dean find out who would win in fights between popular video game characters. In yesterday's episode, they reviewed the 2007 film Hitman. Visit or click the link in our show notes to listen to all of the shows in the Dynamite Podcast Network. But with that out of the way, quick to the no prize. A no prize is an award Marvel used to give out to fans. Our version, the dynamic duel no prize,
is a digital award we post on Instagram for the person that we feel gave the best answer to our question of the week. Last week's question was, who's your favorite robot superhero or villain from Marvel or DC and why? And this is coming off of the news that the upcoming Vision series from Marvel Television will be coming out in 2026. We got four answers, so let's break down this week's honorable mentions before revealing the no prize winner. Our first honorable mention goes to Abner O'Terry. Who said?
Hey guys, what's up? It's Abner O'Terry. And my answer is obviously Robot from The Doom Patrol because, uh, he's awesome. You can't get better than a punk-rocking robot. He's the best. What the fuuuuck? It's Robotman! But I agree, he's awesome. He's probably my favorite personal robot character as well. I still remember when I was first becoming a DC fan, I had gotten my first cell phone and I said Robotman.
as my wallpaper, because I just like the idea of carrying Robotman around. Is he a punk rock robot or is he more, you know, heavy metal? Heavy metal for sure. Great answer Abner. Our next honorable mention goes to Miggy Matangian, who said, Hey, what's up guys? This is Miggy and my favorite robot superhero. Does it count as a superhero? It's more of a sidekick. I guess that counts. It's Geetz. Booster Gold's like robotic sidekick from the 25th century.
He's just like very sarcastic and a lot smarter than Booster Gold. So it's just a funny like relationship between the two of them. Yeah, excited to see him in the live action show. Wonder who they'll get to voice him. To the sweat drips down my balls. All these bitches call. Ah, skeet skeet, motherfucker. Ah, skeet skeet skeet. How dare you disrespect skeet's name? Mickey's right. He's a pretty cool robot. He's a great foil and companion to Booster Gold because I think.
of how they play up on the fact that he knows more than Booster Gold, who is often depicted as kind of dumb. Miggie was wondering who will voice Skeets in the upcoming Booster Gold television series. What do you think? Honestly, I think you could get away with doing a voice actor that I think you need a celebrity voice. And in that regard, I don't think you could do better than Billy West, who did the voice of Skeets the Robot for the Justice League Unlimited animated show. Yeah, Billy West is fantastic. He does the voice of Fry in Futurama.
and literally dozens of other voices. There's no time to throw up. He's the red M&M. Yeah, yeah, there you go. Maybe one day we'll get around to doing a duel with Skeets. Who knows? Ah, Skeet, Skeet, Skeet. Let's go to move on to the next answer given by Christopher Manotti who said. Hi guys, Christopher Manotti. As a DC fan, I have to say Red Tornado. I really like this character. He's not your typical kind of robot that shoots lasers and hacks into stuff.
His power is literally generating tornadoes. I think that's pretty cool. I also think his character is really interesting. I especially liked in the Young Justice show when you find out that he built another body for himself so that he could experience humanity. Really cool. Yeah, Red Tornado I would say is probably one of the most powerful androids out there. He has a very complicated backstory, you know, coming from the Tornado Tyrant, which was...
a literal tornado villain from the planet ran. If you guys aren't familiar with him, we did a duel between him and Sandman, which was pretty cool, I thought. It's interesting to have a robot character who is so elemental. He's very bound to the earth and very natural in that regard, considering he's basically a sentient tornado. But also, he's like the pinnacle of technology. So there's an interesting dichotomy to that character. Yeah, for sure. Great answer, Christopher. But the winner of this week's Snow Prize is...
Travis Herndon who said,
Well, you're talented in your opinion, but you're gonna get throat chopped from me if you're saying that. And I will second that throat chop. Yeah, anybody who hates on Baymax is lying to themselves and deserve to be throat chopped. I don't know if I would consider Baymax to be as iconic as the Terminator or R2-D2, but, you know, I think he's probably a class just under that. Okay, Mr. Robot Popularity Expert, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Baymax is awesome. He's one of the more unique robots out there and it's-
really interesting considering that he is also a superhero and a healthcare robot. There's a dichotomy to him as well. And he has a one of a kind personality. Like what are you talking about man? He's all the way up there in terms of the upper echelon of pop culture robots. And he's a Marvel character. So bonus points. Yeah, I figured we were going to give the win to the one person who didn't respond with a DC answer. That's right. Honestly, I just don't want to get throat chopped. Well, too bad. It's gonna happen.
Great answer Travis, you win this week's no prize. If you the listener won a shot at winning your own no prize, stay tuned till later on this episode when we'll be asking another question of the week. And now that that's done, on to the news!
Okay, so last week DC Studios CEO James Gunn confirmed on Instagram that the Lanterns showrunners would be Damon Lindelof from Watchmen and Lost Fame and Chris Mundy, the showrunner of Ozark and former writer for shows like Criminal Minds, Cold Case, Bloodline, and True Detective. Which, it's funny that the show has always been pitched as True Detective in space and they actually got a writer from True Detective to work on the show.
I've never seen Ozark, but I hear that it's really good. I have seen Watchmen by Damon Lindelof, and that's essentially, in my opinion, the greatest television series for Marvel or DC that has ever been made. The thing won so many Emmys, it won a freaking Peabody, it doesn't get better than this writing duo. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda insane with jealous rage right now at these like God tier showrunners for this show. It's gonna be incredible.
I think. David Lindelof did a fantastic job with the Watchmen series. The way that he brought that story into the modern era in a sequel series was exceptionally done. And I think with these guys working on the show, DC fans really have nothing to worry about. Oh no, this has like easily become with this news, like my most anticipated project from the upcoming DCU. This show is going to be so high brow, like Game of Thrones quality, I suspect. It sounds like it's going to be way better than what Greg Berlanti was coming up with.
Don't get me wrong, shows like Arrow and The Flash were good, but they're no The Leftovers, they're no Watchmen, they're no Ozark from what I've heard. What's really cool though is that they're not only showrunning the series, but Chris Mundy, Damon Lindelof, and acclaimed comic book writer Tom King also wrote the pilot script and the show's Bible. Which if you're not familiar with that, it's basically the entire background, history, and premise of the show.
So it sounds like they're really in charge of DC's like cosmic universe as it were. And that's amazing. Sounds like Green Lantern is finally, finally going to get his due. Not on this big screen, I guess, but you know, at least on a screen that's non-animated. Well, the cool thing is that it's going to tie into the movies that we will see on the big screen. It'll take place in the same universe. Super, super excited by this news. It sounds like it's going to be so much more prestige than I thought it would be.
We don't have a release date for this show yet. Considering the writing talent, I'm sure the show is gonna be very, very expensive. So it'll probably be a while before we get it. Maybe 2026, I'm guessing. I can't wait for it. And I'm really looking forward to finding out like who's gonna be the lead characters. Is it gonna be Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner? We don't know yet. But that brings us to our question of the week.
Who is your favorite Green Lantern? And why? Record your answer at by clicking on the red microphone button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, which will prompt you to leave us a voicemail. Your message could be up to 30 seconds long, and don't forget to leave your name in case we include you on the podcast. We'll pick our favorite answer and award that person a Dynamic Duel No Prize that we'll post to Instagram. Be sure to answer before June 8th.
But I think that does it for all the news for this episode. So let's go ahead and get into our main event, where we find out who would win in a fight between Black Condor and Warpath.
Alright, Black Condor versus Warpath. These are two Native American superheroes going head to head and lead up to our upcoming team duel coming out in a few months of Outsiders versus X-Force. Now, Warpath, you guys may know from the comics, if you read the comics, but if you are more familiar with just the movies, he was in X-Men Days of Future Past. He was part of the future X-Men team that was basically getting slaughtered by the Sentinels. Yeah, and we've never seen Black Condor in live action.
Though he was in some animated films, direct to video film about the Rey, a DC character, and of course he'll be featured in the upcoming Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3 film. Only one version of the character has been Native American though, right? Yes, yeah. There's been four different versions of Black Condor. I'm going with the Native American Navajo version because he seems to be not only the most popular because he's been in different media.
but also he is the current mainstream version of the character in DC's Prime Continuity. The character of Black Condor though didn't actually start off as a DC Comics character. He was a part of Quality Comics, which was eventually purchased by DC Comics. Black Condor is a creation of Will Eisner, actually. Oh, fascinating. What other characters are from Quality? Uncle Sam, Phantom Lady, Doll Man, The Ray, basically all of the Freedom Fighters. Oh, interesting.
Well, I'm glad you're going with the Navajo version. It's cool to get all this representation from the Native American tribes because Warpath is Apache. And then we also have Forge, who's Cheyenne. And then you have Echo, who's Choctaw in the MCU. But in the comics, she's from the Blackfoot tribe. Oh, and then you have like Khori from What If, who's part of the Mohawk tribe. Yeah, Black Condor can take all of them on. OK, OK. Come at me, bro. He's not even going to be able to take on Warpath. So nice tray.
Okay, to explain the methodology behind our duels, let's go to our sentient duel simulator, Alfred Jarvis 9000. AJ9K, tell our listeners how you go about determining a winner in our duel matchups. Yes, of course, sir. The way I determine a winner between the contestants is by running 1000 Monte Carlo simulations using the characters statistics. A Monte Carlo simulation is a probabilistic model used to determine outcomes through random sampling. In this case, I randomize the statistics along a
as a way to simulate the many variables that can occur during battle. The stat parameters are based on the official Marvel power grid from which the DC characters' statistics are extrapolated. Additional stat categories are included such as range, damage potential, versatility and perception in order to create a more detailed and accurate simulation. The results of the 1000 simulations provide a percentage of wins for each character. The contestant with the higher percentage is declared the victor
as they have a higher probability to win any given battle. In an equitable pairing, neither character should win 100% of the matches. The comic book stories have shown that there's even a way for Batman to defeat Superman, so the confidence rate of my method falls in line with the precedents that have been established in the source material. My mathematical simulations are without subjectivity or bias. Feats are not the sole consideration, nor are fan votes tabulated for determination of the winner. Thanks, Adrien NK!
Before we run the simulations though, we like to break down each character's histories and abilities before improvising a scenario on how we imagine one of the 1000 simulations would play out beat for beat. And it's my turn to go first with the Marvel characters backstory, so let me tell you guys all about the X-Man Warpath. James Proudstar was born to Neil and Maria Proudstar on the Apache Native American Reservation in Camp Verde, Arizona.
James idolized his older brother John Proudstar, who was a skilled athlete and decorated United States Marine. Upon John's return from military duty back to the reservation, James witnessed his brother's mutant ability manifest for the first time when he saved the life of a little girl by wrestling a charging bison to the ground. John was soon discovered by Professor X using Cerebro and was recruited into the latest iteration of the X-Men team, taking on the codename Thunderbird.
Alongside new recruits such as Storm, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Sunfire, and Banshee, Jon helped rescue the original X-Men members from the Sentient Island nation of Krakoa. You can learn more about the X-Men, Inner Titans vs X-Men team duel, and more about Krakoa in its duel against Danny the Street. In Jon's next X-Men mission, he prevented the evil Count Nefaria from escaping in a small aircraft by jumping onto it and smashing it mid-air until it exploded.
It was an act that bravely, but unfortunately, sacrificed his life for the team. James was devastated upon learning of his older brother John's death and blamed the X-Men. Although John was to be buried with military honors, James stole his brother's body and gave him a traditional Apache warrior funeral, in that moment swearing vengeance on Professor X and manifesting his own mutant abilities, the very same as his brother's. James was approached by and joined the Hellions.
which was a rival mutant team to the X-Men, led by the Hellfire Club's White Queen, Emma Frost, whom you can learn more about in her duel against Poison Ivy.
James took on the codename Thunderbird to honor his brother's memory, and went on to fight the X-Men out of vengeance, but learned in the course of their battle that Professor X was not responsible for John's death, and that John died as a true hero and warrior. James declined an invitation to join the New Mutants and returned to the reservation with his vendetta abandoned. Many years later, while on a trip to New York,
James was approached by the mutant Cable, who wanted to recruit him onto his strike force team called X-Force. Though James initially declined, he returned home to the reservation to find everyone slaughtered, and joined the X-Force under the new code name Warpath in an effort to discover who the killer was. During his tenure on the team, he developed his powers to increase his mutant-enhanced strength and senses, and began a relationship with fellow X-Force member Siren, the daughter of Banshee.
Eventually, James learned who murdered his people at the reservation. It was Cable's clone from the future named Strife, who at the time was dead. James was soon killed and journeyed into hell itself to seek revenge against Strife, fighting him alongside the X-Force who were brought into the realm by Valkyrie to save James' soul. In the end, X-Force won, returning James back to life. You can learn more about Cable in his duel against Booster Gold.
Soon after, James and the rest of the X-Force found themselves caught in a vibranium bomb explosion that seemingly killed the group. In reality, they survived the attack and clandestinely prevented an alien invasion. During that time, James' powers began to fluctuate.
temporarily giving him the power to fly, and also removing his ability to speak at one point. However, eventually, his powers returned to normal. After the Scarlet Witch was driven mad and used her reality-warping powers to remove the abilities of mutants around the world, James was fortunate enough to retain his abilities and joined a new iteration of X-Force where he was gifted vibranium knives by Storm and Black Panther.
The new team was tasked with completing missions deemed too secret or extreme for the main X-Men to handle. One of X-Force missions was to defeat a horde of resurrected mutants turned evil by the Black Queen, Selene. One of the revived mutants being James' brother, John. James had to kill his brother in an act of mercy and ended up killing Selene by stabbing her in the chest with her own dagger, freeing the souls of the resurrected mutants she was controlling.
James then left X-Force to later join the X-Men on their new island base of Utopia off the coast of San Francisco. James was later captured by the secret government project called Weapon X for experimentation. However, he was rescued alongside other captives by a future version of Wolverine, and the group took on the name Weapon X, serving as a mutant rescue squad. While on the team, James developed a romantic relationship with the mutant Domino.
However, he left when Old Man Logan stepped down from leadership and Sabertooth took over to turn the team into a mercenary squad. You can learn more about Wolverine, Domino, and Sabertooth in their respective duels against Hawkman, Harley Quinn, and Killer Croc respectively. James joined the majority of Earth's mutants in creating their new mutant nation on the sentient island of Krakoa. There, he joined former new mutants members including Mirage, Magic, and Wolfsbane,
in helping train young mutants living on the island on how to control their new powers. While there, James' brother John was able to be resurrected as Professor X, Magneto, and the other heads of Krakoa had developed a system of mutant resurrection using a combination of mutant powers including mass generation, reality warping, time manipulation, and genetic and psychic archiving. Though initially fearing to meet his brother out of fear that he had somehow failed to live up to him,
James and John finally reunited and left Krakoa to return to the reservation together. After Krakoa was attacked by the anti-mutant terrorist organization Orcus, James and John's Apache Reservation became a makeshift mutant refugee camp. And that's Warpath's backstory. Powers-wise, Warpath has an enhanced mutant physiology that grants him increased strength, able to lift a maximum of 75 tons, increased speed, able to run 100 miles per hour,
Nearing Vulnerability and Increased Agility. In the event he is injured, he has an increased healing speed. Warpath also has enhanced senses, including hearing, smelling, and seeing at great distances, and night vision. He also has some mystic senses, allowing him to perceive supernatural energies. Warpath is a highly skilled hand-to-hand fighter and wields two large daggers made out of vibranium. Finally, while he was able to fly for a period of time when his powers were temporarily in
It seems as if he is sometimes still able to tap into that power. It's unclear, but it's an ability that's rarely used at best. So for the purposes of the speculation and the simulations, I'm gonna treat his flight power as more like a vast leaping ability, which seems more true to the spirit of the character. If he is a flyer, he's not a skilled or practiced one. And those are his powers. Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, that character is not as interesting as Black Condor.
What are you talking about? You don't like the brother aspect with Warpath and his brother Thunderbird? Not really. Well, you are just a horrible brother then. How about that? Sure, but I think you'll get what I'm talking about when I go over Black Condor's backstory, which actually begins in the Golden Age of Comics. Now, when archaeologist Richard Gray and his wife were killed by bandits during an expedition in Mongolia, their orphaned son,
Richard Gray Jr. was raised by an unusually intelligent race of Condors, from whom the young Richard seemingly learned to fly, though it was later revealed that his powers derived from his metahuman abilities of telepathy and telekinesis. As Richard grew into a young man- Seriously, raised by Condors? That's a better backstory. That's a freaking fantastic golden age origin. Does not get more golden age than that. Now as Richard grew into a young man-
A hermit named Father Pierre found and educated Richard, teaching him survival skills and worldly knowledge. After Father Pierre's death, Richard became the costumed adventurer Black Condor, designing a black outfit with glider wings to resemble the birds that had saved his life. After tracking down and killing the Mongolian bandits that murdered his parents, Richard traveled to America, where he assumed the identity of Senator Thomas Wright.
his doppelganger, after Richard failed to stop a plot to assassinate the senator. After some time fighting crooked politicians, Richard joined the Freedom Fighters during World War II, led by the personified spirit of America known as Uncle Sam, which later became part of a larger team known as the All-Star Squadron, which fought the Nazis in Europe. The Freedom Fighters eventually ended up in an alternate universe known as Earth-X, where the Axis powers successfully conquered the world.
After two and a half decades of fighting the Nazis, Richard and the Freedom Fighters were eventually able to end the war with help from the Justice Society and the Justice League of America, teams you can learn more about in their team duels against the Fantastic Four and Avengers respectively. Though Richard traveled to the main DC universe, Earth-1, to continue his superhero career as the Black Condor, he eventually returned to Earth-X to help rebuild the war-torn world that had become his home.
A new black condor emerged years later, named Ryan Kendall. For over 200 years, the Kendall family and their associates, known as the Society of the Golden Wing, had pursued the dream of creating a flying man. Initially, their methods were harmless, but as their obsession grew, so did the macabre nature of their experiments. By the early 20th century, their attempts had become brutal and inhumane, and they continued to fail. By the 1960s,
The society turned to mutation, irradiating the womb of Ryan's mother to ensure her child would be born with tailored genetic mutations. The child, Ryan, grew up isolated under the care of his grandfather, Creighton Kendall, the Golden Wing Society's leader. For 20 years, Ryan underwent various chemical, radioactive, and physical treatments, and on his 21st birthday, the final and most significant treatment
left him in a coma instead of achieving the society's desired outcome. Ryan was sent to a special care facility, an asylum for the society's failed subjects, where for two years while in a coma, he was fully aware of his surroundings and learned about the true twisted nature of the society. Upon awakening, feeling betrayed and violated, Ryan fled and eventually settled in New Jersey's Pine Barrens, living as a hermit.
There he befriended a park ranger named Ned David Smith, who was a Delaware Native American who helped Ryan adjust to life outside of isolation. Ned suggested the name Black Condor, reflecting Ryan's dark and predatory nature. Although reclusive and reluctant to embrace the role of a hero, Ryan, as the Black Condor, had an instinctive, heroic nature, fighting alongside other superheroes such as Hawkman and eventually joining a new incarnation of the Freedom Fighters.
Ryan was later killed by Sinestro alongside other freedom fighters when they were ambushed by the secret society of supervillains. Though Ryan would return briefly as a black lantern during the Blackest Night event, a Navajo man named John Trujillo would later claim the black condor mantle after he was gifted elemental powers from the Mesoamerican deity Tokadol, also known as the Spider Woman, whose webbing holds the fabric of the universe together.
He was not his tribe's first to bear the Black Condor title, as nearly 150 years earlier, U.S. Colonel Kit Carson raided a Navajo stronghold within the Arizona canyons, forcing its citizens to march 300 miles east for a resettlement in what was known as the Long Walk. Many Navajo died along the way, and their bodies were feasted upon by Black Condors, or vultures.
Those who survived believed the Black Condors were rescuing the souls of those who died to return them to the Arizona canyons. When the Navajo eventually did return to the canyons, they faced attacks from cattlemen who wanted to steal their land. When a young man begged to coddle for help, like she did with John Trujillo, she imbued him with the powers of the Black Condor to protect his people. John fought alongside the Freedom Fighters in his first mission,
and continues as a member of the team in DC's Prime continuity. With the re-emergence of the multiverse, the Nazi-controlled Earth-X returned, along with a new version of the Freedom Fighters to combat them with a new black condor named Marcus Robbins. Born to contemporary black slaves working in a Detroit industrial complex who dreamed they could fly away from their indentured servitude. After Marcus and his father secretly built a prototype of mechanical wings,
and the Nazis found out about it, Marcus's father forced him to fly away to save himself while his parents were taken and never seen again. Marcus became a legend among the Detroit workers known as the Black Condor, and after joining the Freedom Fighters, Marcus returned to Detroit and led a revolt among the black community there against the Nazis. For this duel, I'll be going with the current Prime Universe version of Black Condor, John Trujillo.
in part because the executive producers felt that version was the best one to compete against Warpath. Powers-wise, most versions of Black Condor have had low-level telekinesis, which not only enabled them to fly, but also emit telekinetic bursts. Since John Trujillo is divinely empowered rather than a metahuman, his power manifests as aerokinesis.
allowing him to manipulate the wind so that he can fly at great speeds using his biological wings and create gales or whirlwinds. John also draws power from the earth, granting him increased strength and durability. He's also a trained warrior. That's Black Condor. Uh, yeah, none of those origins were better than Warpaths. Come on! None of them? Brotherly love, man. Oh my gosh. Brotherly love.
is not a greater story than overcoming Native American oppression and slavery. I'm sorry. Well, I'm not going to argue against that, but also you're still a bad brother. Also, I learned something today. I guess a condor is a vulture. Yeah, I never knew that. I actually learned that today too. Total mind blow.
Where fantasies collide and heroes clash, one podcast network rises above the rest. Prepare yourself for the ultimate showdowns in comic books, video games, movies, and anime. The DynaMic Podcast Network presents Console Combat, where video game legends brawl every Monday.
Comic Book Titans smash every Tuesday. Max Destruction, where TV and action heroes battle every Wednesday. And Sendro World, where anime champions clash every Thursday. Join us as we speculate on the matches and armed with the power of mathematical simulations, discover who will emerge victorious. Visit where we settle the debate and settle the score.
But now that we got their histories and abilities out of the way, let's speculate on how one of the 1000 simulated matches will go. The winner is determined by simulations, not the speculation, but it's fun to imagine how this fight could play out. AJ9K, what are the rules of our speculation? Well, I should say there are no rules, other than the characters have no prior knowledge of the other going into the fight. All they are aware of starting out is that the other character is a threat that needs to be eliminated.
The contestants will begin approximately 50 meters apart in a nondescript environment that will have no bearing on the match itself, as no environmental statistics are considered in my simulations. The contestants must earn victory on their own merit." Alright, then let's get into it. Black Condor and Warpath meet on the battlefield. Who goes first? I'm gonna say that Warpath goes first, because he's better. He's like, he just has a better name. Like Warpath. That's badass. Black Condor...
You know, like vultures, they just wait around, you know? So Warpath's going first. They're symbols of death. Like you're walking around and you see a vulture. Yeah, you're going to be freaked out. Warpath is going to show how freaked out he is by entreating his vibranium daggers from behind his back. And he's just going to charge at Black Condor like a bison, like 100 miles per hour. And he's going to jam both of his knives right into Black Condor's chest. You don't think Black Condor sees Warpath charging at him with those knives? Like.
What is he a joke to you? Obviously Black Condor sees Warpath charging at him at a hundred miles per hour. Like it would only take Warpath literally a second to cover a 50 meter distance at that speed. A hundred miles per hour, is that supposed to be fast? By the time Warpath gets to within say like 10 meters of Black Condor, Black Condor is just gonna spread his wings and trap Warpath in this tornado that he generated. And that's gonna launch him just spinning high into the air, at which point.
Black Condor, he's just gonna fly up and plow right into Warpath at full speed with his fists. Is that even gonna hurt Warpath? Like how strong is Black Condor? Dude, Black Condor, not only can he, you know, fly really fast to like increase the impact of this blow, but he's also strong enough to like crack force fields. Okay. I don't even know how to quantify that, but we'll say that Black Condor flies up, punches Warpath, Warpath gets rocked higher up into the air.
But Warpath's a badass, he doesn't care. He's gonna recover from the punch and he's gonna skydive back down toward Black Condor, straightening his body for a high-speed dive. And he's just gonna tackle Black Condor out of the air, slamming him right into the ground and jamming his daggers right into his kidneys. Actually, Black Condor, he's pretty maneuverable in the air, so I'm gonna say he just shifts out of the way a little bit from Warpath's dive and Warpath's just gonna fall to his death.
Oh shit! I mean, no, no. Warpath's gonna land on the ground into the superhero landing pose. You know, like one fist on the ground while kneeling like a badass, and he's immediately gonna stand up and chucks one of his knives like a bullet right at Black Condor ripping through one of his wings and forcing him to like spiral down and crash into the ground. Damn! Okay, that was a good move.
I mean, he wouldn't crash because like he could just generate a gust of wind beneath him before he hits the ground. So that's what he's going to do here. And now that Black Condor is on the ground, he's going to summon up a wind that's going to lift debris generated from Warpath's superhero landing. And he's going to use those stones to just pummel Warpath like hailstones. That would not hurt Warpath at all in the slightest. He just smacks those pebbles away like they're annoying flies or something like that.
And that's when he hurls his second knife right at Black Condor's face. Just whack sticks right in there headshot. OK, except that the knife is blown with the wind gust down right into the ground at Black Condor's feet, allowing him to pick up the knife. And that's when Black Condor is going to use the wind like a vacuum on Warpath and just like suck him in towards him and stick him with his own knife. Um, I.
I guess that a vibranium knife would be able to pierce Warpath. Yeah, it would. But they're up close and personal now, and Warpath is gonna grab Black Condor's wrists and force him to pull the knife out of him, like, I don't know, say his shoulder or whatever. And that's when Warpath's healing factor is gonna kick in. It's just gonna seal that wound right up. Good as new. I totally forgot that he has a healing factor. As Warpath is holding onto Black Condor's wrists...
He's gonna headbutt him right in the face, which is gonna cause Black Condor to stumble back a step and he's gonna drop the knife. And that is when Warpath follows up with a flying dropkick straight to Black Condor's jaw, laying the fool out cold. Because there's no way he's durable enough to take a hit like that. Dude, Black Condor is as durable and strong as the ground he stands on. So yeah, he could take it. And while Warpath's on the ground.
Before he can get up from his drop kick, Black Condor is just gonna pin him down onto the ground with this mighty wind that's also gonna pull the arrow from Warpath's lungs. That's gonna suffocate him and end this fight. So match over. No, Warpath can just hold his breath. He just holds his breath for a minute. He's fine and he's gonna summon the strength to reach out and grab his knife that Black Condor dropped. And you know, since all this wind is pushing him down, Warpath is gonna punch the ground really hard.
creating this like small tremor that causes Black Condor to lose his bearings long enough for Warpath to at least get to his knees from where he just uppercut slashes Black Condor up the middle, you know, slicing him right in two. That's how you match over. Lose his bearings? Black Condor is like really graceful, like a bird. But I guess we'll leave it there. Either Black Condor suffocates Warpath by pulling the air from his lungs.
or Warpath slices Black Condor, scrote to throat with one of his knives. And then he scalps him, because that's what the Apache did. I think they did that, yeah. Wow. But we'll find out which of these scenarios happens by inputting the character stats and then running a thousand simulations and coming back with a winner. AG9K, hit it! Inputting data, running calculations, processing results, simulations complete. All right, I like this matchup.
This was an idea by the executive producers. I believe Devin Davis submitted this idea for a duel match and it was not one that I had in consideration. I was thinking like other strong guys to go up against Warpath since he's essentially X-Force's or one of X-Force's resident muscle men. But really I didn't know anything about Black Condor. I didn't know how strong Black Condor was. All he knew was that he had wings that could allow him to fly. Honestly, I didn't know much about Black Condor either. He's a pretty obscure character.
But you know, he gets his name dropped every once in a while. I definitely like this John Trujillo version more than the others, I would say. I've been looking forward to getting him into a duel at some point. I did like this matchup. Yeah, it was closer than I would have thought, too, considering, you know, the slightly different power sets where Black Condor had a little bit more in terms of speed and evasiveness because of his flight. Warpath was a little bit higher in terms of durability and strength. They kind of evened each other out in a lot of areas.
Warpath also had higher perception due to his enhanced senses, but Black Condor had higher marks on range because he could create gusts of wind that cover entire city blocks. Yeah, neither character were very versatile and they also matched up pretty evenly when it came to things like fighting skill and damage level. With all that in consideration, who do you think's taking the win on this one, Jonathan? It's gotta be Black Condor. I mean, he has almost everything going for him that Warpath does in terms of strength and durability.
but he has the added bonus of being able to fly and control the wind. I put up the Instagram poll very, very late, like right before we began recording this episode. Usually I do a day before. Right now, the poll is sitting at 50 50 in terms of who people think will win. So that doesn't help. No, I'm actually surprised that Black Condor has that many votes, though, considering I feel like Warpath is the more popular character. Is he, though?
I feel like most people know who Thunderbird is, if they know him at all, because he's fairly obscure as well. When you say Warpath, I'm like, who? Thunderbird's brother. Well, like there was a version of Thunderbird in the Gifted series as well, which was a spinoff from the X-Men on Fox. The one that no one watched? Yeah, the one that I didn't even watch. Okay. Well, Instagram polls aside, let's go ahead and get the results and find out who won. AG9K, the results please. Hey, Yuasa.
Alright, the winner between Black Condor and Warpath is... Warpath. Fuck! Sucks to suck! Warpath beat Black Condor 539 times out of a thousand matches, meaning Black Condor only won 461, so Warpath wins 53.9% and Black Condor only wins 46.1% of the time. What the hell?
gave him the win. I thought Black Condor was coming out on top here. Well, the biggest disparity between the two characters was in two stats. One of them was durability, which Warpath was higher in, and the other one was range, which Black Condor was higher in. But then Warpath eked out a small victory when it came to perception and strength. Stupid enhanced senses. I feel like Black Condor should have enhanced senses. Like, it makes sense for the character to have that. He just hasn't had enough appearances in the comics for them to establish that.
Yeah, well the comics have established that between Warpath's enhanced reflexes and senses, it makes him an absolute marksman with his throwing knives. And you know, considering how fast he can throw, I just don't think that Black Hunter would stand a chance. Warpath is just too strong and too much of a badass and too cool and too powerful and too awesome and too just good in general. Holy shit, why don't you marry him already?
Nah, I'm good. You say Warpath is cool, but like, I just remember him getting his ass beat in Days of Future Past. Yeah, by those future Sentinels. Like a lame ass. Black Houndour would not have gone down that quick. Yeah, you probably would have flown away or something. Like a coward. Bitch, you don't know his life. I mean, except for the fact that you literally just told me his life, so there you go. Dang it.
But that does it for this duel guys, let us know what you thought about the results by writing to us at dyna or by visiting us on Instagram, which you can find a link to in our show notes or by going to our website at And on our site, you could also find a link to our Patreon page where you could join our dynamic duo tier and chat with us and fellow listeners, our fantastic four tier, which gets you bonus content each month, our X force tier.
that makes you an executive producer of this podcast or our highest tier that lets you join our DynaMic Podcast Network. Please don't forget to rate the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podchaser, or on our website. Our next episode is going to go back to the nostalgic era of the mid-90s superhero cartoons. We recently just got done reviewing X-Men 97, which brought us back to the old X-Men the animated series. Now we're going to journey back on the DC side of things with a review of
Batman Mask of the Phantasm. Yeah, it's a great movie, I never had the opportunity to see it in theaters, but I'm glad we're finally getting around to reviewing it. It's a classic. But that does it for this episode, we want to give a big thanks to our executive producers Ken Johnson, Jon Storowski, Zachary Hepburn, Dustin Belcombe, Miggy Matangian, Brandon Estergard, Nathaniel Wagner, Levi Yeaton, Austin Wiselowski, AJ Dunkerley, Scott Camacho, Gil Camacho.
Adam Spies, Andrew Shunk, Dean Molesky, and Devin Davis for helping make this podcast possible. We'll talk to you guys next week. Up up and away, true believers.