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Jan. 28, 2025

Circe vs Morgan le Fay

Circe vs Morgan le Fay

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• 0:00:00 - Introduction 
• 0:03:43 - No-Prize Time 
• 0:10:17 - Ulrich Thomsen to play Sinestro in HBO Lanterns series 

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Dynamic Duel: DC vs Marvel Podcast

Listen to the DynaMic Podcast Network at
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0:00:00 - Introduction 
0:03:43 - No-Prize Time 
0:10:17 - Ulrich Thomsen to play Sinestro in HBO Lanterns series 
0:12:33 - Question of the Week 
0:13:17 - Circe vs Morgan le Fay intro 
0:16:49 - Circe history and abilities 
0:25:17 - Morgan le Fay history and abilities 
0:32:21 - Fight speculation 
0:39:41 - Duel results 
0:42:36 - Sign off 
Executive producers: Ken Johnson, John Starosky, Zachary Hepburn, Dustyn Balcom, Miggy Matanguihan, Brandon Estergard, Nathaniel Wagner, Levi Yeaton, Austin Wesolowski, AJ Dunkerley, Scott Camacho, Gil Camacho, Adam Speas, Dean Maleski, Devin Davis, Joseph Kersting, Josh Liner, Mike Williams, and Oscar Galvez
"Take a Chance" "Clash Defiant" "Blip Stream" "Nowhere Land" Kevin MacLeod (, Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
#Circe #MorganLeFay #MarvelVsDC

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Welcome to the dynamic duel podcast a weekly show where we review superhero films and debate the superiority between Marvel and DC By comparing their characters in stat-based battle simulations I'm marvelous Joe and I'm his twin brother Johnny DC and in this episode we're gonna find out who would win in a fight between Morgan Le Fay and Cersei Cersei being a Greek mythological figure

and Morgan Le Fay being an Arthurian legend character. Right, and Cersei of course is a Wonder Woman villain. Morgan and Le Fay is I think an Avengers villain, is that right? Well, she's an Avengers villain, she's a Black Knight villain, she's also a Doctor Strange villain. She's a general Marvel villain, and she's pretty powerful, so I'm pretty sure that Cersei is going down. So what you're saying is she's like the Marvel villain village bicycle? Sure, sure, whatever.

I mean, if you're familiar with Arthurian legend, you might not disagree with that statement. Sweet! Can't wait for this match! Before that, we're going to get into the latest comic book movie news of which we only have one news item this week, and that is that Ulrich Thompson is going to play Sinestro in the HBO Lantern series. Who the hell is that guy? We'll find out later on. As always, we list our segment times in our episode description, so feel free to check out the show notes if you want to skip ahead to a particular topic.

Guys, our artificially intelligent Duel simulator AJ9K has a quick message for our listeners, so listen up.

Why hello there, do you want even more from this podcast? Then become a part of the dynamic Duel community on Patreon, where you can choose from three tiers. The dynamic two-oh tier gives you access to our Discord chat server. The fantastic four tier gives you two bonus episodes each month, and the X-Force tier makes you an executive producer of this show. Lastly,

The Diner Mike podcast network tier lets you create your own podcast using this Monte Carlo simulator. Johnny and Joe will help you develop your show, provide graphic support and consultation, and get you simulation results. Pitch the twins your ideas via email at dynamicduelpodcast at Check it out at slash dynamicduel. Pip pip cheerio. Thanks AJ9K and thanks to everyone who supports the podcast.

Be sure to tune in to the other shows in the Dynamite Podcast Network this week including Max Destruction which pits your favorite action heroes from film and television against each other. This week, hosts Scotty and Gilly are finding out who would win in a fight between Spawn and Hellboy. That's going to be a great match. On the Senjoh World podcast, host Zachary Hepburn speculates on fights between fan favorite anime and manga characters.

This week, Zach's finding out who would win in a battle between Sung-Jin Woo of Solo Leveling and Sid Kaganu of The Eminence in Shadow. And sorry if I butchered those names. And on the Konsole Kombat podcast, hosts John and Dean simulate battles between popular video game characters. In yesterday's episode, they found out who would win in a fight between Zangief from Street Fighter and Wolf from Virtua Fighter. Visit or click the link in our show notes.

to listen to all of the shows in the DynaMic Podcast Network. But with that out of the way, quick to the no prize. A no prize is an award that Marvel used to give out to fans. Our version, the Dynamic Duel No Prize, is a digital award that we post on Instagram for the person we feel gave the best answer to our question of the week. Last week, we asked you guys, what Marvel or DC television series are you most looking forward to?

in 2025. And we got a number of answers, but we have three honorable mentions to go through as well as the no prize winner. Our first honorable mention goes to Michael Williams, who said, But Marvel TV show I'm looking forward to is Wonder Man. I know that they are fictional characters and I'm not a big fan of gender swapping or race swapping, but that's the world we live in. So it'd be interesting to see.

how they're going to do these characters, backstory, change it up, and introduce them into the Marvel Universe. Yeah, I feel like Wonder Man is the Marvel project that we know the least about currently, probably because it's not coming out until the end of 2025, but it has a great cast in Yaya Abdul-Mateen II, who has had a number of comic book roles under his belt, and also like from the vague,

preview of sorts that we got from the last D23 event. It looks fairly interesting. It focuses heavily on the Hollywood system, but Michael Williams as a superhero in Marvel is an actor and taking that route is something that we haven't seen before. So at the very least, it's gonna give us something new. I'm excited just to get a Wonder Man series. I've never liked the name Wonder Man because it's just way too close to Wonder Woman.

But the character otherwise is pretty cool. Absolutely. Yeah, if you guys want to learn more about Wonder Man, listen to our duel episode where we pit him against Captain Adam. He's a great character. Thanks, Michael Williams. Our next honorable mention goes to Lee Tapscott, who said, Hi, this is Lee Tapscott. What Marvel or DC show am I most looking forward to? Marvel zombies. In this show, I'm hoping that they follow Spider-Man.

as he is traumatized by killing his family and being the hero that he once was. Will he overcome the constant hunger and keep killing or will he find a way to stop the zombies? Dude, same. And if you've read the Marvel zombies comic books and followed the Spider-Man arc as far as that goes, it's truly fascinating, especially like when he eats Sandman. It's kind of disturbing.

I don't know if the Marvel Zombies television show will go that route, but there's definitely a lot of interesting areas to explore when it comes to Spider-Man and the Marvel Zombies. Like is he gonna eat Aunt May or Mary Jane and all that stuff? We'll see if it follows the comic books by watching the show when it comes out close to Halloween this year. Yeah, we broke down the storyline of Marvel Zombies in our Deceased vs. Marvel Zombies episode. So...

Don't listen to that if you don't want to be spoiled as to what happens or could happen on the show. That was a fun episode. Thank you, Lee. Our final honorable mention goes to McGee Mathengian, who said, Hey, what's up, guys? This is McGee. And the show I'm looking forward to the most this year is My Adventures with Superman Season 3. Now, I know it hasn't been confirmed or anything, but hopefully we get it this year. Me and my girlfriend have been watching it. We actually just finished.

like I've already seen it but I was watching it with her so it was her first time watching it season two like season one and two um a couple of weeks ago and she loved it and so it's kind of like our show now so my adventures with Superman is probably one of the best modern adaptations of the character of Superman to ever come out yeah totally I have yet to hear anyone say that they dislike this series even people who don't like the character of Superman seem to like this series which makes me

Superman is DC's flagship character. And if there's one character you need to get right, it's Superman. Yeah, hopefully James Gunn's iteration of Superman in his live action movie coming out this summer matches the quality of the character that is portrayed in this series. It needs to. And hopefully Miggi could go see that movie with his girlfriend who is totally real. Ha ha ha ha. But special thanks to Daniel Alonso, Jess and Betty.

Mason Thompson and Travis Herndon for calling in with their answer this week. But the winner of this week's no prize is Jonathan and not Johnny DC, but a different Jonathan. He said, Hey, my name is John and my most anticipated show for 2025 is obviously Daredevil for obvious reasons. But Peacemaker season two is going to be a close second because that show is awesome. And Creature Commando season two would have been there too. But there's no way they can crank out a season two this year. But those are my

Most anticipated picks. Shout out Peacemaker Season Two for sure. All right, Jonathan, it comes down to this. What series is gonna be better in 2025? Daredevil Born Again or Peacemaker Season Two? Peacemaker Season Two. Oh, that's the wrong answer. The correct answer was Daredevil Born Again. Sorry. Try again next time.

I do think Daredevil Born Again is going to be a fantastic show. Just based on the trailer, it looks like it's going to be as good as the seasons that Netflix put out. At least I'm hoping that's the case. I'm also really looking forward to Peacemaker Season 2 as well. Although I have to say, it's not my most anticipated series of this year from DC. That would probably be going to Sandman Season 2 if that comes out this year. It may not. Yeah. That whole Neil Gaiman thing is just kind of a...

Shit show. Yeah, it's friggin' really weird. But no, I love Peacemaker season one, and Peacemaker season two is definitely high on my list of shows this year. So congrats to Jonathan for winning this week's No Prize. If you the listener want a shot at winning your own No Prize, stay tuned to later on this episode when we'll be asking another question of the week. But now that that's done, on to the news.

Alright, last week Deadline confirmed that Ulrich Thompson has been cast as Sinestro for the upcoming HBO series, Lanterns. This series of course is set in James Gunn's DCU and it stars Aaron Pierre as Jon Stewart and Kyle Chandler as Hal Jordan. Sinestro of course is a major villain figure in Green Lantern mythology, although I'm assuming that

by the start of this series, he will still be a Green Lantern. I have no idea who Ulrich Thompson is. Apparently he has been in series like Banshee for Cinemax. He also had a recurring role on The Blacklist that aired on NBC for a time, as well as counterpart HBO's The Young Pope. He's a Scandinavian actor. Yeah, I've never seen a guy with so prominent a filmography whom I've never heard of. He has a good look though for...

Sinestro, so I'm hoping he does well. Yeah, looks wise, he looks nothing like Mark Strong, who I thought nailed the look of the character of Sinestro, if not the behavior in the infamous Green Lantern film. I don't know, this guy, it just doesn't say Sinestro to me personally. It says maybe like Hitler, who the character of Sinestro was based on, just like comb his hair to the side and give him like a mustache. Boom. Sure.

I think that's what they're going for in this casting. Yeah, I think it'll be interesting how they treat the character of Sinestro in this show if he starts off as a Green Lantern and then we see that transition into his more villainous persona. It always struck me as odd that it's surprising that a character with the name of Sinestro turns evil. So I wonder how they're going to play that off in this series because if the actors from Earth aren't like, wait, this guy...

Just say his name is Sinestro. They have to say something about it because otherwise it's just too awkward. There's some things you can get away with in the comics that you can't get away with on screen. I'm sure the guy is a terrific actor. Again, I don't know anything about him. But speaking of great villain actors, that brings us to our question of the week.

Which actor has given the best performance in a villain role for a Marvel or DC series? Who's your favorite villain in a television show for Marvel or DC basically? Record your answer at by clicking on the red microphone button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen which will prompt you to leave us a voicemail. Your message could be up to 30 seconds long and don't forget to leave your name in case we include you on the podcast. We'll pick our favorite answer.

and award that person a dynamic duel no prize that we'll post to Instagram. Be sure to answer before February 1st.

But I think that does it for all the news for this episode, so let's go ahead and get into our main event where we find out who would win in a fight between the mythological DC character of Cersei versus the Arthurian legend character, Morgan Le Fay.

Alright, Cersei versus Morgan Le Fay. This episode is coming off of Creature Commando Season 1, in which Cersei played a minor role, but she's a prominent Wonder Woman villain, so it was important, I think, to get her in a duel against one of Marvel's most preeminent sorceress villainesses, Morgan Le Fay. Was Morgan Le Fay in that one Renaissance what-if episode? Oh, what-if 1602? She was not.

But Morgan Le Fay has played a prominent live action role in the Runaway season three, where she was played actually by Elizabeth Hurley. So she's kind of a big deal. Oh, Elizabeth Hurley, huh? Yeah. Cersei would be so lucky. I am not even gonna debate you on that, because I agree. Yeah, Cersei was pretty cool in Creature Commando season one. I really hope though that she eventually plays a role as the primary villain.

of a Wonder Woman live action movie. Well I'm hoping that she's going to pop up in the Paradise Lost television series that was announced for the DCU about the island of the Mascara and the Amazons. Yeah, it would make sense for her character to show up there. Yeah, and we'll get into the backstory of Cersei and Morgan Le Fay, but first to explain the methodology behind our duels, let's go to our sentient duel simulator, Alfred Jarvis 9000. AJ 9K, tell our listeners how you go about determining a winner.

in our Duel matchups.

Additional stat categories are included such as range, damage potential, versatility and perception in order to create a more detailed and accurate simulation. The results of the 1000 simulations provide a percentage of wins for each character. The contestant with the higher percentage is declared the victor as they have a higher probability to win any given battle. In an equitable pairing, neither character should win 100% of the matches. The comic book stories have shown that there's even a way for Batman to defeat Superman.

So the confidence rate of my method falls in line with the precedents that have been established in the source material. My mathematical simulations are without subjectivity or bias. Feats are not the sole consideration, nor are fan votes tabulated for determination of the winner. Thanks AJ9K! Before we run the simulations though, we like to break down each character's histories and abilities before improvising a scenario on how we imagine one of the 1000 simulations would play out beat for beat.

And it's my turn to go first with the DC characters backstory, so let me tell you all about Cersei. Now over 1200 years BC, Cersei was born to the Titans Hyperion and Persace and raised as the Princess of Colchis, a kingdom in the Caucasus region. Known for her beauty and cunning, she murdered her weak and unworthy husband, an act that led to her expulsion from the kingdom. Exiled and seeking power,

Cersei fled to the island of Aiea, where she began studying the mystical arts and developed a talent for sorcery. While her magic was initially limited to the island, she used nearby sirens to lure unsuspecting sailors and travelers, transforming them into animals as punishment for their intrusion and to perfect her powers. Her prayers for greater power reached the Greek goddess Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft

and an Olympian outcast who sought revenge against the gods who had wronged her. Hecate offered Cersei a pact, immortality, eternal beauty, and immense magical power in exchange for her soul. When Cersei accepted, Hecate transferred her essence into the sorceress, dying in the process by uttering a chilling prophecy, upon the death of which and the birth of which, Hecate, by name and choice, shall repossess her soul.

Initially unconcerned by the prophecy, Cersei reveled in her newfound abilities, using them to raise Colchis in a single day. She became infamous for her power to transform humans into animals, creating subservient bestiomorphs, sometimes called animin, bound to her will. Empowered by Hecate's hatred of the gods, Cersei relished in fostering discord between men and women, sowing mistrust and animosity wherever she went.

She became wary, however, when the Amazons, warrior women blessed by the Olympian gods, were created. Ares, the god of war, assured Cersei that the Amazons would fall under his schemes, however, and she initially allowed him to act unchallenged. You can learn more about Ares in our Ares vs Loki duel episode. When Hercules enslaved the Amazons, Cersei took advantage of the situation to create a division amongst the group by manipulating Ariadne.

into murdering Antiochus, the sister of Apollita, who had brokered peace with Athens. This act resulted in a rift between the Themiscerian Amazons and the newly formed Bona-Migdala tribe, fulfilling Cersei's aim to weaken their unity. For centuries, Cersei remained on Aaea, orchestrating chaos and destruction from afar when it suited her. By modern times, she had retreated to her island as an enigmatic recluse.

But when Wonder Woman appeared in Man's World, Cersei was surprised that Amazons had survived, as all traces of them had vanished for hundreds of years. You can learn more about Wonder Woman in our Wonder Woman vs. Thor episode. Fearing Diana was the fulfillment of Hecate's prophecy, she plotted to destroy her, but feared direct confrontation. Cersei's attempt to revert Diana back into clay failed when the Greek gods intervened, but her obsession with the Amazon Princess endured.

Cersei's hatred for the Amazons led her to instigate a war of the gods between the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian pantheons in an effort to sap their power for herself. Cersei aligned herself with the Banu-Migdhal Amazons, using them as pawns in her effort to discredit Wonder Woman and the Themyscirans. Her plan reached their apex when she killed Wonder Woman by finally reverting her into the clay from which she had been formed. However, with the aid of the Spectre and the Phantom Stranger...

Wonder Woman was resurrected and Cersei's plot unraveled. Hecate's soul abandoned Cersei during the battle, leaving her seemingly defeated. Following her failure in the War of the Gods, Cersei turned on her Bonamigdol Amazons, casting them and the Themyscaryans into a demon-infested dimension. The Amazons spent years fighting for survival. When Wonder Woman confronted her, Cersei was forced to return the island to its original location

after losing a wager with the Amazon Princess. In one of her most insidious schemes, Cersei disguised herself as Donna Milton, a lawyer who befriended Diana to destroy her from within. Cersei cast a spell on herself to suppress her memories of her true identity, ensuring the Donna Milton persona would remain genuine and immune to one romance lasso of truth. Under the skies, she became romantically involved with Ares Buchanan.

the mortal guise of the god Ares, and gave birth to their daughter, Leda Milton. Eventually, Diana realized Donna's true nature, and though Cersei's memories returned, she found herself emotionally conflicted due to her new attachment to Diana as Donna Milton. In a rare act of selflessness, she saved Diana during a confrontation with a villain known as the White Magician. Cersei later struck a deal with the demon Neuron to increase her magical power.

She joined Lex Luthor's Injustice Gang, attempting to destroy the Justice League by turning its members against one another. She clashed with Wonder Woman repeatedly, including during an attack on New York City, where she transformed male superheroes into beast geomorphs, and transformed Superman into a doomsday-like monster to kill Wonder Woman. Later, Cersei empowered Wonder Woman's rogues, including Cheetah, Giganta, and Dr. Psycho, to test the Amazons' resolve.

She stole Wonder Woman's powers during this period and declared herself the new Wonder Woman. However, Diana eventually regained her abilities, defeated Cersei, and banished her once again. In post-Flashpoint continuity, Cersei was reimagined as a red-haired bearer of the Witch Mark, which signified her possession of a fragment of Hecate's soul.

in a plot to manipulate Superman into fighting Wonder Woman, the combined efforts of Superman and Wonder Woman thwarted her plans. Cersei later became entangled with Veronica Cale, an entrepreneur seeking vengeance against the Sons of Ares for kidnapping her daughter. Together, they trapped Phobos and Deimos, the twin Sons of Ares, in animal forms. Cersei deduced that Cale's daughter was being held on Themyscira, but refused to help further, fearing the consequences of freeing Ares.

When Hecate sought to reclaim her soul through the Witchmarks, Cersei manipulated events to inherit Hecate's full power. She pretended to assist Wonder Woman and the Justice League Dark in fighting Hecate, but secretly sought to destroy her patron. Her plan succeeded, and with Hecate's death, Cersei became the new Goddess of Magic. She formed the Injustice League Dark, recruiting powerful magical beings to challenge Wonder

However, her plans were thwarted when Diana used the power of Eclipso to defeat her. Rather than destroy Cersei, Diana imprisoned her in a magical mirror, allowing her to retain her newfound power, but barring her from using it against others. That's Cersei's backstory. Power-wise, Cersei is a goddess-level sorceress with vast magical power. Her abilities include matter and energy manipulation, reality alteration, and teleportation.

She's best known for transforming humans into beast geomorphs, which are animal-like beings under her control. She can project destructive magical blasts, erect defensive shields, and summon creatures to do her bidding. Cersei's immortality prevents her from aging, and she is highly resistant to physical harm. She also has limited clairvoyance, allowing her to foresee events and sense the presence of other immortals. And that's Cersei!

I think the most surprising thing there is that my knowledge of the mythological Cersei was primarily from the Odyssey, but the fact that the Amazonians came after the events of that story was interesting. Well, not necessarily, because she had been on the island of Aya for a while, even after the Amazons, so she stayed there. Alright, so I thought I had the Amazons chronologically placed in a certain time, but yeah, it's pretty vague, I guess, when they started. Greek Myth!

is not as interesting as Arthurian legend. So, oh, what? You heard me. That's right. Let me go ahead and get into the Arthurian legend that is Morgan Le Fay. Now, Morgan Le Fay was born in the magical Celtic realm of Avalon during the sixth century days of Camelot. She's the daughter of a grain, the sea princess, and an unknown father of fairy lineage.

A young sorcerer from Avalon named Merlin forewarned of a great catastrophe that would befall Egraine's kingdom and helped the mother and daughter flee to Earth's realm in Britain. There Merlin arranged for Egraine to marry Gorloi, Duke of Tintagel who adopted the young Morgan. King Uther Pendragon of England lusted after Egraine and killed Gorloi, taking Morgan's mother as his own bride.

When Negrane birthed them a son, Morgan became the half-sister of Arthur Pendragon, whom Merlin had prophesied would become the greatest king of Britain. Merlin trained Morgan Le Fay in sorcery as she grew up, and she became his apprentice and later lover.

though the alliance soon unraveled when she grew furious with his apparent abandonment of their relationship in favor of King Arthur's reign and the spread of Christianity, since Morrigan was a disciple of the old Druidic ways of Britain. She had resented King Arthur from the moment of his birth, and allied herself with his bastard son and her nephew, Mordred, often conspiring with him against both Camelot and Arthur himself.

Morgan's long rivalry with Merlin intensified, given his role as royal advisor and enforcer against her plots. She occasionally resided at Castle Le Fay, which was gifted to her by Arthur in his attempts to keep peace, but she continued to undermine him from within. In her early forays into black magic, Morgan led a cult who worshipped the elder god Chthon, the god of chaos.

She assembled and helped bind his scattered scrolls into a single tome known as the Darkhold. Unfortunately for her, the summon to C'thun proved too powerful to control, so Morgan and her followers bound him within Wundergorm Mountain. You can learn more about C'thun and Wundergorm Mountain in our Zatanna vs Scarlet Witch

One of her disciples, Magnus, eventually saw the evil in her ways and stole the Darkhold to prevent Morrigan from abusing its contents. She slew Magnus in retaliation, but lost her access to the book's dark secrets. Her conflicts with Arthur often centered on the sword Excalibur, which she tried to sabotage by striking a chip from the real blade and forging a hellish replica. She resented Lancelot.

one of the Knights of the Round Table for spurring her affections, and she eventually exposed Lancelot's affair with Arthur's Queen Guinevere, fracturing the Court of Camelot from within and helping incite the civil war that spelled Arthur's downfall. As these events reached their climax, Merlin intervened repeatedly, eventually having Morgan imprisoned with a powerful enchantment, though she managed to project her astral form beyond physical

throughout time. When Mordred gravely wounded his father, the king, Morgan's astral form transported Arthur's soul to Avalon, yet her hatred of his legacy of Camelot endured, and she continued her quest for greater power from within her imprisonment. She was particularly determined to retrieve the Darkhold in future centuries, believing it could finally free her from Merlin's longstanding bindings and allow her to rule unrestricted.

Over centuries, Morgan repeatedly manifested in eras beyond her original timeline. In the modern age, she often confronted heroes such as Doctor Strange and the Avengers. She tried to possess people to bypass her constraints, including the heroine Spider-Woman, aka Jessica Drew, whose body she temporarily took control of. Morgan also clashed with Iron Man.

whom she met when Dr. Doom time traveled back to her era and struck a deal with her in exchange for knowledge of the dark arts. Doom promised to help Morgan's forces if she would aid in rescuing his mother's soul from hell, yet the uneasy alliance ended in betrayal on both sides, creating an enduring enmity. Morgan nonetheless taught Doom much about sorcery, and the two maintained a recurrent tangled relationship across time.

sometimes as lovers, other times as bitter enemies. They even produced a daughter, Caroline Le Fay. You can learn more about Dr. Doom in his duel against Superman. Morgan later tapped into the magic of the Asgardian artifact known as the Twilight Sword, which she used to reshape reality, forging a medieval-style Earth with herself as its sole ruler, presiding over Earth's mightiest heroes. She also raised armies of the dead,

enslaved powerful beings like the Scarlet Witch, and attempted to resurrect the sunken continent of Atlantis, mistaking it for her fabled Avalon. From the past, she later fought Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers with an army of demons. Although the Dark Avengers destroyed her several times in that confrontation, she kept resurrecting herself in the past into the present until Doctor Doom and Iron Patriot traveled back to her timeline and magically exiled her.

into her own dark cauldron. Even that proved temporary however as Morgan's daughter Caroline retrieved her from the cauldron and Morgan raised undead armies throughout Europe bringing her into conflict with the Avengers yet again. She later attempted to conquer Camelot which Merlin transported into the realm of Avalon and she fought against Captain Britton and his sister Betsy Braddock. She put Captain Britton under her spell forcing Betsy to don his amulet of right artifact

to become the new Captain Britain, which you can learn more about in our Uncle Sam vs Captain Britain Duel episode. And that's her backstory. Powers-wise, Morgan Le Fay is an accomplished sorceress with a vast array of mystical abilities that include reality warping, magical time travel, necromancy, self-resurrection, flight, shape-shifting, transmutation, energy manipulation, illusion casting, astral projection, and

and duplication. Her one weakness due to her fairy heritage is the metal of iron. And that's her backstory. I guess I should say that Cersei has a weakness as well. And that is an herb known as Molly, I think. Like ecstasy? It's gotta be. I don't know. Well, so convenient of you to leave that out of her backstory. I'm pretty sure it's harder to find this herb than it is fucking iron.

That's ridiculous. Who knows? Molly's everywhere these days. Stay safe, kids.

Where fantasies collide and heroes clash, one podcast network rises above the rest. Prepare yourself for the ultimate showdowns in comic books, video games, movies, and anime. The Dynomic Podcast Network presents... Konsole Kombat, where video game legends brawl every Monday. Dynamic Duel, where comic book titans smash every Tuesday. Max Destruction, where the world is at its limit.

TV and action heroes battle every Wednesday, and Sendro World, where anime champions clash every Thursday. Join us as we speculate on the matches and armed with the power of mathematical simulations, discover who will emerge victorious. Visit where we settle the debate and settle the score.

Well now that we've got their histories and abilities out of the way, let's speculate on how one of the 1000 simulated matches will go. The winner is determined by simulations, not this speculation, but it's fun to imagine how the fight could play out. AJ and NK, what are the rules of our speculation? Well, I should say there are no rules, other than the characters have no prior knowledge of the other going into the fight. All they are aware of starting out is that the other character is a threat that needs to be eliminated.

For the speculation, the contestants will begin approximately 50 meters apart in a non-descript environment that will have no bearing on the match itself, as no environmental statistics are considered in my simulations. The contestants must earn victory on their own merit. Alright, then let's get into it. Cersei and Morgan Le Fay meet on the battlefield. Who goes first? Morgan Le Fay, she usually wears jewelry, right? Like a necklace? Mmm... Like a skull necklace? Yeah. Okay.

Well, I'm going to say that Cersei starts by transforming that skull necklace into like this snake creature that just chokes and bites her. All right. OK, well, before the snake bites her, Morgan Lafay transforms it into a chain, which she, you know, unfurls from around her neck and she casts across the battlefield over to Cersei and binds her up with it. And it transports her into this dark dungeon.

inside a medieval castle. What is this chain made of? Is it iron? No, like, I don't know. It's fucking made out of lead or something. Okay, just checking. In this medieval dungeon, Cersei, she's just gonna blast off her chains, her shackles or whatever, with these purple magic bolts. And once she's free, she's also gonna blast Morgan with those bolts as well. Except that in this dungeon, Morgan Le Fay has like this skeleton army guarding her.

that takes the brunt of this magical blast. And she uses the fallen skeleton army bodies and she reforms them into this massive bone dragon that just blasts down a flame of green eldritch fire that engulfs her sea and burns her alive. Forest field, all right? Magical forest field. It blocks those flames. And while she's protecting herself.

Cersei is going to take the stones that make up the walls of the dungeon around her and use them to form a giant rock minotaur that just dashes straight into the dragon scattering its bones everywhere and then the minotaur is gonna look at Morgan Lafay and he's gonna charge into her just impaling her on its horns Except as the minotaur rushes at Morgan Lafay It's gonna pass through this like time spell

that's gonna de-age this rock Minotaur until, you know, it's just a Minotaur rock calf baby. And it stumbles and falls onto the ground into like a bunch of little pebbles, okay? And each of those are gonna get transposed into this fairy being. And now Morgan Le Fay is in command of this fairy army, and she's gonna send them out like a legion of kamikaze pilots that just tear through Cersei.

Like a barrage of glowing magical bullets. Oh damn, okay. Like Tinkerbells. Yeah. All right, so Cersei, she's being pummeled by these fairy bullets and she's still in this damn dungeon. So she's just gonna teleport out of there and from outside of whatever medieval castle they were just in, she's gonna cause an earthquake beneath it that just brings the whole castle crumbling down on top of Morgan. Okay, so.

Morgan gets buried by Castle Lafay, but from the rubble, she's gonna sprout this massive plant with like a flower bulb from which she emerges safe and sound and she commands the roots of this plant to emerge from the ground and wrap up Cersei with all these vines that drain her of her power until she's just a husk. Okay, but as these roots are approaching Cersei,

that gives her an iron touch, you know, kind of like Midas's golden touch, but with iron, all right? So this plant that Morgan was inside of is now just an iron trap that burns her to death, giving Cersei the win. I said she emerged from the plant. Okay, but not in time. Okay, well, except that the giant plant that Cersei tried to turn into iron, it actually turns out that the plant

Molly, the herb, which disrupts Cersei's magic. So it doesn't turn to iron. It turns into this like impure metal that Cersei just thinks is iron. But it's actually like some kind of like Molly metal compound. We'll say molybdenum, okay? Molybdenum. What? All right. And Morgan Le Fay crafts a giant sword out of this metal that she swings at Cersei and it decapitates her, ending this match.

How the heck did Morgan even know Cersei was weak to Molly? Well, how did Cersei know that Morgan Le Fay was weak to Iron? Dude, Cersei is like a lot older than Morgan. She knows all those Celtic fairies are weak to that shit. How does she know that Morgan's like a fairy folk, like a descendant of that? She doesn't know that. And also, like Morgan Le Fay has been around long enough to know by the present time that like Cersei was...

a figure that is weak to the fucking molly herb. Morgan's been around long enough. Oh, yeah. Morgan's been around. All right. Yeah. Marvel villain village bicycle over here, like you said earlier, checks out. Hey, we don't villain shame around here. OK. All right. Well, go ahead and run the stats on these characters and find out which scenario happens. Either Cersei traps Morgan Le Fay in an iron plant that burns her to death.

or Morgan Le Fay creates a molybdenum sword that decapitates Cersei. We'll run the stats and find out who came out on top. AJ9K, hit it. Inputting data, running calculations, processing results, simulations complete. All right, these sorceresses were pretty close in their statistics. There were just a few instances in which they deferred. Like we said that-

Morgan Le Fay was faster primarily because, you know, the official Marvel power grid said that she was faster, I think because she can transport her consciousness through time and space. Whereas Cersei, you know, sticks to the present. Right, but we did give the edge to Cersei when it came to fighting skill because she actually throws hands with Wonder Woman on occasion, whereas Morgan Le Fay really never fights physically.

Right, yeah, never. Regarding the rest of the stats, they were actually similar. Like, they're pretty much identical, especially when it comes to abasiveness, durability, strength. Actually, we did say that Cersei was a little bit stronger than Morgan Le Fay physically. Right, yes, but everything else was the same. So taking all of this data into consideration, Joseph, who do you think came out on top? Morgan Le Fay? That's not even a question. Don't even ask me. Morgan Le Fay. I literally just asked you. Well,

Don't do that again. And I don't even want to know what the Instagram followers say. 71% of them picked Cersei to win, so they're obviously biased. Actually, I've been looking back at the Instagram polls, like a majority of them have come out DC recently, which is fascinating and awesome. And lame. What the fuck is going on there? We have way too many DC fans following us on Instagram. We need more Marvel guys on there. Well, let's check out the actual winning percentage.

AJ9K the results please. Here you are, sir.. The winner of the matchup between Circe and Morgan Le Fay is... Circe by 59.6% compared to Morgan Le Fay's 40.4% which means she only wins 404 of the 1000 simulated matches compared to Circe's 596. Well, I'm going to call it bullshit.

on those results, even if it affects our credibility. I'm going to call bullshit. Why? Because I don't like it. When it came down to it. Yes, Morgan Le Fay was faster, but she couldn't outmatch Circe's strength and fighting skill. You can say that, but it's still not going to make me accept it. Oh, look, everyone, Joseph doesn't want to accept reality. I accept my reality. OK.

You can take your reality. That's good for you. I accept that for you. And then I'll just take my reality where Morgan LeFay wins. Yeah. Ooh, sorry, but the numbers do not lie. That does not work. Sucks to suck, but that does it for this duel. AJ9K, help close this out.

Thanks for listening to Dynamic Duel. Visit the show's website at and follow us on Instagram at dynamicDuelpodcast. You can support the show on Patreon at slash dynamicDuel and joining a tier that works for you, or by rating and reviewing Dynamic Duel on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podchaser or on our website. Don't forget to listen to the other shows in the Dynamite Podcast Network, including Max Destruction, Senjou World and Konsole Kombat.

In our next episode, we are doing a duel that was chosen by our executive producer, Mickey Math and Gian, and that is Blockbuster versus Tombstone. Yeah, Tombstone is a prominent Spider-Man villain. And Blockbuster was a old video rental store from the 90s. Tombstone's a pizza, bro. But that is for this episode. We want to give a big thanks to our executive producers, Ken Johnson, John Sturowski, Zachary Hepburn.

Dustin Balcom, Mickey Muthengian, Brandon Estergard, Nathaniel Wagner, Levi Yeaton, Austin Wyslowski, AJ Dunkerley, Scott Camacho, Gil Camacho, Adam Spies, Dean Molesky, Devin Davis, Joseph Kersting, Josh Leiner, Mike Williams, and Oscar Galvez for helping make this podcast possible. And we'll talk to you guys next week. Up up and away, true believers. Not Joseph having too many drinks before recording this episode and slurring his words like a dental patient. Damn.


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