Dec. 3, 2024

Copperhead vs Scorpion

Copperhead vs Scorpion
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Copperhead vs Scorpion

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0:00:00 - Introduction 
0:04:11 - Copperhead vs Scorpion intro 
0:08:09 - Scorpion history and abilities 
0:15:40 - Copperhead history and abilities 
0:24:01 - Fight speculation 
0:31:04 - Duel results 
0:33:32 - Sign off 
Executive producers: Ken Johnson, John Starosky, Zachary Hepburn, Dustyn Balcom, Miggy Matanguihan, Brandon Estergard, Nathaniel Wagner, Levi Yeaton, Austin Wesolowski, AJ Dunkerley, Scott Camacho, Gil Camacho, Adam Speas, Andrew Schunk, Dean Maleski, Devin Davis, Joseph Kersting, Josh Liner, and Mike Williams
"Take a Chance" "Clash Defiant" "Blip Stream" "Nowhere Land" Kevin MacLeod (, Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
#Copperhead #Scorpion #MarvelVsDC

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So not only are you supporting our podcast with your purchase made this holiday season, but Jonathan and I are also giving 10% of all proceeds that we earn in the months of November and December to stand up to cancer. So support a great cause, support our show, and get 10% off your order again with the code duel10 at checkout. Which will only be good for this week, so make sure you use that before December 7th at the end of this week. Thanks guys, and on with the show.

Hey and welcome to the Dynamic Duel Podcast, a weekly show where we review superhero films and debate the superiority between Marvel and DC by comparing their characters in stat-based battle simulations. I'm Marvelous Joe. And I'm his twin brother Johnny DC. And in this episode, we are going to find out who would win in a fight between the DC villain Copperhead and the Marvel villain Scorpion. I was gonna say that this is like a lizard-themed duel, but uh...

Yeah, only one of these guys are reptile themed. Of course, Scorpion is an insect. So I had kind of a brain fart right there. Actually, scorpions aren't insects. They're arachnids. Fuck you, Jonathan. It was right off the gate. You're stupid. You're going down. I hope you lose this match now. Don't correct me. It disgusts me. Anyway, Jonathan and I are recording this episode a little bit early. We're actually recording this the week before Thanksgiving. And this episode is actually coming out the week after Thanksgiving.

Initially, this episode was going to be a review of Watchmen Chapter 2, but we got a lot of stuff going on during the Thanksgiving week. So we decided to put this episode out now and next week we're going to be reviewing Watchmen Chapter 2. Yeah, we had Thanksgiving. I have a work trip. It's just a lot of stuff going on. Plus it gives me, you know, more time to sit with my thoughts after watching Watchmen Chapter 2, which I have not done yet because it's not out. Please bear with us because this is actually a pretty bare-boned show.

We're not gonna have a no price segment. We're not going to have any news. We're just gonna get right into the duel. Right, but first we do have to hear from our artificially intelligent duel simulator, AJ9K, who has a quick message for our listeners.

Why hello there, do you want even more from this podcast? Then become a part of the dynamic duel community on Patreon, where you can choose from three tiers. The dynamic two-o tier gives you access to our Discord chat server. The fantastic four tier gives you two bonus episodes each month, and the X-Force tier makes you an executive producer of this show. Lastly,

The Diner Mike podcast network tier lets you create your own podcast using this Monte Carlo simulator. Johnny and Joe will help you develop your show, provide graphic support and consultation, and get you simulation results. Pitch the twins your ideas via email at dynamicduelpodcast at Check it out at slash dynamicduel. Pip pip cheerio. Thanks AJ9K, and thanks to everyone who supports the podcast.

Right now we're not sure what the upcoming episodes in the DynaMic Podcast Network will be, but be sure to listen to Max Destruction, which pits your favorite action heroes from film and television against each other, Senjou World, which speculates on fights between fan favorite anime and manga characters, and Console Combat, which simulates battles between popular video game characters. Visit or click the link in our show notes to listen to all of the shows in the DynaMic Podcast Network.

But with that out of the way, let's go ahead and get on to the main event where we find out who would win in a fight between Copperhead and Scorpion.

All right, Copperhead versus Scorpion. This episode is coming out in lead up to the upcoming Craven the Hunter movie that's coming out in a few weeks. Of course, that film will be based off of the Spider-Man villain known as Craven the Hunter, but we've already done a duel episode with Craven. We pit him against DC's Vixen. So we were thinking of another Spider-Man villain to do a duel episode with, and actually my favorite Spider-Man villain of all time is Scorpion.

And it is a damn shame that we have not gotten to a duel episode with him yet. So we're going to fix that right now. Pitting Scorpion against Copperhead, who was not an easy foe to come up with. Took us a while to settle on Copperhead, us and the executive producers. But essentially, these guys are incredibly agile. They're strong and in part, they're gifted that strength thanks to the suits that they wear, which include these long tails that can wrap people up. One guy uses acid attacks. Another guy uses venom based attacks.

It was actually a hard sell once we realized Copperhead could work. Yeah, I think I primarily know Copperhead from the Suicide Squad Hell to Pay animated movie in which he was a member of the Suicide Squad team. And he was pretty cool. He was like a cyborg with like snake-like powers in that film. I'm assuming that's what he's like in the comics. Not quite. Well, we will find out all about him and Scorpion. You know what's crazy is that

I feel like Copperhead has been better represented in the medium of film than Scorpion has. Scorpion, again, my favorite Spider-Man villain, has yet to make an appearance in the films besides that stupid cameo that was in Spider-Man Homecoming. I think prominently he was best featured in Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse, although that was the ultimate version of Scorpion. Copperhead wasn't in any films either except for Hell to Pay. Oh, he was also in a video game, although it was the girl version of him.

in Arkham Origins and that was awesome. That was really cool. Well, I mean, Scorpion's been in a lot of Spider-Man video games, so I guess he has that going for him. Can't wait to see who's gonna win this fight, but to explain the methodology behind our duels, let's go to our sentient duel simulator, Alfred Jarvis 9000. AJ9K, tell our listeners how you go about determining a winner in our duel matchups. Yes, of course, sir. The way I determine a winner between the contestants is by running 1000 Monte Carlo simulations using the characters' statistics.

The Monte Carlo simulation is a probabilistic model used to determine outcomes through random sampling. In this case, I randomised the statistics along a normal distribution as a way to simulate the many variables that can occur during battle. The stat parameters are based on the official Marvel power grid from which the DC characters' statistics are extrapolated. Additional stat categories are included such as range, damage potential, versatility and perception in order to create a more detailed and accurate simulation.

The results of the 1,000 simulations provide a percentage of wins for each character. The contestant with the higher percentage is declared the victor, as they have a higher probability to win any given battle. In an equitable pairing, neither character should win 100% of the matches. The comic book stories have shown that there's even a way for Batman to defeat Superman, so the confidence rate of my method falls in line with the precedents that have been established in the source material. My mathematical simulations are without subjectivity or bias.

Feats are not the sole consideration, nor are fan votes tabulated for determination of the winner. Thanks, A.J. 9K. Before we run the simulations, though, we like to break down each character's histories and abilities before improvising a scenario on how we imagine one of the 1,000 simulations would play out beat for beat. And I believe it's my turn to go first with the Marvel characters backstory, so let me go ahead and tell you all about Scorpion.

McDonald Mac Gargan's early life is shrouded in mystery, but he eventually became a private investigator known for his willingness to take on difficult and morally questionable jobs. This reputation drew the attention of Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah Jameson, who was determined to reveal how Peter Parker consistently captured such astonishing photographs of Spider-Man, whom you could learn more about in his duel against Blue Beetle. Jameson hired Gargan to shadow Parker, hoping to uncover a secret connection.

However, Peter Parker's spider sense alerted him to Gargan's presence each time, leaving Jameson frustrated and ready to pursue a bolder strategy. Jameson arranged for Gargan to undergo a risky procedure with Dr. Farley Stillwell, a scientist exploring genetic manipulation. In exchange for a $10,000 fee, Gargan agreed to become Stillwell's first human test subject. His DNA was fused with that of a scorpion, one of a spider's natural predators, granting

endurance and reflexes. Stillwell also outfitted Gargan with a cybernetically controlled mechanical tail, completing his transformation into Scorpion. But while the experiment made Gargan physically formidable, it also had unforeseen mental consequences, driving him toward insanity and sparking a deep-seated aggression that he would later be unable to control. Initially, Gargan reveled in his new powers, believing they made him invincible. His first encounters with Spider-Man reinforced this confidence,

as he defeated the webslinger twice. However as Gargan's powers grew, so did his hatred toward Jameson, whom he now saw as the true architect of his monstrous transformation. This contempt soon became an obsession, leading Scorpion to attack Jameson at the Daily Bugle, only to be foiled by Spider-Man in their third battle. Despite being arrested, Gargan's animosity toward Jameson, whom he saw as both his creator and his enemy, would remain a driving force for years to come.

Over time, Gargan's animosity turned him into a hardened mercenary, accepting dangerous assignments that often brought him into conflict with other heroes. As Gargan's criminal career advanced, he became part of the Masters of Evil supervillain team under Egghead, joining forces to battle the Avengers, though they were ultimately defeated. You can learn more about the Masters of Evil in their duel episode against the Legion of Doom. Gargan's reputation for brutality grew, making him a reliable go-to for villains who needed muscle for their operations.

Yet he remained haunted by the life he had lost and the monstrous identity he was now trapped in, leading him to believe he can never remove his costume. Desperate and mentally unstable, Scorpion attempted to subject Jameson to an acid bath, a scheme foiled by Captain Marvel, who threw Gargan into the acid herself. Horribly burned and in agony, Gargan retreated into the sewers, his sanity slipping further. He would spend weeks in isolation, spiraling deep into madness and becoming convinced he was truly a monster.

This self-loathing and paranoia haunted him until another confrontation with Spider-Man revealed that his monstrous identity was more of a psychological prison than a physical one. In a bid to regain his sense of control, Gargan accepted offers from corporate backers like Justin Hammer, who saw value in enhancing Scorpion's deadly abilities. Hammer outfitted him with a new suit and extended his tail, equipping it with advanced weaponry.

but Gargan's volatility proved disastrous as he repeatedly jeopardized Hammer's operations with his inability to follow orders. Despite these setbacks, Gargan continued to cling to his criminal career, unable to give up his vendetta against Jameson and Spider-Man. In one of his most significant turning points, Gargan was approached by Norman Osborn, who sought to harness Gargan's hatred for Spider-Man. Osborn, aka the Green Goblin, now aware of Spider-Man's true identity, offered Gargan an upgraded suit.

and revealed Parker's secret to him. He instructed Gargan to kidnap Peter's Aunt May if Osborn was ever incarcerated. Gargan nearly completed his mission when he encountered the Venom symbiote, which offered him even greater power, becoming the new monstrous Venom, whom you can learn more about in our Clayface versus Venom duel episode. As Venom, Gargan discovered newfound powers, joining Osborn's Sinister 12 in a bid to destroy Spider-Man. Though he was defeated,

Gargan enjoyed the raw powers the symbiote offered. However, controlling the symbiote came at a cost as his bloodlust drove Gargan to increasingly savage acts. Concerned with his violent tendencies, the government implanted electrical inhibitors in Gargan's body, hoping to restrain the symbiote's influence. Following the Skrull invasion, Osborn elevated Gargan's status by assigning him to the Dark Avengers, where he took on the public persona of Spider-Man to present a twisted reflection of the hero to the public. His hatred for Jameson?

Now New York's mayor led him to orchestrate a gang war aimed at tarnishing Jameson's reputation, plunging the city into chaos. When Osborn's empire finally fell during the Siege of Asgard, Gargan and the other Dark Avengers were arrested, and the symbiote was forcibly removed. Without it, Gargan experienced severe health repercussions, his body having grown dependent on the symbiote for stability. His freedom came when Alastor Smythe, a villain known as the Spider Slayer, broke him out of prison and outfitted him with an advanced scorpion suit.

which included a life support system and a quote-unquote scorpion sense similar to Spider-Man's spider sense. Smite's intervention provided Gargan with a semblance of normalcy, but it also rekindled his obsession with revenge. Together, the two staged a high-profile attack on Jameson and his family, though Spider-Man ultimately thwarted their plans. His ongoing vendetta against Venom resurfaced after Eddie Brock reclaimed the symbiote.

Gargan adopted a new identity, Virus, and acquired a heavily weaponized suit. He pursued Venom relentlessly, but was ultimately captured by Codex, a symbiote hive ruler who forced him to resume his Scorpion identity. Gargan eventually accepted a position on the government-run symbiote task force, targeting rogue symbiotes in a twisted attempt at redemption. Powers-wise, Scorpion is a mutate with Scorpion-human hybrid physiology. This grants him superhuman strength, able to lift around 20 tons.

and enhanced running speed around 50 miles per hour. His scorpion suit grants him enhanced durability that renders him bulletproof to small arms fire and he's equipped with pincers and the gloves that allow him to grasp onto walls and rip through solid metal. Best of all though is his 10 foot long mechanical tail that can whip at 100 miles per hour and is dexterous enough to carry objects or use as a springboard to launch himself three stories into the air. The tip of his tail is equipped with a poisonous barb.

and from it he can fire both laser blasts and corrosive acid. While Scorpion is not a trained fighter, he is an adept brawler and a gifted investigator. That's Scorpion. Wait so you're telling me I can get a suit like the Scorpion for just 10 G's? Not only a suit but also Scorpion DNA. Eh it doesn't matter I don't have that anyway. A guy could dream though, although I'm not sure how much it costs to get Copperhead's suit.

But I would say it's even more oppressive than Scorpion's and probably more expensive. Probably. Well, I mean, Scorpion debuted in the 1960s, so $10,000 in the 1960s now, it's got to be at least $10 billion. Oh, Copperhead also appeared in the 60s, the late 60s. Interesting. Let me get into his backstory. The criminal known as Copperhead first emerged in Gotham City as a mysterious figure whose agility, stealth, and cunning allowed him to execute a series of audacious thefts.

His costume, resembling a snake's scales, included a prehensile tail that he could use to bind an incapacity to his victims, earning him the moniker Copperhead. Though his true identity remained a mystery, his modus operandi was distinct, striking swiftly and vanishing without a trace. Copperhead's contortionist skills and snake-like agility made him nearly impossible to apprehend, confounding Gotham's police force.

Copperhead's first major heist involved the theft of a tiara belonging to a foreign dignitary visiting Gotham City. Disguised as an elderly man, Copperhead infiltrated the dignitary's heavily guarded quarters, stealing the tiara before escaping into the shadows. His theft drew the attention of Batman, who enlisted the help of Batgirl and Wonder Woman to help capture the slippery villain. The trio set a trap for Copperhead using the golden cask of Montezuma.

a priceless artifact as bait. Though Copperhead failed in his attempt to steal it, the trap failed as well, and he successfully evaded the heroes once again, disappearing into Gotham's underworld. Shortly after, Copperhead captured Wonder Woman during an encounter in Gotham Park and brought her back to his lair. Batman and Batgirl were able to track him, however, to his hideout where they managed to capture and arrest him. After escaping from prison, Copperhead upgraded his suit.

with help from the Secret Society of Super-Villains, who invited him to join their ranks. While working for the Society, he collaborated with villains like Gorilla Grodd and Star Sapphire on a series of heists, the former of which you can learn more about in our Gorilla Grodd vs. Psylocke duel episode. Internal conflicts within the group, however, led Copperhead to abandon his associates after becoming suspicious of the Society's leadership. As a freelance assassin, Copperhead expanded his criminal endeavors internationally.

He was hired to assassinate a French finance minister only to be thwarted by Elongated Man, the first of several battles against the hero across Europe. When the archdemon Niron offered numerous villains upgraded powers, Copperhead sold his soul to be transformed into a human-snake hybrid. This new form enhanced his physical abilities, granting him actual venomous fangs, superhuman strength, and predatory instincts. However, it also eroded his humanity.

making him more animalistic and driven by primal urges. In his transformed state, Copperhead became a vicious killer. He battled Superboy in Hawaii, where his venomous bite managed to pierce the young hero's skin. Though he was temporarily defeated, Copperhead survived and joined the Suicide Squad, only to betray the mission and escape with his newfound freedom. As his monstrous tendencies grew, Copperhead devolved into a serial killer monster.

consuming the victims he slaughtered. His killing spree ended when District Attorney Kate Spencer, secretly the vigilante Manhunter, tracked him down. In a brutal confrontation, Manhunter killed Copperhead with an energy baton, ending his reign of terror. By the time of his death, Copperhead had claimed over 48 lives. Later, Copperhead was resurrected as a member of the Black Lantern Corps during the Blackest Night. As a Black Lantern Zombie,

He attacked Coast City along other reanimated villains and attempted to kill the Flash. However, he was ultimately destroyed when Green Lantern annihilated his Black Lantern ring. In post-Flashpoint continuity, Copperhead underwent several incarnations. The first was Samir Park, a snake-like metahuman who joined the Seeker Society of Super-Villains. This version of Copperhead was nearly successful in killing the hero Black Canary,

as he was immune to her sonic scream due to his lack of ears. She was rescued, however, by the Justice League, and Copperhead continued working with the Seeker Society up until his death at the hands of Deathstroke, who betrayed the Seeker Society to join Lex Luthor's and Justice League. You can learn more about Black Canary, Deathstroke, and Lex Luthor in their respective duels against Black Widow, Deadpool, and Baron Zemo. After Samir Park's death, the mantle of Copperhead passed to a South American woman

using the alias Jane Doe. This version of Copperhead was a deadly hitwoman and crime boss renowned for her lethal, venomous attacks, rivaling the toxic villainess Cheshire, who you can learn more about in her duel against Silver Samurai. Copperhead established herself as a prominent figure in Central City's criminal underworld, taking over her family's crime syndicate after serving as a mercenary. Her tenure as a crime boss brought her into conflict with several heroes, including Batman and The Flash.

When Two-Face placed a bounty on Batman's head, Copperhead was among the mercenaries who pursued him, tracking him to a moving train. Though she attempted to kill him, he evaded her by leaping into a nearby river. Copperhead's activities eventually drew the attention of The Flash, who arrested her mercenary enforcers including Shrapnel, Black Spider, and the Trigger Twins. This setback forced Copperhead to negotiate with Captain Cold.

the rival crime lord encroaching on her territory, who you can learn more about in his duel against Pyro. Captain Cold betrayed Copperhead, however, by planting a bomb in a weapon's delivery. The Flash intervened to save Copperhead from the explosion and apprehended Captain Cold, though Copperhead herself avoided prosecution due to insufficient evidence of her involvement. This Copperhead was later jailed in Iron Heights, prisoned by Superman,

after she attacked reporters at the Daily Planet. An unnamed iteration of Copperhead, possibly a reimagining of the original, recently appeared as a copper-skinned criminal. This Copperhead joined forces with Asp and Lady Viper to form the Snake Gang, and were nearly successful in defeating the Birds of Prey before the villainous group was defeated and disbanded.

who traditionally wears a suit woven from experimental elastic metal fibers coated in a polymer film. This not only grants him enhanced durability, flexibility, and the insurance that most physical blows will glance right off of him, but it also allows him to travel with surprising speed due to his reduced friction and his knack for slipping into tight spaces. The guy is basically untouchable.

The suit also has suction cups at the ends of the limbs, allowing him to adhere and maneuver across most solid surfaces, and his helmet is equipped with sharp, fang-like blades, coated with a toxin that causes paralysis and eventual death after a half hour. He's also an experienced martial artist, often using his suit's heavy and stretchable tail to shatter bones or even rock, or bind and crush his foes. That's Copperhead.

You know how I know that Marvel is better than DC? Uh, no I don't know. Because when DC gets a supervillain group of snake-themed villains together, they call them the Snake Gang. Yet when Marvel does it, they call it the Serpent Society. That's a badass name. That's how Marvel's better. Okay, I'm pretty sure the Serpent Society name was already taken by the time the Snake Gang was formed, so you should go f yourself.

Serpent Society? Oh, that sounds a lot like the Secret Society to me, of which Copperhead was already a part of. You mean the Secret Society of Super-Villains? Well, yeah, that's the longer version of the name. Okay. How long is Copperhead's tail? Uh, it could stretch. It could stretch to wrap a man up at least twice. So, comparatively to Scorpion's 10-foot long tail, Copperhead has kind of like a chode going on.

I didn't realize this was a tail measuring contest, my friend. Doesn't matter the size. It's how you use it. Well, let's find out how these guys use their tails as we get into the match.

Where fantasies collide and heroes clash, one podcast network rises above the rest. Prepare yourself for the ultimate showdowns in comic books, video games, movies, and anime. The Dynomic Podcast Network presents... Console Combat, where video game legends brawl every Monday. Dynamic Duel, where comic book titans smash every Tuesday. Max Destruction, where the world is at its limit. The Dynomic Podcast Network presents...

TV and action heroes battle every Wednesday, and Sendro World, where anime champions clash every Thursday. Join us as we speculate on the matches and armed with the power of mathematical simulations, discover who will emerge victorious. Visit, where we settle the debate and settle the score.

Now that we got their histories and abilities out of the way, we're going to speculate on how one of the 1000 simulated matches will go. The winner is determined by simulations, not our speculation, but it's fun to imagine how the fight could play out. AJ9K, what are the rules of our speculation? Well, I should say there are no rules, other than the characters have no prior knowledge of the other going into the fight. All they are aware of starting out is that the other character is a threat that needs to be eliminated. For the speculation...

The contestants will begin approximately 50 meters apart in a nondescript environment that will have no bearing on the match itself, as no environmental statistics are considered in my simulations. The contestants must earn victory on their own merit. Alright then, let's get into it. Copperhead and Scorpion meet on the battlefield. Who goes first? So I'm going to say that Scorpion goes first. And like they seem about the same in terms of speed anyway. So Scorpion...

is gonna use his prehensile scorpion tail to launch himself into the air with this like giant leap that covers the entire 50 meter distance between them and as he lands near copperhead scorpion's gonna lunge with his tail in a move that just impales copperhead on his tail bar. Well I mean of course copperhead is gonna see scorpion leaping towards him it's very telegraphed so just before scorpion's tail impales him copperhead's gonna

You know, dart to the side, just enough for Scorpion's barb to glance off of his suit's slick surface. At which point, Copperhead's gonna, you know, drop to the ground, slide underneath Scorpion between his legs, and then slip up and over his back and just wrap his tail around Scorpion's neck, crushing his throat like it was just nothing. You dumbass! You don't want to attack Scorpion from behind. That's the worst place to attack Scorpion, okay? So...

As Copperhead's choking Kim out from behind with his tail, Scorpion's just gonna fire a green laser beam from his tail that's gonna tag Copperhead right in the back of the head and essentially just blow his brains out. Dude, blow his brains out? What are you talking about? Like not only is Copperhead wearing a metallic helmet for protection, but it's also coated in a gel that's heat resistant. So yeah, he's fine. Heat resistant gel on his head? Yeah.

Okay, alright, so the laser beam didn't work because fucking lube boy is all lubed up over here. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Scorpion's getting choked out, he's about to pass out, so instead he's gonna use his tail to wrap around Copperhead's body and just yank him off of him and slam him into the ground. Okay, but I mean, the stronger Scorpion's tail wraps around Copperhead, you know, the faster Copperhead's just gonna get squeezed out of that tail's grasp, because again, he's super slippery. Ha ha ha ha! So...

Copperhead slips away from Scorpion and he slides across the ground in this zigzagging, like confusing motion. So Scorpion doesn't know if he's coming at him or if he's moving away from him until it's too late. Copperhead's gonna lunge at Scorpion and sink his helmet's fangs into Scorpion's neck, poisoning him. Scorpion has Scorpion Sense with his new suit that Smythe gave him. So his Scorpion Sense activates, it alerts him to Copperhead's attack, and as his big ass mouth is about to chomp down on him.

Scorpion grabs Copperhead by the jaw with his pincer gloves on his suit and he's gonna use their superior grip to just straight up rip Copperhead's jaw off with his hands. Big ass helmet you mean. What? Big ass helmet. It's not his actual mouth. You said Scorpion is larger, but Copperhead has a bigger helmet. Yeah, I was talking about his mouth helmet. I hate that phrase. What are we saying? I never want to say mouth helmet again for the rest of my life.

But yeah, Scorpion uses his pincer gloves to rip off Copperhead's helmet. Or at least he tries to, but his pincer just slipped right off. Copperhead's helmet is just too slippery. Well, if Scorpion's pincers slip off of Copperhead's helmet, then they're just going to slip right onto Copperhead's exposed face. And then Scorpion just rips the guy's face right off. There's nothing he can do with his face anymore. Oh damn.

Maybe he should lube up his face too next time. Well, I mean, actually, with Scorpion's hands so close to Copperhead's fangs, that was just the opportunity that Copperhead needed to twist his head and pierce Scorpion's hands, paralyzing them and causing Scorpion to drop Copperhead, at which point all Copperhead has to do is evade Scorpion's attacks as the paralysis spreads and Scorpion soon dies from the venom.

You said it takes like half an hour for Copperhead's venom to kill somebody? Yeah, but in the meantime they slowly lose the ability to move. A half an hour is a long ass time. Like eventually you would think that Scorpion would get a shot in. The more time that passes the less likely that would be the case. But I think you're forgetting an important detail in that Scorpion has armored gloves. So no, Copperhead does not bite through his hands and I say Scorpion...

does rip off Copperhead's face with his pincers, and then he shoots acid down the face hole for his Mortal Kombat fatality. Oh, what scorpion is this? You know, scorpion. Okay. I say you're dreaming, because scorpion's hands may be armored, but Copperhead's fangs are sharp, and they'll manage to puncture a spot on the wrist where it's unarmored, like at an exposed joint or something.

Well, let's find out. We'll go ahead and leave the match there. We'll input these characters' stats, run the simulations, and find out which scenario happens when we come back with a winner. Yeah, either Copperhead managed to pierce Scorpion with his poisonous fangs, slowly paralyzing and killing him, or Scorpion straight up rips off Copperhead's face and burns his body inside the suit with acid. AG9K, run the stats.

Running calculations, processing results, simulations complete. Copperhead is a pretty cool character. I think he was a pretty solid match up for Scorpion. The characters had a lot of stats that evened out, including movement speed, durability, intelligence, and they came pretty close in other stats like perception and versatility. Yeah, I think the two biggest discrepancies between their stats were strength and evasiveness. Copperhead.

is really damn evasive. I had no idea that he was such a slippery character until our speculation. But Scorpion is stronger than Copperhead. We did say that Copperhead was a better fighter, but Scorpion is more versatile considering he can do everything Copperhead can do, but he also has, you know, the laser beams and the acid. So with all that in consideration, Jonathan, who do you think is coming out on top in this match? I think both characters are pretty impressive. I'm hoping Copperhead comes out

Not 100% sure. Instagram definitely disagrees with me in our poll so far. It looks like 67% of people believe that Scorpion will win this match. So about two thirds. Well, let's see if the stats agree with them. AJ9K, the results please. Hey, Yuasa. All right, the winner between Copperhead and Scorpion is Scorpion.

I figured, here I am! Rock you like a hurricane! You know, that song that's sung by the scorpions, Rock you like a hurricane. Anyway, Scorpion wins. Is there a band called Copperhead? Probably, but they probably suck. Anyway, this wasn't that close of a match. Scorpion beat Copperhead 627 times out of the 1000 battles, whereas Copperhead only won 373 matches.

So it was Scorpion's 62.7% win rate over Copperhead's 37.3% win rate. Well, that's dumb. In the end, Scorpion was just too strong. He had a slight range advantage considering that Copperhead doesn't really have much range at all except for his shorter tail and versatility. I think in the end, we learn here that size actually does matter. Yeah, the size of the helmet, right? And being lubed helps.

Clearly not enough in Copperhead's case. But that does it for this duel guys. Congrats to Marvel fans for the win this go round. AJ9K helped close this out.

Thanks for listening to Dynamic duel. Visit the show's website at and follow us on Instagram at dynamicduelpodcast. You can support the show on Patreon at slash dynamicduel and joining a tier that works for you, or by rating and reviewing Dynamic duel on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podchaser or on our website. Don't forget to listen to the other shows in the DynaMic Podcast Network, including Max Destruction, Senjow World and Console Combat.

In our next episode, as we mentioned earlier, we will be doing a review of the direct to video animated DC film Watchmen Chapter 2, the conclusion in a two-part animated Watchmen adaptation. Yeah, we found the first part to be redundant, but at least the second half of the Watchmen story has a lot more exciting things happen. So we'll see if it's any better. But that does it for this episode. We want to give a big thanks to our executive producers.

Ken Johnson, John Swarovski, Zachary Hepburn, Dustin Balcom, Miggy Mathen-Geehan, Brandon Estregard, Nathaniel Wagner, Levi Yeaton, Austin Wazilowski, AJ Dunkerley, Scott Camacho, Gil Camacho, Adam Spies, Andrew Shunk, Dean Maleski, Devin Davis, Joseph Kirsting, Josh Leiner, and Mike Williams for helping make this podcast possible. We'll talk to you guys next week. Up up and away, true believers. I'm a sthnake. I'm a thnake. I'm a thlithery little thnakey thnake.