My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Review

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• 0:00:00 - Introduction
• 0:03:34 - No-Prize Time
• 0:11:52 - Question of the Week
• 0:12:41 - My Adventures...
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• 0:00:00 - Introduction
• 0:03:34 - No-Prize Time
• 0:11:52 - Question of the Week
• 0:12:41 - My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Review
• 1:06:39 - Sign off
Executive producers: Ken Johnson, John Starosky, Zachary Hepburn, Dustyn Balcom, Miggy Matanguihan, Brandon Estergard, Nathaniel Wagner, Levi Yeaton, Austin Wesolowski, AJ Dunkerley, Scott Camacho, Gil Camacho, Adam Speas, Andrew Schunk, Dean Maleski, Devin Davis, Joseph Kersting, and Josh Liner
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Welcome to the Dynamic Duel Podcast, a weekly show where we review superhero films and debate the superiority between Marvel and DC by comparing their characters in stat-based battle simulations. I'm Johnny DC. And I'm his twin brother Marvelous Joe. And in this episode, we are doing a review of season two of the HBO and Cartoon Network Adult Swim series, My Adventures with Superman. It's a good show, people. If you're not watching it.
Go watch My Adventures with Superman because it's probably one of the best modern adaptations of the character that you can get, and I think season 2 was a worthy successor to season 1. Yeah, absolutely, totally agree. We're going to talk all about season 2 later on in this episode. Not too much later because there's actually no news for this episode. This is sort of the calm after the storm that is Comic Con. But as always, we list our segment times in our episode description.
so feel free to check out the show notes if you want to skip ahead to a particular topic. And guys, our artificially intelligent duel simulator AJ9K has a quick message for our listeners, so listen up.
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against Voltron. It's going to be a great episode, an important episode, so make sure to tune into that. On the Senjou World podcast, host Zachary Hepburn speculates on fights between fan favorite anime and manga characters. The show is making its season 3 premiere this Thursday, and Zach's kicking things off with a matchup between Hiei of Yu Yu Hakusho and Yuta Okatsu of Jujutsu Kaisen. And on the Console Combat podcast, hosts John and Dean find out who would win
and fights between popular video game characters. In yesterday's episode, they determined who would win between Dante from Devil May Cry versus Bayonetta. Visit or click the link in our show notes to listen to all the shows in the DynaMic Podcast Network. But with that out of the way, quick to the No Prize! A No Prize is an award Marvel used to give out to fans. Our version, the Dynamic duel No Prize,
is a digital award we post on Instagram for the person that we feel gave the best answer to our question of the week. Last week's question we asked you guys, what the fuck? After we got the news that Robert Downey Jr. is returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, not as Iron Man, but as Dr. Doom, and we wanted to get your guys' thoughts on it. We got a lot of answers actually, so let's go ahead and run down our honorable mentions as well as the no prize winner. Our first honorable mention goes to Peter Troll.
Who said?
And that's actually a pretty interesting theory. Of course, if you haven't seen Deadpool and Wolverine, I don't want to spoil anything, but they introduced the concept of anchor beings to a timeline. And if that anchor being is somehow killed, then that timeline starts to deteriorate, making Tony Stark the anchor being for the MCU sacred timeline would actually kind of explain why the MCU has sucked as of recently. It's just deteriorating.
Just shut your mouth, first of all. But second of all, yeah, I mean, I guess that's a solid theory. If it turns out that Tony Stark was the anchor being and the heroes learn that he was the anchor being and they go and they try to find a new anchor being going into the Fantastic Four universe, pull that Doctor Doom into the new world because in the Fantastic Four universe, Doctor Doom is a Tony Stark variant. Sure, I mean, it could work. It's still not better than getting the actual true Doctor Doom. But it would be one way to rationalize why.
Robert Downey Jr. would be the character of Dr. Doom in an alternate universe. Great answer, Peter. Our next honorable mention goes to Travis Bailey, who said, Travis here, shout out to my good twin, Ben has been to clubbing. Alright, everybody's hot, everybody's freaking out, I get it. But what y'all don't understand is that Robert Downey Jr. is one of them. He ain't even a hacker, he's a best man, alright? But what's the matter with him? This man got range. He is not gonna be stark as Doom, he will be...
Victor Vajil and it is going to break our hearts. He's gonna pull this mostly personal mess out of the fire. All right, so basically what Travis said there was that Robert Downey Jr. is too good of an actor for this not to be good, basically. And if he can convince audiences that he is an entirely different person and he never takes off the mask and he changes his voice completely, maybe I can see this working, but I don't wanna know it's him. I don't wanna feel that it's him. I wish I could just scrub the idea that it's him out of my brain.
and then maybe go into it thinking it's just someone else. To me, that's the only way this successfully works. I don't want to know it's Robert Downey Jr. which kind of seems weird because he is such a big actor. You figure that he would want to get his face out there and let people know it's him. And I mean, the guy just won an Oscar, right? I don't want to equate Victor Von Doom with Tony Stark in any way, shape or form. So yeah, hopefully he can pull that off. Hopefully that's his approach.
Great answer Travis, our next honorable mention goes to... Miggy Mattingian who said...
the true, um, like comic fans from the MCU stands. That's right! If you like Robert Downey Jr. as Dr. Doom, you're not a true Marvel fan. Hashtag fake fan. Miggy telling it like it is, you hate to hear it, but doesn't mean he's wrong. We won't hold the fact that he's a DC fan against him. I think he's right in that the decision of Robert Downey Jr.'s casting as Dr. Doom is really separating the comic book fans from your basic MCU fans who aren't familiar with the source material.
I think if you're a fan of Doctor Doom from the comic books, the idea of Tony Stark being Doctor Doom is offensive and totally not in keeping with the character. But if you're mostly a fan of the movies, then you're probably more excited to see Robert Downey Jr. return more than anything else. Not really being aware of the characterization of Doctor Doom from the comics, who is one of Marvel's greatest villains of all time. Who we still have yet to see.
portrayed in an accurate manner on the big screen. Is there a run from the comics of Dr. Doom that you would recommend for people to read who aren't familiar? That is a great question. There's a few that come to the top of my head including the Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom Triumph and Torment miniseries. There was the Doom War miniseries. That's one word Doom War. Books of Doom was pretty good. There was also the recent Dr. Doom run that came out in 2019 or 2020, I think.
It was about 10 issues and ended spectacularly. And basically any Fantastic Four arc dealing with Dr. Doom, I would recommend, because they're all good. Also, the first Secret Wars, they came out in the 80s. That was also a good showcase for Dr. Doom. There's a lot of them. There's a lot of great books with him. And of course, anyone not familiar with him can go back to one of our earliest episodes where we pit Superman against Dr. Doom in a duel. Yeah, you could definitely find out a lot about his history in that episode.
Great answer, Miggy. We wanna give a quick shout out to Alex, Sarah Smorr, Kat Stevenson, Cornelius Robinson, and Travis Bailey's twin, Travis Herndon, for taking the time to visit our website and record an answer. Yeah, great answer, guys. No one gave a bad answer for this question of the week. You guys all really gave compelling thoughts on this divisive issue. But the winner of this week's Snow Prize goes to Waldo. Who said? Hey guys, Waldo here.
I am convinced and choosing to believe that it is some kind of a mislead, both in our world and in the MCU. So maybe throughout the film it'll be RDJ has Doom, but then at some point the real not yet known actor will come out and be the actual Doom and say this is a Doom bot or just some kind of ploy. What do you think? To me, this is the best case scenario.
I think if Doctor Doom is so genius so as to make one of his Doom bots assume the appearance of the 616 universe's greatest heroes just to cause confusion amongst everybody and make them easier to defeat if they're really hesitant to fight against someone who resembles their beloved Tony Stark, that sounds like a pretty sinister plan in my mind. And I would not mind that at all. Have the Tony Stark looking Doctor Doom just be a ploy, a puppet controlled by the real
lurking in the shadows. I do think it's kind of dumb that Marvel would pull this kind of trick on the fans that Robert Downey Jr. is Dr. Doom. Psych! No he's not! But also, that may just be the most acceptable way for this casting to work. It's just all part of Doom's plan, because that's what Doom does. He plans. He's like Marvel's Batman, but like, way better. Like way fucking better. Because he uses magic. Why Batman doesn't use magic? Even though he knows the occult exists?
We don't know, he only studies science like a dum dum. Dr. Doom knows science and magic. And he can fucking fly. Get outta here with your Batman DC fans. Dr. Doom. Yeah, he's the guy who got beat by Squirrel Girl. God damn it. Great answer Waldo, you win this week's No Prize. If you the listener want a shot at winning your own No Prize, stay tuned to later on this episode when we'll be asking another question of the week. And now that that's done.
Onto the not news, obviously, onto the question of the week.
This is a DynamiC Network question guys, other than DynamiC duel, what is your favorite podcast in the DynamiC Network and why? You choose between Max Destruction, Senjou World, or Console Combat? Just let us know, we'd love to hear your answers. Record your answer at by clicking on the red microphone button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, which will prompt you to leave us a voicemail. Your message could be up to 30 seconds long.
And don't forget to leave your name in case we include you on the podcast. We'll pick our favorite answer and award that person a dynamic duel note prize that we'll post to Instagram. Be sure to answer before August 10th.
So now let's move on to the main event of this episode where we review Season 2 of the animated series My Adventures with Superman.
My Adventures with Superman is an animated anime style series that debuts on the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim programming block alongside Warner Brothers' Max streaming platform. It just wrapped its second season and it continues to be a charming, fun and unique adaptation of the Superman mythos. As we mentioned in our 4.5 out of 5 review of season one, we were surprised by how good the show turned out to be. And those surprises continue into season two.
as the writers take alternative approaches with characters and story elements that make the show just a joy to watch. Now, Season 2 is not as good as Season 1, I'll just say, but barely. I highly recommend this show to anyone, comic fan or not, especially anyone who claims to not like Superman or find him boring, because this show proves just how storytellers can continue to make an 80-s character feel special.
If you haven't seen season 2 yet, make sure you're caught up before listening to this spoiler review. I agree that season 2 is not as good as season 1, but only barely. You know, season 1 was special because it introduced a lot of the power discovery elements, as well as the secret identity stuff involving his best friend and the girl that he likes discovering who he really is.
You didn't have any of that going into season 2, which was a big part of the charm of season 1, I think. But season 2 still had a lot going for it. Right, yeah. I mean, that's a big part of its charm. But I would say the biggest appeal of My Adventures with Superman as a show, as a concept, is the shounen anime approach to its storytelling. Shounen is a genre of anime that's essentially action-packed coming-of-age stories that often focus on themes of friendship and perseverance.
Shows like Dragon Ball, Naruto, My Hero Academia, Pokemon, One Piece. These are all examples of shounen anime. And it's not a style I would have thought worked for Superman until I saw season one of this show. Because it seems like Superman was tailor-made for the genre. That shouldn't have been surprising maybe in hindsight because, you know, as many anime fans have noticed, there's not all too much difference between characters like Superman and Goku. Now, we don't watch a lot of anime.
But my hands down favorites like My Hero Academia, Sword Art Online, or Neon Genesis Evangelion, all fall into the shounen genre. And it's always surprising how well shows like those seem to effortlessly transition between subgenres. Like, they tend to be very action-packed, but the characters are also waxing poetic in this very dramatic way as they're fighting. Just adding layers of drama and heart and character to the ordeal.
Shonen could be comedic one episode, adventure focused the next, horrifying the episode after that, which is something you don't often see in Western media. My Adventures with Superman is no different, as it feels like a near perfect balance of comedy, action, romance, and even a sprinkling of horror this season. And it does it while managing to remain pretty family friendly. Unlike other anime,
This show is devoid of gore and blood or even over sexuality, which sounds lame, but I actually love having an anime show that I could watch with my kids, particularly if it's DC. But it's not overly kiddy. I mean, like maybe the first few episodes of season one, I kind of thought that the show was overly kid oriented. But ever since then, I think it's definitely a show that's complex enough to appeal to older audiences as well. Absolutely.
Like a lot of good animes, the show knows to take its themes and its characters and the drama behind the characters very seriously. Its characters are very complex, which to me is a sign of a really good anime. Now it helps that the show has a lead character as wholesome as Clark Kent. The show revolves around him, specifically his relationships as he's starting out in the city and his job and meeting all these new people. And that's another thing unique to this series that I'm sure Superman fans will notice.
Clark is the main character here, not Superman. Superman in this show is essentially the mask that Clark wears, and this is something we talked about in our season one review. It's like the opposite of Christopher Reeve Superman, or you could argue even Henry Cavill's. And somehow they find ways to make his supporting cast of Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen more relevant than I think they've felt in decades, in that they're not just there for Superman to rescue, but they are often...
active participants in defeating bad guys, and sometimes they're the ones that outright save Superman himself. I feel like it shouldn't work on paper, but in this show it does. If you told me that they were releasing a Superman animated television series in which Superman's not only the only main character, but that Lois and Jimmy would often be involved in his adventures in saving his life, I tell you to go fuck yourself, because that sounds like shit.
No, it's actually for some reason, you're right, it does work. And I think it has to do with the idea of the relationships established between the main characters. They are, you know, very close. They have a very tight friendship and working together is just one of the primary themes of the show. And it works really well. Yeah, you know, part of the joy of watching the show as a longtime fan of the Superman comics is seeing how they adapt the saga that is Superman. Like in the past.
Lois and Jimmy were always clueless as to Superman's secret identity. So you weren't really able to tell stories like this in Superman's early days, because in this show, Jimmy and Lois from season one know that Clark Kent is Superman. So that's an interesting adaptation or reinvention, but it's also cool to see how they change things like Krypton, or how Superman's powers manifest, or even how his villains come about. You know, in season one, all of his villains utilized Kryptonian technology.
We got a little bit of that this season, but primarily in season two, his main antagonists were straight up Kryptonian, namely Supergirl and Brainiac. And I loved some of the choices they made for those characters and adapting them for this show. Like Supergirl, starting off as a foe who's been brainwashed by Brainiac, I thought was genius. And it was a great way to introduce the threat that is Brainiac, which...
You know, and this show is kind of like Superman the animated series in that he's a Kryptonian AI construct, though here he was programmed specifically to aid in war and conquest. Yeah, I thought the way they adapted Supergirl and Brainiac for the show was fantastic. I think that's actually when this season started getting good, because I was not thrilled with the first half of the season. Like, I liked the stuff with Steel. That episode was pretty good.
But once Supergirl came into the picture, it was a lot more invested in where the story was going, as opposed to just dealing with the Sam Lane and Amanda Waller stuff from the previous season. Yeah, for me, it really picked up during the Star Labs symposium, where Lex Luthor kind of starts to turn public opinion against Superman. I thought that was really interesting. And I think Supergirl appeared the episode after that. So yeah, I would agree with you. Second half is much better than the first half. And of course, the second half is where we got Brainiac,
And admittedly, I didn't like every adaptation they made for Brainiac. You know, this series made him into an amalgamation, really, of three different Superman villains. You, of course, have Brainiac, but also Mongol, and that he'd conquer civilizations and then force their champions to fight. And like Mongol, Brainiac also had a psychic weapon known as the Black Mercy, but instead of an alien plant, it was Kryptonian technology.
That's right, I remember seeing the show and hearing the reference to Black Mercy, but I forgot what it was a reference to. And you just reminded me that it's a weaponized plant used by Mongol. Right, yeah. Two like trapped beings in this false reality from which they would never want to escape from. That's exactly what Brainiac did to Superman this season. But also, you know, Brainiac had shades of dark side in how they depicted his missiles and lasers zigzagging across the sky.
It's a very little nitpick, but it does make me question how they're planning to differentiate someone like Darkseid if they ever decide to introduce him to the show in the future. And also, I think it would be hard to springboard characters like Zod or like the Eradicator or people like that. Yeah, totally. They even mentioned Eradicator in this season. Like, Eradicator was a protocol that Brainiac used to brainwash Kara, apparently. I think that's what it was. But you're absolutely right. They totally...
pulled a red herring at the end of season one when we thought the villain was going to be Zod, but it turns out the character who was talking about his enemies kneeling was Kara. Right. That was an interesting twist. I like Brainiac as a Superman villain though, so I'm glad that they went with him. They just weren't very comic book accurate in his depiction. Yeah, no, I totally agree with you. Brainiac, in my opinion, is the best Superman villain. Like he is the Joker to Superman's Batman.
and I'm totally fine with them making him like this ultimate Superman villain for this show. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they bring him back next season. You know, I think he'll come back. I think the show does a decent job of actually building up Lex Luthor as also a big bad for season three, which has already been greenlit. And they've even introduced the potential this season for the death of Superman's storyline with the introductions of characters like Steel and Hank Henshaw, the future cyborg Superman, so...
I'm excited for what we have upcoming with this series. There's a ton of potential. The death of Superman storyline would be pretty dark for this show in particular to adapt. But if they were to do it, I know they would do a great job. Just because they have a solid approach to most of the story arcs in this series. Yeah, and again the relationships they have established, you know how devastating that would be to Lois Lane. Like more so in this show than maybe other adaptations of Superman. Right.
Like I said, the show does a great job of adapting the source material. Not all of the adaptations worked, but the thing that actually bothered me more than some of those adaptations was the numerous unanswered questions that were left by the end of this season. Like, how did Clark have those visions of his ship at the beginning of this season? He didn't know how he had them, and they never followed up on that. You know, Clark had new powers that manifested, but how was he able to do that? And why him?
You know, Brainiac seemed interested in that, so I thought we'd get some kind of answer, but we didn't. And then there's small things like why were the Kryptonian suits able to adapt to space if they didn't need to? Seemed pointless. And why was the Kryptonian space station candor falling apart? And why was it a space station instead of a shrunken city? Yeah, I remember scratching my head in some moments, like when Supergirl realized that she had been destroying these planets. There was kind of like a weird time.
jump there that I didn't quite follow. Yeah, for sure. So again, not a perfect season. There are a lot of little things that bothered me, but ultimately I feel like the characters made up for a lot of that. So let's talk about the characters in our character breakdown starting with Clark Kent slash Superman voiced by Jack Quaid of the boys fame. He does a fantastic job doing the voice of Clark so much so that I don't even recognize him as Jack.
It just comes across as this natural performance of a really young, really earnest Superman. Superman's arc this season revolved around alienation, isolation, and rejection. As he learns more about himself, he feels the sense that he's different from everyone. And it's not really something he feels that others, even those closest to him like Lois, can relate to. Not realizing that actually Lois and Supergirl have arcs dealing with alienation as well this season.
particularly when it comes to their fathers. Now Superman loses his father in episode one, and with him any hope for more answers unless he can find his cousin. Because Superman seeks someone to relate to, he reaches out to Supergirl, knowing Lois would probably disapprove. And later when Lex Luthor successfully turns public opinion against him, and even Jimmy and Lois seemingly reject him,
He discovers when he meets Kara that his Kryptonian heritage isn't exactly honorable and that perhaps some things were better off left unknown. Ultimately though, Superman is Superman and despite Kara's attacks, he shows her grace in the end and essentially kills her with kindness, helping her be reborn in this new identity as a protector of Earth rather than a conqueror. And in that, he finds someone
that he can teach and help grow and find someone who's Kryptonian to relate to in that way. Yeah, it was a much more, I guess, mature arc than he had in the first one, which is really about discovery. The first season was really about discovery of himself, of love, and things like that. And after he learns who he is, he discovers a little bit more about how that affects those around him. It makes me think that he and Lois have a terrible communication problem because they went multiple episodes just trying to tell each other something very important.
Clark in regards to his cousin and Lois in regards to her father. And they never quite got around to it or they never really made the time for it until it was too late. And you have kind of like a Romeo and Juliet situation where tragedy strikes before they can actually speak with each other. Yeah, communication is a tricky thing. Even, you know, for me, someone who's been married 16 years, it's a delicate balance. And even here, you know,
They're not communicating because they're putting the other person's needs ahead of their own, which is something that you think is probably a good thing to do. But again, it needs to be a balance. Right, you need to prioritize your own needs, of course, as well as your partners. And if they had done that, you know, maybe Clark would have been less insecure about his relationship with Lois and maybe wouldn't have been as susceptible to brainwashing by Brainiac and stuff like that. Who knows? Maybe.
But even Jimmy had a communication problem and like they could have found out about Supergirl long before they actually did. Yeah, for sure. Absolutely. Now one of the things I really like about this show is the character designs. They're of course, you know, very different from what we see in the comics. But I do just have to say that I hated the costume design of Superman's end of season suit with like the pointy shoulders and the lack of trunks. It was awful. It was really bad. Yeah, the belt looked stupid.
At least, you know, they still have the same emblem, which is a solid Superman emblem. One of my favorite adaptations of that logo of all time. But you're right, pointy shoulders were doing nothing for me. He already has broad shoulders. Why are you making him pointy? I guess it's to make it look more like armor. But Superman shouldn't look like he's wearing armor. I don't know. I think an armor look is fine. Just as long as the shoulders are not padded so heavily.
I feel like they were trying to make the design look more similar to the design they gave for Supergirl, which I actually thought was a really cool design, both when it was bright blue and when it was black. I loved her costumes, but yeah, it just didn't work. They should have kept him at what he was in my opinion. But moving on to Lois Lane, who's voiced by Alice Lee. She gives the most endearing voice performance of Lois Lane.
to date and that's saying a lot because you know Dana Delaney was iconic as Lois Lane in Superman the Animated Series. Alice Lee has all of that spunk but I feel also gives a little bit more depth emotionally to the character as well. Now like Superman's arc alienation was something Lois derived from both Superman and her father this season as she felt ignored and abandoned by
both and that isolation, inferiority, and inadequacy was something her father unintentionally instilled in her since she was a young girl in an attempt to make her more capable and independent. In a way, it helped her become the hot shot she is today, but it also resulted in pent-up resentment of her father and a general distrust of perhaps male figures in general.
that distrust combined with her feelings of inadequacy combined with her survival instinct resulted in her breaking up with Superman. Which, who does that? What a dumbass. Lois pissed me off a lot of times this season. Like, there was a time where she just volunteered Clark and Jimmy to house her father, knowing full well that he could possibly learn Clark's secret identity. You know, she didn't even consult with them on that.
She just was being a selfish dickhead, just not being very considerate, you know? There was also the time when she like heavily pushed Clark to act single in the most eligible bachelor thing that they had going on. And then when he did, she got like super fucking upset and then broke up with him. Like what the hell was that all about? What a dumbass. Yeah, that was bullshit. That was not right. Regarding her father staying with Jimmy and Clark, I think she wanted to keep her father close of course, because those are her best friends.
and figured that if he was going to be safe with anyone, it was going to be Clark. Now after the breakup, she of course realized how foolish she was when Superman was kidnapped by Supergirl and she realized that her feelings for him were more important than her perceived assumptions about his feelings toward her. By the end, the love that Lois and Superman had for each other saved Superman by pulling him out of the false reality he was in, a paradise of sorts.
because he realized that life with her was greater than a potential life on Krypton. And that's just relationship goals. Yeah, I want to punch through a force field with my wife too. Looks like so much fun. Our love can break through any barrier. Pow! It's sweet. And moving on to Jimmy Olsen, he's voiced by Ishmael Saheed.
Jimmy's an important character to the show in that he's so incredibly loyal and helpful to both Lois and Clark, so much so that he's often a major catalyst in resolving conflicts, especially this season since he started off as a multi-millionaire. I wish everyone had a friend like Jimmy, you know, someone who's just ready to drop literally millions of dollars to help a pal out without them even asking for it.
I don't think I could be as good a friend to anyone as Jimmy is to Lois and Clark. In fact, if I ever make millions of dollars, there's a good chance that I'm going to be suspicious of anyone who still wants to be my friend. I wouldn't tell anybody. Right. Exactly. Yeah. You ever win the Powerball? You keep that shit to yourself, because if I know about it, I'm going to be like, bro, help a brother out. It was heartbreaking to see just how fast he was going through his bank account. Oh, dude, for real.
I was like, no, no, no, you gotta invest. Anyway, during this season, Jimmy causes some conflicts as well though, inspiring not only Lex Luthor's rise to power, but also failing to refute Lex's ideological opposition to Superman as a savior of humanity. Jimmy knows Superman is selfless, but convincing others is a challenge because it requires a considerable degree of faith.
Jimmy definitely had a crisis of faith here when he wasn't able to refute Lex Luther in that symposium debate and of course that was compounded later on in the season when Superman actually turned bad because he was possessed by Brainiac. But ultimately, Jimmy knew that Clark was possessed and he maintained that Clark would overcome and help humanity and he was proven right at the end. I will absolutely miss, you know, leader of the daily planet, Jimmy.
and I wonder what they're gonna do with the character next season. Well, I think he'll continue to be a romantic interest for Supergirl, but yeah, he won't be as rich as he used to be. Moving on to Kara Zor-El, she was voiced by Kiana Madeira. I thought it was interesting that they made her a baby on Krypton, because usually in depictions of Supergirl, she was at least a teenager on Krypton.
and part of her arc has always revolved in coping with the loss of her life that she had on Krypton and that her baby cousin was now this older champion of a foreign world whose shadow she has to live under. By making her a baby in this series, she's made much more susceptible to manipulation by someone like Brainiac who convinces her that he's her father and raises her under his nationalistic ideology that Krypton is superior to all
and is doing other worlds a favor by conquering them. When Kara gets Superman's beacon call, she betrays her father in her excitement that she would have a partner to spread the Kryptonian Empire with. But when she deems Superman as weak, she fights and kidnaps him in an effort to reprogram his supposed brainwashing, only to later learn that she was the one actually being brainwashed and hypnotized by the being she considered her father.
But like I said earlier, Superman's grace and showing of kindness causes her to realize the error of Brainiac's ways as she becomes Superman's ally and a fellow protector. You know, it was nice that despite the fact that she was this world conquering warrior, she had this soft spot that was highly sentimental down deep inside of her who cared about people like Jimmy Olsen and, you know, she kept all these trinkets from the worlds that she had explored.
not really knowing that she had actually destroyed most of them. Which is wild! That's crazy. Yeah. It's a great take on the character, I think. Absolutely. I loved it. I loved everything about Supergirl in this series. Lastly, let's move on to Brainiac Primus, the Prime Brainiac who was voiced in this series by Michael Emerson, who you may recognize from shows like Lost or Person of Interest or Saw. I didn't like his voice for Brainiac. What? I loved it!
It was too dweeby. No, that's perfect for Brainiac, though. It was dweeby and sinister. It wasn't that sinister, though. He was super sinister this season. He was like angry and evil. It was perfect. It wasn't menacing at all to me. I don't get how that was not menacing. He sounded like Mandark from Dexter's laboratory. No.
That's exactly the take that I got from his performance. And I never got over it, even in the last episode. I kept wishing that they had gone for a more imposing voice for this destructive robot. I completely disagree with you. I think the voice performance was fantastic. This actor has actually done other voice performances for DC Comics. He was the Joker voice in Batman The Dark Knight Returns two-part animated series. I don't think Brainiac should sound anything like Joker. And this Brainiac kinda did.
Well that's interesting. Should Brainiac sound like Joker? What do you want Brainiac to sound like? I want him to sound more like how he did in Superman the animated series. I thought that was a great voice. I liked that this one had more character. Yes, Brainiac should sound robotic, which he did in this show, but also had real emotion, like anger like I mentioned. He was just dripping with that. I think he comes across as scarier when he's void of emotion, kind of in a hell-9000 kind of way. No.
I loved the performance here. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. You don't know Brainiac. He's too logical to be that emotional. Well, no, like you can't be full of malice when you're devoid of emotion. Sure you can look at sociopaths. Well, you're not going to fucking sound like it, at least. OK. And that's the thing here is that this version of Brainiac was full of passion. He was full of emotion because he was willing to murder an entire planet just to survive and not be taken offline.
when the prospect of peace was being put forth by Jor-El. Like Hell 9000, the guy just wanted to survive because he considered himself to be alive as, you know, a robotic intelligent life form. And I think that takes emotion. No, it just takes a need for survival. You're on the wrong side of history. He acted more like Ultron in this one, like Ultron is often characterized as being very emotional despite the fact that he is an artificial being.
Whereas Brainiac I always pictured as more, you know, logical. Like his depiction in Superman Red's son, I think was one of the more recent depictions of him. I thought that was pretty good. That's fair. He probably was more like Ultron than Brainiac. But again, I liked the adaptation for this series. What did you think of the look of Brainiac? Didn't like it either. The weird like hammerhead shark face kind of thing. It was weird. Didn't look like the character from the comics. You're such a fucking purist. It disgusts me.
You just want some green alien looking guy. Come on. No, I just wanted something a little bit more recognizable, I guess. All you need is those three dots. You slap that on anything. It's fucking brainiac. Yeah, but it's like they shaped his whole head around that three dot motif. And I don't know, it just seems easy. Good. Good. Good. I'm glad they did that. All right.
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Let's move on, Passybrainiac. Let's move on to the story highlights. Episode 1 was titled, More Things in Heaven and Earth. As Clark struggles to plan the perfect Valentine's date with Lois, the two of them head to Star Labs along with Jimmy to interview Hank Henshaw about a strange meteoroid that disappeared over Antarctica. While there,
Jimmy convinces Alex to carve his own path after being rejected from a Star Labs scientist position due to his involvement with Ivo and Mazotech. Realizing that the meteoroid is actually Clark's missing spaceship, the trio use Jimmy's recent fortune to fly to Antarctica to locate it. After being separated by malfunctioning Kryptonian technology, Clark encounters a hologram of his biological father Jor-El, whose translation program finished learning English.
Zor-El reveals more of Clark's origins and that he has a cousin, Kara, who was also sent away from Krypton by her father, Zor-El. Meanwhile, Lois and Jimmy discover Amanda Waller along with agents Deathstroke and Damage who are there to commandeer the alien tech, revealing that they've also taken General Sam Lane prisoner. With the ship malfunctioning from Kryptonite and shifting out of dimensional space, Superman fights Damage and Deathstroke.
until Jor-El uses the spaceship's power to purify the kryptonite and convert it into a fortress, teleporting it seemingly to the other side of the planet at the North Pole. Before shutting down, Jor-El tells Superman to find a beacon to locate Kara. Afterward, Lois asks Clark to help her rescue her father while Task Force X leaves with the tech they acquired and kryptonite samples. What did you think of this show's take on the Fortress of Solitude?
It's always interesting and unique how each Superman adaptation approaches it, right? Yeah, they kind of borrowed a little bit of Man of Steel here in that it was his spaceship, but the look of the spaceship after it was purified from the kryptonite, how it was like still crystalline, I thought was super cool. I loved the way it levitated. I loved the stairs. It was one of the coolest depictions of the Forges of Solitude that we've ever seen. Now, one of the prominent henchmen of the series was Damage, who I'm not too familiar with.
He kind of looked like the Hulk here or like a version of Bane. I don't know if he was like all roided up with Kryptonian tech or something like that. But what is his power set from the comics? Well, there's actually two different versions of a character named damage in the comics. The one in this series is actually based off of a more recent version of the character that was introduced during the early New 52 days. DC for a time had this thing where they were letting artists create characters and write stories about them.
Damage was one of those characters. I think sideways was another and I forget who the others were But yeah damage is a lot like the Hulk interesting. Okay, he and atomic skull were pretty cool in this season I thought yeah I mean when we watched the trailers for this season you and I both thought that Atomic skull was an interpretation of metallo. I was actually kind of disappointed that that wasn't the case Although I should have known better because yeah, the guys obviously fucking atomic skull
Moving on to episode 2, which was titled Adventures with My Girlfriend. While Waller interrogates General Lane, who's imprisoned in the secret Task Force X headquarters beneath Stryker Island Prison in Metropolis, Clark and Lois agree to help a boy named Billy find his father, who was a volunteer librarian at Stryker's that went missing while investigating other missing persons cases. With Jimmy busy wrangling fellow reporter Steve Lombard and the News Kid Legion,
who were made a part of his journalistic video crew, Clark and Lois infiltrate the prison themselves and stumble into its secret basement. While rescuing Sam, they discover Billy's father and other inmates that Waller had been kidnapping to use as test subjects for the alien tech, turning people into weapons such as atomic skull, who attacks Superman. As Lois and her father evacuate the inmates,
Superman manages to overpower Atomic Skull while also conveniently stumbling upon the beacon Jor-El asked him to find. After a standoff between Superman and the escaping prisoners and Amanda Waller and her task force, Jimmy and his team rescue the escapees via a chartered yacht while press helicopters prevent Waller from stopping or pursuing them. On the yacht, General Lane agrees to stay with Clark and Jimmy, while Alex, now referring to himself as Lex Luthor,
joins Waller's team as its chief scientist. The idea of Waller combining humans with Kryptonian tech in illegal experiments was pretty solid. It was like she was creating a bunch of cyborgs, like the character cyborg. Yeah, yeah exactly. And she was creating soldiers to go up against a potential alien threat should the Kryptonians ever decide to invade Earth. I hate Amanda Waller in the show. She comes across as surprisingly less competent than she typically does in other media, I think.
She never accomplishes anything and her superiors are always pissed off at her and she acts like a badass even though she really just kind of sucks. I mean, she accomplished creating Atomic Skull and Deathstroke and all the other people that she outfitted with Kryptonian tech. What do you mean? Like at the end she was like, I'm going to save my planet and she takes the gun and like nothing fucking happens. She couldn't even like kill the Metallo robots and then Sam Lane had to save her ass and
She's all talk in this show. I mean, I guess it didn't bother me that much. The only thing she was successful at was declaring martial law and then totally botching Earth's defense. So congrats, Amanda Waller. She tried, she tried. Give her some credit for trying. No, you're having the cojones to stand and fight even with a pistol, even if it does nothing. At the very least, Amanda Waller should have the biggest balls out of anyone. And I thought she did.
Biggest balls, biggest mouth. All right. Anyway, moving on to episode three, Full Metal Scientist. While rescuing Amertec scientist Silas Stone from a burning building, Clark unlocks another new power, a super aura tactile force field. After Clark leaves, however, the villain Livewire threatened Silas into remotely deleting all records of a project he was working on. The next day, as Clark struggles to prevent General Lane from learning he's Superman,
Lois, Jimmy, and Gotham Gazette Lead Reporter Vicki Vale separately uncover a mystery surrounding missing scientists Silas and John Henry Irons, Amartex CEO Thomas Weston, and his line of defense robots codenamed Metallos. As Lois and Vicki compete to out-scoop each other, Superman and Jimmy manage to locate Irons, who reveals Weston forced him and Silas to rush production on the Metallos and create an unstable
Amr Fusion energy reactor to power Amr Tech's Metropolis facility before firing them. When Livewire attacks Irons, he and Superman join forces to stop Weston before his reactor destroys Metropolis, with Irons using his steel mech suit to fend off the metallos. After their team up proves successful, Weston is arrested.
and Luther's new company LexCorp buys out Amertec, confiscating the Steel suit and metallos for Task Force X. I wasn't expecting to see Steel this season, but I thought he was pretty damn awesome. Yeah, the suit was pretty different, but pretty hardcore from what we're used to seeing from Steel. I do wish they would have given him a helmet, but I'm not complaining about how cool the mech suit was. Well, I think this is just like his first iteration, his Mark I as it were.
I think if we see him in the next season, maybe he'll have a helmet, maybe he'll have the S insignia on his chest. I think it would look badass. I like the idea of Steel being a mech as opposed to the more standard Iron Man type suit. Yeah, I also like that a lot. One interesting thing about this episode is not only did you introduce Steel, but you also introduced something that could potentially set up Reign of the Superman for next season in that Superman got his tactile telekinesis of sorts in his force field.
which is this thing they introduced in the comics during the Dan Jurgens era post-crisis in that Superman has like a very small force field which he could also project around things to lift them. It's one of the sources of his strength and durability. It's kind of been retconned out of existence, but that was the rationalization for Superboy's powers in that when he was cloned,
from Superman, he developed that tactile telekinesis, though his cloning process was stopped before he developed more of Superman's powers. So introducing that in this episode, I think is kind of a setup for Superboy potentially in the next season. Well, the way that Superman used it in this episode was a lot like how Superboy uses it in the comics. I don't like Superman having this level of tactile telekinesis to the point where he can stop a bomb just by simply touching it and, you know, encasing it in this energy
Yeah, to me that's much more of a superboy thing than a superman thing, absolutely. But again, I think they did that intentionally, just to set up. Moving on to episode 4, which was titled Two Lanes Diverged. In flashbacks, Lois is trained in the woods as a young girl by her father in survival techniques, though the two graduelly become estranged due to his military work. In the present,
The paranoid General Lane fears that Waller has found him and leaves for a safe house to prepare, with Lois following him, only to end up in the middle of Task Force X's agents and their attacks against her father. Meanwhile, Jimmy learns he has been invited to serve as a keynote speaker at a Star Labs symposium on aliens and he invites Clark. While Jimmy debates against Lex Luthor on stage regarding Superman's trustworthiness,
Task Force X's attack on Lois and her father spills into the symposium, resulting in a destructive battle with Superman. As Task Force X retreats, Lex uses the aftermath to turn the attendees against Superman. Later that night, while Clark uses the beacon to send a message to Kara, General Lane disappears, Luther and Waller gain support from Star Labs and the Pentagon, and a Kryptonian warrior approaches Earth.
Now, the timing of this episode was a little weird, I thought, because we never see Superman leave the keynote speech to go help the others. Like, I'm really surprised that Lex and Jimmy and the audience don't even realize that a battle is going on outside until they see the aftermath. Right. Well, it was strange that Sam and Lois escaped the safe house, which I guess happened to be across the street from the conference center where the keynote speech was given. It was just like coincidental in that regard.
Yeah, I didn't love this episode, to be honest. It was probably my least favorite, although it did give really good backstory as to why Lois Lane's relationship with her father was so contentious. Moving on to episode 5, titled Most Eligible Superman. Daily Planet editor Perry White assigns Lois and Clark to interview Superman upon learning he was named a finalist in Metropolis's Most Eligible Singles contest. Ignoring Perry's orders,
Gossip columnist Kat Grant forces Lois into letting her join her so she can uncover Superman's secret identity. During the contest, Superman's fellow finalist Silver St. Cloud develops an obvious interest in him, causing Lois to doubt her relationship with Clark. Meanwhile, as Jimmy struggles to determine how to apologize to Clark after his poor debate performance at the symposium, he encounters Kara Zor-El, who has come to Metropolis to search for her cousin.
After Jimmy offers to help her, they bond over touring Metropolis before eventually heading to the contest, where Jimmy learns that Kara was searching for Superman, who was named the winner. Seeing Lois leave angrily, Superman tries to reconcile with her, but she reveals her stress over her father's disappearance, Vicky's job offer, and their frank relationship. Kara, humiliated by Superman's adoration from the public, attacks Superman.
deeming him weak and believing he's unfit to join the Kryptonian Empire. Despite Superman unlocking the power of Ice Breath in their ensuing fight, Kara defeats and captures him on Brainiac's orders. I'm pretty sure Superman had the power of Ice Breath prior to this. He used Freeze Breath in season 1. It just manifested much more powerfully here, like an ice laser from his mouth. There was an ice cannon, that's when he developed his heat vision. Oh, that's right, that's what I'm thinking of then.
Yeah, but yeah, it was like a laser. I actually was very surprised. I thought for a while he had like Godzilla's atomic breath or something like that. I was like, what is this? They're just making up powers for Superman now. But you know, once the cold started to form on his face, I was like, OK, I got you. I loved how Kara confused Jimmy for being the leader of the planet because he kept telling everyone how he was a leader at the daily planet. Episode six was titled The Machine Who Would Be Empire.
Superman attempts to escape Kara's spaceship until he misunderstands that Kara is taking him to see his Uncle Jor-El instead of Brainiac. Using a thought projector device, Kara explains that before Krypton fell, it was the most advanced society in the galaxy, and invited less fortunate planets to share in their utopia. While debating back and forth whether they should conquer Earth, Clark stumbles upon Kara's secret collection of alien memorabilia.
and he asks her to show her a planet the Kryptonian Empire conquered. She takes him to Thanagar, but they find it in ruins, briefly causing Kara to question Brainiac's intentions before his robots bring her and Superman to a space-based satellite headquarters, Kandor. Sending Kara away, Brainiac reveals he is a warmonger willing to kill those who refuse Kryptonian rule before detaining Superman and brainwashing Kara for disobeying him. However...
Kara's mara-abilia helps her remember her doubt towards Brainiac and the destruction the Kryptonian Empire left behind. While trying to determine what to do next, she encounters a spaceship piloted by Jimmy Lois, a gorilla named Mala, and his robot lover, the Brain. Do you think this episode means that we'll never get to see a cameo from Hawkman or Hawk Girl? Uh, I don't think so. I think the potential is there for survivors.
I mean, that's also saying like maybe we'll never see Green Lantern just because he showed up here. I don't think it was the specific heroes that we're familiar with. I think there are other champions from those worlds. That said, it was cool to see a Thanagarin Hawk Girl character and a Green Lantern. The show doesn't have enough greater DC Universe tie-ins. These little like mini cameos, if you could even call them cameos here and there.
just aren't sufficient. I think it would be really cool to see the greater Justice League actually have a presence within the universe that this show sets up for Superman. I would love to see that. Like I would love to see this show's versions of Wonder Woman and Batman. That'd be really cool. I mean we got Vicky Vail. We saw Silver St. Cloud in the last episode.
And there are a lot of allusions to Gotham City. And at the end of this season, I actually thought that Lois Lane should have taken Vicky up on her offer to work under her for at least a time at the Gotham Gazette. Clark was like, it only takes me five minutes to fly there. If you're willing to go, I'd be fine with it. And then Lois was like, no, I'm going to stay at the planet. I'm like, you idiot. That was the perfect potential for a crossover. I know I'm skipping ahead to the last episode there.
But the Thanagar situation kind of makes me think of the greater DC universe. And the great thing about her taking the job at the Gotham Gazette is that that could have all happened off screen. Like by the time we return for season three, she's like, oh, I'm back from my brief stint at the Gotham Gazette. She could have established relationships there that would carry over, including maybe something with Bruce Wayne. I think that'd be really cool. It would introduce some interesting conflict to the relationship between
Clark and Lois if you were to introduce another potential love interest like Rooswain. That'd be awesome. Moving on to episode 7 which was titled Olsen's 11 which takes place concurrently with the previous episode in which Waller announces the formation of the Human Defense Corps and places Metropolis under martial law in response to the battle between Superman and Cara and in preparation for an impending alien invasion.
Jimmy and Lois meanwhile plan to break into Star Labs and steal an experimental spaceship so they can find Superman by hiring the professional thief Livewire to help them, and recruiting Malaw and The Brain, who were capable of creating black hole portals. After secretly debating whether they should use Kryptonite on Kara, Jimmy and Lois and their crew discover heightened security at Star Labs.
due to Waller and Deathstroke's presence, as they're overseeing Lex's upgrades of the Metello robots with Kryptonite power cores. Waller discovers the intruder's presence and sends Deathstroke to capture Lois and Jimmy's group. While evading Task Force X and Deathstroke, Livewire seemingly abandons Lois and Jimmy, while Malaw and The Brain successfully prep the ship for launch and reconfigure it to generate portals.
After Lex's Metello robots nearly prevent the ship from launching, Livewire returns with her intergang allies, now outfitted with alien tech that they stole from Waller while she was distracted, and intergang manages to fend off the Metellos and ensure the group's escape in the spaceship. As Waller deems Lex's work successful and allocates more resources for him, Malaw and the Brain generate a portal to send them, Lois and Jimmy, deep into space where they encounter Kara.
I have to say I'm not a big fan of Livewire and Intergang, that whole crew, becoming good guys, or at least helping the good guys. Yeah, that felt really out of character. Maybe not later on in the season when they're like helping defend Earth itself, but I guess in helping Lois and Jimmy they were able to steal a lot of shit from Task Force X. But even then I'm still not 100% sure why that tech and even Lex Luthor's Metello robots were at Star Labs.
Like they didn't own it. Granted everything was under martial law, but I didn't understand why that put Waller in control of Star Labs. Yeah, I have no idea. Episode 8 was titled The Death of Clark Kent. Brainiac uses a psychic device known as a Black Mercy to invade and manipulate Superman's memories, intending to transfer his AI mind into Superman's body before Kandor falls apart.
Superman fails to stop Brainiac from learning of Lois and Jimmy, and Brainiac uses his connection to them against Superman, eventually trapping his mind in a simulation where he's with his biological family on a restored Krypton. Meanwhile, Kara, Jimmy, and Lois devise a plan to save Superman, while Malah and the Brain stay behind to repair the spaceship. Jimmy and Lois infiltrate Kandor while Kara attempts to reason with Brainiac. Frustrated with her perceived rebelliousness,
Brainiac confirms that he brainwashed her to serve his interests, and though Kara damages Brainiac's robotic body in response, Brainiac successfully possesses Superman's body in time. Jimmy tries to use the kryptonite on Brainiac, but he is ejected along with Lois and Kara into space before Brainiac teleports Kandor away. After Malah and the Brain rescue the trio,
Lois reveals she stole the Black Mercy and uses it on herself in an attempt to save Superman. Again, I didn't love this interpretation of the Black Mercy. Not everything has to be Kryptonian tech. I don't understand why they couldn't go a more traditional route of making the Black Mercy a plant. I mean, why not? Kryptonians don't use plants. Come on. What? Yeah, I can't think of a single one. I have no argument. Moving on to episode 9, which was titled...
Here's the Heavens Superman, which is a horrible title. Actually, all of the titles in this season I didn't love. They don't always make sense. Well, I'm not usually aware of them. I just click next episode. So a lot of them I'm hearing for the first time as you say them, and I agree, they're not all winners. In this episode, Kara, Jimmy, and the Komatos Lois return to Earth, which they find under the control of Amanda Waller, who kidnaps them.
They're rescued by the Daily Planet staff, however, before Super Brainiac launches his invasion of Earth. Kara tries to stop him, but he overpowers her and Task Force X, while Lois mentally continues to attempt to reach Clark within the Black Mercy's virtual reality, while avoiding simulations of Jor-El and his wife Lara, who continually attempt to delete Lois due to the Black Mercy being unable to support multiple minds at once.
After repeated resets of the simulation due to Lois's interference, she graduelly succeeds in getting through to Clark, and the two join forces to destroy the simulation, forcing Brainiac out of Superman's body. Brainiac retaliates by hacking the Metellos to defeat Kara and a restored Superman while attempting to use Kandor to destroy Metropolis.
This episode had a neat little Groundhog Day element to it, where every time Lois Lane would get deleted, she'd be reset within the simulation and she kept reliving the same experience trying to convince Clark to come out of the mind control. And I thought it was used to great effect when he eventually did. They remembered each other, they remembered their love, and used that as a means of escape. Yeah, that was cool. I also thought it was cool that Lois had superpowers in this virtual reality.
There's been instances in the comics where she's had superpowers, and I felt like this was sort of like an homage to that. It was cool seeing the two fight side by side in cooperation with each other. Yeah, it was a great moment, I thought, for sure. I don't know if the justification of Superman saying, I see you as so much more than human was sound, but the end result was fun to watch, I guess. Moving on to the final episode, which was titled My Adventures with Supergirl.
as the Human Defense Corps fails to protect Metropolis while it reunites with General Lane, who recruited Irons along with Livewire and her intergang allies to help Superman. With the group's aid, Superman and Kara overcome the Metallos Kryptonite attacks and reach Kandor, where they confront Brainiac, who reveals he destroyed Krypton in the face of peace talks led by Jor-El that would have led to his shutdown. As Brainiac attempts to brainwash Kara once more,
Superman, Lois, and Jimmy help her break Brainiac's control over her. As she and Superman push Kandor away from the Earth toward the Sun, they use the Sun's energy to strengthen themselves and destroy Kandor before Kara destroys Brainiac's body, though she salvages his core. Big mistake! Afterward, Clark, Lois, and Jimmy bring Kara to Smallville to recover and meet Jonathan and Martha Kent, Clark's adoptive parents. Over the next week,
Malah and the Brain rebuild Cadmus Labs with Kara and Jimmy's help. Vicky dubs Kara a Supergirl. Waller becomes a fugitive. Luther establishes Lex Corps' headquarters and hires Wilson. Lois turns down Vicky's offer. And Kara joins Clark, Lois, and Jimmy in protecting Metropolis. Now I thought one of the coolest scenes out of the entire series, both seasons 1 and 2, happened when Superman and Kara were near the sun. Yeah, that was pretty cool.
Yeah, of course, Kryptonians get their powers from the sun, and it hasn't really been clear that that's been the case in this series, but it looks like it is. And I just love the way that they depicted their super-sane energy modes, as it were. Yeah, the parts that were infected by the kryptonite were then glowing with sun radiation as opposed to kryptonite radiation. I was wondering at first why Brainiac was insusceptible to kryptonite poisoning himself considering he is kryptonite technology.
and we saw people like Livewire and Heatwave be susceptible to kryptonite poisoning as well. But then I remembered the throwaway line where Brainiac activated his kryptonite shielding, which somehow made him invulnerable to that. It was probably just lead, you know? Right, yeah. His lead body form. That could be perfect rationale. I did feel like they ran out of time on this episode. The way they recapped everything towards the end with like the voiceover. You just had to kind of infer...
everything that was going on on screen as Lois and Clark were talking. Well, it was over the end credits. Right. Exactly. I feel like they could have added like another 15 minutes to this episode. Just in the wrap up, the episodes were pretty short. Like each one was only a little bit over 20 minutes. So all in all, with 10 episodes, you're looking at 200 minutes of screen time. And that's essentially, you know, just like the length of a feature film with a decent runtime. Yeah. Feature film like Return of the King, maybe.
Zack Sanders Justice League. Hell yeah. That's what I'm talking about. More minute for the dollar. That brings us to the end of season two. I really enjoyed watching it. It went by pretty quick, I thought. I got to watch it with my girls, which was a lot of fun. I don't know if that added to my enjoyment of it, but it probably did. Again, it wasn't a perfect season, but I think it's definitely in keeping with how good season one was in that I would definitely recommend it to basically anyone.
It's an endearing and romantic continuation of the shounen anime adaptation of Superman's Mythos, showcasing strong character relationships and themes, and I'm giving it 4 out of 5 stars, a fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I would agree with that rating. Yeah, it's one half-star less than what we gave season one.
But there was a lot to enjoy this season despite its few shortcomings. I think the absolute best thing that season two did was introduce the character of Supergirl in the manner that they did. I thought it was a great adaptation and I'm really excited to see where they take the character in season three. Yeah, I cannot wait for season three. Again, it has been greenlit. We will be getting it next summer. So something to look forward to. But that does it for this review. AJ9K help close us out.
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In our next episode, we are going to do another review. Just all these shows are just coming out at exactly the same time. Marvel has released season two of Hit Monkey. Now, if you haven't seen Hit Monkey, you fucked up. You got to see season one of Hit Monkey because it's fantastic. And he's one of Marvel's more interesting characters, I think. So look forward to our review of Hit Monkey season two coming out next week. I'm looking forward to watching it. I can't wait. I loved season one. So this is.
gonna be good I hope. I imagine it will be. That's a wrap for this episode. We want to give a big thanks to our executive producers Ken Johnson, John Strosky, Zachary Hepburn, Dustin Balcom, Miggy Mathengian, Brandon Essergard, Nathaniel Wagner, Levi Yeaton, Austin Wazilowski, AJ Dunkerley, Scott Camacho, Gil Camacho, Adam Spies, Andrew Schunk, Dean Molesky, Devin Davis, Joseph Kirsting, and Josh Leiner for helping make this podcast possible. And we'll talk to you guys next week. Up, up, and away, true believers.
I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane, I'm more than some pretty face beside a train, and it's not easy to be me.