White Lantern vs Knull

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• 0:00:00 - Introduction
• 0:04:51 - No-Prize Time
• 0:12:27 - New release dates announced in Marvel Studios 2025 Look Ahead
Listen to the DynaMic Podcast Network at http://dynamicpodcasts.com
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• 0:00:00 - Introduction
• 0:04:51 - No-Prize Time
• 0:12:27 - New release dates announced in Marvel Studios 2025 Look Ahead
• 0:19:59 - Question of the Week
• 0:20:50 - White Lantern vs Knull intro
• 0:24:12 - Knull history and abilities
• 0:34:49 - White Lantern history and abilities
• 0:46:13 - Fight speculation
• 0:55:16 - Duel results
• 0:59:32 - Sign off
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Executive producers: Ken Johnson, John Starosky, Zachary Hepburn, Dustyn Balcom, Miggy Matanguihan, Brandon Estergard, Nathaniel Wagner, Levi Yeaton, Austin Wesolowski, AJ Dunkerley, Scott Camacho, Gil Camacho, Adam Speas, Andrew Schunk, Dean Maleski, Devin Davis, Joseph Kersting, and Josh Liner
"Take a Chance" "Clash Defiant" "Blip Stream" "Nowhere Land" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
#WhiteLantern #Knull #MarvelVsDC
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This is a DynaMic Network podcast. Hey guys, Marvelous Joe at the top of the episode here to let you know that for the months of November and December, Jonathan and I will be donating 10% of the proceeds that we earn on our Dynamic duel store to the charity Stand Up to Cancer. So for your holiday shopping this year, go to our website, dynamicduel.com, click on the store button, and check out the wide offering of products that we have available for you guys.
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Hi, welcome to the Dynamic Duel Podcast, a weekly show where we review superhero films and debate the superiority between Marvel and DC by comparing their characters in stat-based battle simulations. I'm Marvelous Joe. And I'm his twin brother Johnny DC. And this is a big episode. In tie-in to our previous review of Venom the Last Dance, we are going to be finding out who would win in a fight between White Lantern, Kyle Rayner, and Null, the eldritch god of darkness.
This is going to be a really fun episode because basically, Null's going to wipe the floor with White Lantern and it's going to be enjoyable for me to witness that. So both of these characters are insanely powerful, but if you think Null is more powerful than the White Lantern Kylo Renner, I don't know what to say. Cocaine's a hell of a drug. Well, we'll find out later on this episode, guys. Really excited for it. Before we get into the duel though, we're going to break down the latest comic book movie news to come out this past week.
including just one news item actually. It was the new release dates that were announced in the Marvel Studios 2025 look ahead sizzle reel. Yeah, there was some DC casting news announcements but it was really for unrecognizable actors in lesser roles. So it was hard to get excited about. I find it hard to get excited about most DC things. So I totally see where you're coming from. You are sassy this episode. I think it almost come from some like insecurity they're having about the matchup later on. It's gotta be.
Nah, I just had a lot of sugar this morning, so. Halloween candy. Yeah, exactly. As always guys, we list our segment times in our episode description, so feel free to check out the show notes if you wanna skip ahead to a particular topic. Our artificially intelligent duel simulator, AJ9K, has a quick message for our listeners, so listen up.
Why hello there, do you want even more from this podcast? Then become a part of the dynamic duel community on Patreon, where you can choose from three tiers. The dynamic two-o tier gives you access to our Discord chat server. The fantastic four tier gives you two bonus episodes each month, and the X-Force tier makes you an executive producer of this show. Lastly,
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Be sure to tune into the other shows on the DynaMic Podcast Network this week, including Max Destruction, which pits your favorite action heroes from film and television against each other. This week, hosts Scotty and Gilly are determining the winner between Mickey Mouse and SpongeBob SquarePants. On the Send Your World podcast, host Zachary Hepburn speculates on fights between fan favorite anime and manga characters. Zach is traveling abroad for the next couple of weeks, so the show is currently on a brief hiatus.
And on the Console Combat podcast hosts John and Dean simulate battles between popular video game characters. In yesterday's episode, they found out who would win in a fight between Scud the disposable assassin and IG-88 from Star Wars Battlefront 2. Visit dynamicpodcasts.com or click the link in our show notes to listen to all of the shows in the DynaMic Podcast Network. But with that out of the way, quick to the no prize.
A no prize is an award Marvel used to give out to fans. Our version, the Dynamic duel No Prize, is a digital award we post on Instagram for the person that we feel gave the best answer to our question of the week. Last week we asked you guys to give us your best 30 second film pitch for the MCU Blade movie because we got news that the film was removed from Marvel's schedule and we had to figure, you know, it's gotta be easier than what they're making it to crack a Blade script for the movie.
We got quite a number of answers, but we're going to break down this week's honorable mentions before revealing the no prize winner. Our first honorable mention goes to Colby Hentges, who said, Hey boys, Colby Hentges. Since Marvel likes to get cheeky with the punctuation lately, the new Blade movie will be Blade, Ebony. It'll be Blade teaching the new Black Knight, Dane Whitman, how to use the Ebony Blade he found at the end of the Eternals. The Black Knight will be the young loose cannon.
Blades getting too old for this shit, Whitman. It'll be a lethal weapon with vampires. But who do we get to play the Joe Pesci part? Yeah, this is a pretty good idea. The only appearance we've gotten of Mahershala Ali as the Blade character, if you can call it an appearance because it was just his voice, was in the end credit scene of the Eternals movie in which we hear Blade addressing Dane Whitman, the Black Knight, about his ebony blade. So we know that those two have met in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
I like to think that's not a plot thread that Marvel would just leave hanging. Now the Black Knight wields a blade in the comic books called the Ebony Blade, which is a vampiric blade of sorts. You could describe it that way, and I'm pretty sure that's why Blade showed up in The Eternals even, but Dane Whitman's sword is a magical, powerful sword that grants him bloodlust that he constantly has to fight against. Yeah, I really like the idea of a lethal weapon vampire movie. I think that's fantastic. As for who would be cast in the Joe Pesci role?
I nominate Joe Pesci. Yeah, just cast Joe Pesci. He's still around. Great answer, Colby. Our next honorable mention goes to Mason Thompson, who said, OK, you could involve. Sorry if I'm saying this super fast. You can involve the werewolf by night in the swamp thing to kind of continue on from the short film. And Blade has to hunt them down to see things. They're involved with the vampires. You have the vampires be like a tribe. So that way, they're they haven't been in MCU because they're like hidden.
And so he hunts them down. He realizes they're not a part of that. And then they came up or something like that. Like he thinks they're part of the vampire tribe. And then, yeah. So Mason Thompson made sure to call back and let us know that he meant Man-Thing and not Swamp-Thing, since Swamp-Thing is a DC character. But yeah, both Werewolf by Night and Man-Thing were in the Werewolf by Night Disney Plus special presentation that came out a few Halloweens ago.
So the characters are established and yeah, it would be neat for Blade to interact within the supernatural world that that special set up and go after them thinking that they're, you know, evil creatures, but it turns out it was just a mix up and then they all joined together to fight an evil vampire tribe. I like it. It has shades of like underworld to it, but underworld is just a cool concept. Like vampires versus werewolves. Is it currently being done right now?
And so it's ripe for the picking. Yeah, I didn't think of it that way, but that would be cool. Essentially, it seems like Mason Thompson is pitching a Midnight Suns movie that just stars the character of Blade, which I have no problem with. So we're going to answer Mason. Our next honorable mention goes to Travis Bailey, who said, Hey, Travis Bailey, shout out to my good friend. All right. So look, Contessa goes to Old Man Hawkeye. I need that rolling out. Right. I'm putting together a team. We got a threat Lilith out of Idaho.
she's producing demons somehow, we gonna go there we gonna shut her down. They get there, they meet up with Elsa Bloodstone thinking that she's Lilith, she ain't that but she whoops the ass, alright? But, ass comes off, I'm not roaming I'm playing, and the big bad at the end, the scarlet witch. Okay he went through that really quick, but basically Travis's pitch is having the Contessa hire Hawkeye as Ronin to go after Lilith during which they encounter Elsa
They find out it's not. She teams up with Ronin, who turns out to be Blade, against the final bad guy who turns out to be Scarlet Witch. So there's a lot of elements going on there. I would probably nix the Scarlet Witch thing at the end and just have the actual bad guy be Lilith, the mother of demons, or actually there's another Lilith who's like the daughter of Dracula. So you might want to go that route. But we've been introduced to Elsa Bloodstone in the MCU in the Werewolf by Night special presentation. And she was fantastic in that short film.
and she managed to get a hold of the Bloodstone within that story, which we know is a war against vampires. Elsa Bloodstone would be a great partner for Mahershala Ali's Blade. Yeah, but how do you feel about him as Ronin? There have been a lot of different characters to portray the Ronin identity over the years. Basically, Ronin is kind of a persona for superheroes who have to go undercover.
You know, Echo's been Ronin, Hot Guy's been Ronin. I could totally see Blade as Ronin. Though I would probably want that reveal to happen sooner rather than later. That way you don't have a Blade movie where Blade rarely shows up. You know, we don't want to think it's Hot Guy the whole time. Honestly, if we're nixing the Scarlet Witch thing, yeah, also just nix the Ronin thing. Just have Blade be recruited to go fight Lilith. I like it. Sold. Yeah, decent concept overall. So thanks Travis Bailey for your answer.
We want to give a quick shout out to Daniel Alonso, as well as Travis Herndon, who pitched the idea of a Blade and Ghost Rider team up against Blackout and Mephisto in Vegas idea, which I thought was pretty good, but it was more of a demon movie than a vampire movie. So it didn't get an honorable mention, but I still liked it. But the winner of this week's snow prize is Mike Williams. Who said? Mike Williams here. Blade movie scripts, maybe Blade versus Morbius.
And somehow Spider-Man comes along and convinces them they need to be on the same team. Probably never get made, but we can wish upon it. Enjoy your show, and as always, make mine Marvel. Peace. Yeah, if any Blade movie was to get made in an ideal world where the rise to these characters wasn't all jumbled, we would get a Blade versus Morbius film, right? That would be awesome. And...
They would fight against each other and then end up teaming up to go up against a larger vampire threat such as Dracula, Deacon Frost, someone like that. I think that would be the best case scenario for a Blade movie. Unfortunately, out of all the ideas that were listed here, this is least likely to happen because Sony owns the rights to Morbius. Yeah, but that said, Sony has also lent Spider-Man to the MCU before, so why not another character like Morbius? Well, they might offer that deal with Marvel as a way to extend their Spider-Man contract, so who knows?
Maybe it's not out of the realm of possibility. I would like to see it happen. In fact, I think if you got like a Blade movie with Morbius and Elsa Bloodstone as like his sidekicks, that would be the ultimate best case scenario. I think honestly, if Sony wants to get even more in Kevin and Faggy's good graces, they would offer something like that. For sure. So great answer, Mike Williams. You win this week's No Prize. If you, the listener, want a shot at winning your own No Prize, stay tuned to later on this episode when we'll be asking another question of the week. And now that that's done.
On to the news!
Alright, this past week we got a look ahead sizzle reel video from Marvel Studios that details their upcoming projects on Disney+. And we got a lot of new release dates that we previously didn't know before. Basically a reveal of what's coming out later this year and in 2025. There's a lot of great stuff, a lot of new footage that was introduced within the sizzle reel, including a look at Daredevil Born Again, where we got to see the fucking kick-ass action that's going to be in the show. It looks...
Like it's going to continue carrying the torch that the show had on Netflix in terms of its just gritty, hardcore, rough and tumble action fights. We got to see Daredevil fighting characters like Muse and The Punisher. It all looks so damn fantastic and I really can't wait for this show to come out. We previously already got a release date for Daredevil Born Again, but it reiterated that the show will be debuting on March 4th, 2025.
Yeah, I cannot wait. Everything that comes out for the show just gets me excited for it. It's going to be awesome. The next show we got to look at was Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, which is an animated series that's coming out on Disney+. It takes place in kind of an alternate timeline wherein we get a look at Peter Parker's early days as the web-slinging hero where he doesn't quite have his costume nailed down yet, but
What was interesting was that it was revealed that Peter Parker's mentor in this timeline is Norman Osborn, not Tony Stark. So we're going to see how that influence affects him as a character. That's weird. I didn't know it was an alternate timeline. Why would they do that? I don't know. Initially, the premise of the show was going to be a look at Peter Parker's origin because we never really got that in the MCU. He was already established in the Captain America Civil War movie.
as a full-fledged superhero when he was recruited by Tony Stark. And I thought we were going to get to see his early adventures as the hero, how he decided to become the hero and everything like that. But just knowing that this isn't like sacred timeline Peter Parker kind of bums me out. I don't even want to see it now. I know this has kind of become my least anticipated show for 2025, but we will be reviewing it. It actually is going to debut on the Disney Plus television platform on January 29th.
So pretty soon here, actually. The animation looks pretty good, I'll give it that. It looks like straight out of a Steve Ditko comic, but the 3D element is pretty nice, considering it's computer animated. Not quite stylistic on the same level as the Spider-Verse, but like really no animation can even approach that franchise. I'm pretty sure Peter Parker kills a kid by slamming a brick into his head. Well, we will find out if that kid deserved it or not. Whoa. But moving on to Ironheart, we learned that that-
live action series is going to debut on Disney Plus on June 24th. So during the summertime. But we got a cool look at Riri Williams suit as she's building it. It looks pretty damn badass. And we also got to look at the hood within the sizzle reel, which if you didn't see the leaked D23 footage, this is probably your first looks at these characters. I wasn't excited for this show at all. But I got to say, the footage from it looks really damn good. Yeah, it looks pretty compelling, honestly.
I'm not a huge fan of Dominique Thorn's Riri Williams because she didn't impress me in Black Panther Wakanda forever, but this show does look pretty dang good. Next up in the sizzle reel was What If Season 3, which is coming like really fucking soon. I had no idea earlier, but this show is actually debuting this year on December 22nd with a new episode coming out each day after it debuts. So we're probably going to get this show in its entirety before the start of the new year.
We got some pretty cool shots, like a Western type tale. There was a fucking Transformers version of Captain America, which I am like super excited by. That'll be really cool. I mean, the What If series is just pretty damn good, especially season two. I really like season two of What If. I thought it was better than season one. So I'm really looking forward to season three and seeing what they do there. Yeah, it looks like What If is getting its first spin-off series in Marvel Zombies.
Right, yeah, we got our first look at that show, which is gonna be TVMA on the Disney Plus platform. We got a brief look at the Marvel Zombies universe in the first season of What If, but they're gonna continue that story within this Marvel Zombies animated series, which is gonna come out in time for Halloween next year in October 2025. The animation looks spot on. There's a shot here where we see a bunch of people falling off a building, and it reminds me a lot of World War Z and...
I'm super pumped for this show. I gotta tell you. I think the biggest surprise out of this sizzle reel that came out was our first look at Wonder Man, which is a television show starring Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, who is no stranger to comic book shows and movies. Here he is playing Simon Williams, who is the character of Wonder Man, the superhero who's also an actor. And it looks like the television shows is really leaning into that aspect of the character and kind of sending up, you know, Hollywood tropes and things like that.
It kind of seems like he is a guy who has superpowers, who is auditioning for a role called Wonder Man, and through the course of the show he actually becomes that hero. We see him being mentored by Trevor Slattery, who is played by Ben Kingsley, who infamously was the guy behind the Mandarin in Iron Man 3, and was great comedic relief in the Shang-Chi film. I'm not a huge fan of Trevor Slattery. I'll just never forgive what Iron Man 3 did with the character of the Mandarin, but...
since Shang-Chi was able to kind of salvage that character and that concept. It's kind of interesting to see what's going on with Wonder Man. And honestly, I'm curious. It has piqued my curiosity, we'll say. I feel like Trevor Slattery was redeemed in Shang-Chi, especially because the real Amandarin ended up being way cooler than anything Iron Man 3 could have imagined. I don't love the idea that he's acting as a character called Wonder Man. The whole thing is just kind of confusing, but
Honestly, Trevor Slattery was the most interesting thing about this footage to me. Yeah, that show is not going to come out, though, until next December. So around Christmas time, 2025. The next show that we got a look at in the sizzle reel is Eyes of Wakanda, which looks like an amazing, amazing animated series where we get a look at the Black Panthers of the past in Wakanda's history. The animation style, I think, is what stood out most to me in that.
It's not like the What If series or anything else that Disney has produced for Marvel Studios. It looks a little bit more stylized and Pixar-y. I guess the best way to describe it so far is that it kind of reminds me of The Clone Wars. Yeah, yeah, I thought the same thing. But like with a whole lot more money put into its budget. Aizu Wakanda is going to come out in August of next year. Can't wait to see more on that show. Yeah, I'm really intrigued by it. Honestly, I think for a lot of these shows...
I kept repeating myself saying that I am super pumped to see it, but it's true. You know, there's a lot of good stuff here coming out from Marvel at the end of this year and throughout 2025. So this trailer just got me super pumped, totally aboard the hype train for what's coming out on Disney plus. And I know that like Marvel said that they were going to start winding down the quantity of their projects and really focus on the quality, but it seems like we quite have not reached that point because there's a shit tongue coming out in 2025. Man.
Speaking of all the shit that's coming out, that brings us to our question of the week.
I didn't mean like shit, I was like, stuff. It was a lot of stuff. Yeah, a lot of shit. Oh God. Out of Marvel Television's upcoming projects revealed in the sizzle reel, which one gets you the most excited and why? Yeah, I'm particularly interested in the projects that you weren't as excited in until you saw the sizzle reel and then it got you like super pumped. So record your answer at dynamicduel.com by clicking on the red microphone button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, which will prompt you to leave us a voicemail.
Your message could be up to 30 seconds long and don't forget to leave your name in case we include you on the podcast. We'll pick our favorite answer and award that person a Dynamic Duel No Prize that we'll post to Instagram. Be sure to answer before November 9th.
But I think that does it for all the news for this episode, so let's go ahead and get into our main event where we find out who would win in a fight between the White Lantern, Kyle Raynor versus Null.
Alright, White Lantern vs. Null. Now these two characters are heavy hitters, if I do say so myself. Basically they're on the same level as like Lactis and Spectre. This is that kind of matchup. These guys are just off the charts. Yeah, White Lantern, Kyle Raynor, is the culmination of all the different multicolored energies of light in the universe, and Null is a primordial deity, really, of darkness. They both have...
really badass weapons. Kyle Rayner wields the White Lantern Power Ring, Null wields All Black the Necro Sword, and each of them can use their weapons to produce constructs out of their respective element of light or darkness. I'm really excited to be doing a duel episode with Kyle Rayner. He was the Green Lantern that was around when I first started reading comic books, so he's near and dear to my heart. He's known as being the most creative of the Green Lanterns.
Yeah, we've done a lot of Green Lantern episodes so far, like against Nova, against Beta Ray Bill, against Quasar, but this will be the toughest battle yet for a Green Lantern. I just don't see how you stand a chance, that being said, I don't know a lot about White Lantern, so let's go ahead and break down the characters' histories and abilities. But first, to explain the methodology behind our duels, let's go to our sentient duel simulator Alfred Jarvis 9000. AJ9K, tell our listeners how you go about determining a winner in our duel matchups.
Yes, of course, sir. The way I determine a winner between the contestants is by running 1,000 Monte Carlo simulations using the characters' statistics. A Monte Carlo simulation is a probabilistic model used to determine outcomes through random sampling. In this case, I randomise the statistics along a normal distribution as a way to simulate the many variables that can occur during battle. The stat parameters are based on the official Marvel power grid from which the DC characters' statistics are extrapolated.
Additional stat categories are included such as range, damage potential, versatility and perception in order to create a more detailed and accurate simulation. The results of the 1000 simulations provide a percentage of wins for each character. The contestant with the higher percentage is declared the victor as they have a higher probability to win any given battle. In an equitable pairing, neither character should win 100% of the matches. The comic book stories have shown that there's even a way for Batman to defeat Superman.
So the confidence rate of my method falls in line with the precedents that have been established in the source material. My mathematical simulations are without subjectivity or bias. Feats are not the sole consideration, nor are fan votes tabulated for determination of the winner. Thanks AJ9K! Before we run the simulations though, we like to break down each character's histories and abilities, before improvising a scenario on how we imagine one of the 1000 simulations would play out beat for beat.
And I think it's my turn to go first with the Marvel characters' backstory, so let me go ahead and tell you all about Null. In a cosmic cycle of death and rebirth, the Marvel universe expands from a cosmic singularity over billions of years until it collapses in on itself to give birth to a new reality. Null, the primordial god of darkness, was born of the void in the aftermath of the Marvel Multiverse's sixth iteration.
Null drifted through eternity, untouched by purpose, until the Celestials intruded, igniting the seventh iteration of existence with their Light of Creation. This light, destined to shape a new universe, pierced Null's realm of darkness, forcing him from solitude. With a hatred of this invading brightness, Null resisted when the Celestials offered him a cosmic role to serve as the counterpart to the Beyonders, known as the King in Black.
he waged war upon the Celestials with his power over the Primordial Void, determined to reclaim his kingdom of darkness. In his defiance against the Celestials, Null crafted the first symbiote weapon, All Black, the Necro Sword, forged from his living Abyss. With it, he decapitated the Celestial, causing the other space gods to retaliate, casting him and the slain Celestial's severed head into the void. Isolated but undeterred,
Null repurposed the Celestial's head into a forge, using its cosmic energies to empower his Necro Sword further and create his Symbiote Armor. In his own likeness, Null began manifesting life from the darkness itself, experimenting with symbiotic creatures and forming a hive mind that connected each creation to his own dark essence. With his symbiote army at his command, Null clad himself in his symbiotic armor and set forth on a genocidal crusade.
destroying planets, extinguishing stars, and slaughtering any god or creature that dared to dwell in the light. For eons, Null's dark empire grew, and his legend spread through the cosmos as a figure of terror. His conquest drew the attention of a time-displaced Silver Surfer, who attempted to free a world under Null's oppressive rule. The two clashed in an intense battle, with Null successfully infecting the weakened surfer with a symbiote, making him his Void Knight.
Despite the setback, the Silver Surfer was freed by Ego the Living Planet and used the last of his power cosmic to conjure a star, the blinding force of which hurled Null across the cosmos, temporarily halting his rampage. Null recovered quickly, however, and resumed his campaign against the light undeterred by the setbacks. As his terror continued, Null encountered an army of gods empowered by the light of the Enigma Force and clad in shining golden armor.
Null slaughtered the entire army, save for one who struck a blow through Null's head as Null impaled the Light God through the chest. Wounded, Null was discovered by Gore, an alien mortal who stole All Black the Necro Sword, claiming it as his own. While Null could have pursued the weapon, he instead allowed Gore to wield the All Black, recognizing the mortal's vengeful heart as a mirror of his own hatred for the Light.
As Null recovered from his battle with the Light Gods, he observed Ghor's bloody rampage across the stars and took satisfaction in the devastation wrought by his former blade, knowing that his influence had once again seeped into the cosmos, spreading death in his stead. Null's reign resumed and endured until an ill-fated invasion of Earth during the Middle Ages. One of his most terrifying creations, a symbiote dragon named Grendel, arrived on the planet attempting to subjugate its people.
However, the young thunder god Thor rose to defend Earth, striking down the Grendel with a lightning-charged blow. Thor's divine lightning energy shattered Null's connection to his entire symbiote hive, scattering his creations across the universe and fracturing his control over them. Free from Null's influence, the symbiotes began bonding with new hosts, discovering the beauty and honor in light and life.
binding him within a prison formed from their own bodies, an artificial planet they called Klintar, which translates to cage in their language. Though locked away, Null's dark will was not yet broken. In the centuries that followed, he subtly influenced symbiote hosts and sent visions to the Church of the New Darkness, a cult composed of the few who still remembered and revered his legend from the Middle Ages.
His presence began to stir when the international espionage organization, SHIELD, unearthed the remnants of Grendel in modern times, using its symbiote essence to create super-soldiers during the Vietnam War, including one commander, Rex Strickland, who was codenamed Tyrannosaurus Rex. SHIELD's project reawakened Null's psychic link to the symbiotes, allowing him to exert control over some of the soldiers, sparking conflict with a new generation of heroes, including Eddie Brock, the host of the Venom symbiote.
whom you can learn more about in our Clayface vs Venom duel episode. Brock's battle with the Grendel and subsequent entanglement with Null's cult followers only strengthened the symbiote god's hold over his long-lost creations. Through a twisted ritual involving Carnage, Null's followers resurrected Cletus Kasady, granting him godlike power with Null's influence. Together, Carnage and Null sought to collect parts of the Codex, which was a residuel trace of the hive mind left by symbiotes in their former hosts.
By gathering the Codex, they hope to break the bonds of Klintar and release Null once more. You can learn more about Carnage in his duel against Lobo. Carnage's bloody rampage for the Codex brought Null ever closer to freedom, culminating in a showdown with Venom that left Null completely reawakened. Breaking free of Klintar, he reassembled its fragmented symbiotes into a horde of dragons and set off on a new campaign of terror, determined to claim Earth and crush the light it represented.
After reclaiming All Black the Necro Sword, he cut a path of destruction across the cosmos, resuming his cosmic slaughter, conquering countless planets, and even corrupting and assimilating his celestial gods into his army. Arriving in Earth's orbit, Null set his sights on its mightiest heroes, brutally ripping the sentry in half and incorporating the dark energy of the hero's void persona into himself.
covering Earth in a sphere of living darkness, Null imprisoned or corrupted heroes in a massive offensive, seeking out Eddie Brock's young son, Dylan. Before the child was born, Dylan was influenced in the womb by the codex of Anne Wang, his mother, who had once bonded with the Venom symbiote as She-Venom, granting the child powers capable of countering Null and the symbiotes. Though Thor tried to stop Null by using his divine lightning as he had
Null himself proved too powerful and unleashed his full might by sending his symbiote controlled celestials into battle, overpowering the Thunder God. At the height of Null's invasion, the Silver Surfer came to Earth to help fight his former foe, yet he was also overpowered. When Null seemed lost, Eddie Brock and Venom were chosen as the avatar of the Enigma Force, temporarily becoming the hero known as Captain Universe. Empowered by this opposite force, Venom gained the cosmic power to confront Null directly.
In that confrontation, Brock formed a battle axe merged from Thor's hammer Mjolnir and the Silver Surfer's surfboard and launched an assault that stripped Null of his symbiotic armor, leaving him vulnerable. With Null weakened, Venom carried the Dark Lord of the Abyss into the sun, using the Unipower to destroy him in an eruption of light. With Null's death, the symbiote hive mind found liberation and Venom was renamed the new King in Black.
guiding the symbiotes toward a new legacy of protection instead of conquest. In his final words, Null cursed Venom, insisting that his darkness would one day return, and in fact, his consciousness lived on, hidden as a codex within the symbiote hive-mite. Powers-wise, Null, as a primordial entity of darkness, has power beyond most other Marvel characters. He can generate and manipulate the eldritch void that he calls the Living Abyss.
With it, he can control a parasitic darkness that can enslave beings as powerful as Celestials and the Silver Surfer. From it, he can also create living creatures of darkness, primarily dragons and symbiotes, some of which, like Grendel, are powerful enough to destroy whole cities. Noel can also use the Living Gebess to create weapons and armor, such as his nearly indestructible symbiote armor that he can reshape on his body to form things like a helmet, or a cape, or a pair of dragon wings.
He used the darkness to forge All Black the Necro Sword, which was strong enough to kill a host of god-like beings, including decapitating a Celestial, whose cosmic power he infused into the sword. All Black can fire dark energy, create dark tendrils, and even shape-shift its form. Null is immensely strong, with beyond class 100 level strength, he is durable enough to withstand Celestial attacks, and has a regenerative healing factor derived from his living abyss.
He can fly at orbital speeds using his wings or a dragon mount, and he is an expert combatant with billions of years of fighting experience and an expert strategist with eons of accumulated knowledge. And that's null. So what you're telling me is that his weakness is light. What I'm telling you is that even though his weakness is light, he has extinguished stars, he has killed light gods, and he will straight up murder Kyle Rayner's ass and put him in a fridge. Just like his girlfriend.
Too soon, too soon! No, Null sounds pretty cool. I didn't know his Necro Sword was imbued with cosmic energy. That's wild. Yeah, with the energy of a Celestial. What's the cooler sword? The Necro Sword or Excelsior? Oh, Hulkling Sword? Yeah. By far, the Necro Sword. By far. Yeah. Okay. It's not even a question. I saw what Gorr did with the Necro Sword. I didn't see what Gorr did with the Necro Sword. I thought Hela had the Necro Sword essentially in the MCU.
No. Oh, if we're talking about the MCU, Gore wielded the all-black Necro Sword, but it was very different from how it is in the comics. You're right, Hela's abilities in Thor Ragnarok more closely matched the power of the Necro Sword. Still not as cool as wielding a power ring, especially a white one. Ooh, jewelry. All right. But like the coolest jewelry. You'll learn. You're going to learn today. Let me tell you all about the White Lantern Kyle Raynor.
At the beginning of the multiverse, when light and life first emerged, the life entity was born and was the source of emotional entities, Aion, Parallax, Predator, Ophidian, Butcher, Adara, and Proselyte. After battling the forces of Death and the Black, the entity went into hibernation within Earth to regain its strength, with the earliest sentient race, that would eventually be known as the Guardians of the Universe, hiding its existence to protect it.
Hundreds of millions of years later, Kyle Rayner was raised by a single mother, Mara Rayner, in Los Angeles, California, as his father, Gabriel Vasquez, was a CIA agent who was forced to abandon his family due to his line of work. Despite the lack of a father figure, Kyle channeled his energy into art, eventually pursuing a career as a graphic artist. Though his creative nature set him apart, he struggled financially.
One random night, however, Kyle's life changed forever when he was approached by a small blue alien named Gantlet, who was a guardian of the universe from the planet Oa and a founder of the Green Lantern Corps Universal Peacekeeping Force. Gantlet was the last of the Owens after the Green Lantern Corps' destruction, and was on a mission to bestow the final remaining power ring to a new bearer. Without explanation, Gantlet handed Kyle the ring before vanishing.
Kyle tried on the ring, which instantly transformed his clothing into the standard Green Lantern uniform. Realizing he'd been given incredible powers, yet unsure what to do, Kyle showed the ring to his photographer girlfriend Alex DeWitt, who encouraged him to become a superhero and change his uniform into one more creative to set him apart from prior Green Lanterns. Before long, Kyle helped Superman defeat Mongol, both sharing surprise at Kyle's ring's ability to affect the color yellow.
a known flaw in prior Green Lantern rings. You can learn more about Superman and Mongol in their respective duels against Dr. Doom and Nihilus. As Kyle continued to train and learn more about his new powers, tragedy struck when he returned home one day to find Alex murdered and her body gruesomely stuffed into a refrigerator by the villain Major Force. Enraged and grief-stricken, Kyle confronted Major Force, who had operated under a shadow
a Green Lantern power battery, capable of recharging a Green Lantern ring. After recovering the battery and recharging his ring, Kyle chose not to kill Major Force, despite his rage, as he knew Alex would have wanted him to make the heroic decision, and he was inspired to fully embrace his role as a hero and a Green Lantern. Over time, Kyle became known throughout the superhero community, forging friendships with other heroes like Connor Hawk, Wally West, and Donna Troy.
the latter two of whom you can learn more about in their duels against Speedball and She-Hulk. After joining the Justice League, Kyle eventually encountered Hal Jordan, his Green Lantern predecessor and destroyer of the Green Lantern Corps, who had become a nigh-omnipotent villain known as Parallax. When Parallax attempted to reshape time and reality, Kyle was forced to sacrifice the planet Oa to stop him. Upon Kyle's return to Earth, he settled in New York City, where he became friends with the former Green Lantern, Guy Gardner,
and he met Jade, the daughter of another former Green Lantern, Ellen Scott, who you can learn more about in our Green Lantern vs Iceman duel. As Kyle's romantic relationship with Jade developed, he faced new enemies such as Fatality, Sonar, Nero, and Oblivion, the latter of which was a manifestation of his own inner turmoil and fears. Upon realizing the nature of Oblivion, Kyle confronted and overcame this dark aspect of himself, allowing him to tap into his full power potential
and transform into Ion, a being of near limitless power. As Ion, Kyle was able to cure the former Green Lantern Jon Stewart's paralysis, and even restore the planet Oa and the Guardians of the Universe. In a selfless act, Kyle sacrificed the last of his omnipotence to reignite Oa's central power battery, allowing for the recreation of the Green Lantern core and earning him the honorary title of Torchbearer.
in recognition of his dedication to the Green Lantern mission and legacy. When Kyle was led to believe that Major Force killed his mother, Mara, Kyle decapitated the villain before flinging his head into space. Fearing he had become a danger to those he loved, Kyle left Earth and ventured into the cosmos, where he discovered Hell Jordan's body and unearthed the truth behind Hell's actions, that Hell had been possessed by Parallax.
a powerful parasitic entity representing fear, which had driven him to madness and destruction. Armed with this revelation, Kyle returned Hell's body to Earth and helped exercise Parallax from Hal, successfully restoring Hal as a Green Lantern. You can learn more about Hal in our Green Lantern vs Nova episode. It was later revealed that Sinestro was the one responsible for Mara's death in an effort to break Kyle's will so that he could serve as the new host for Parallax.
Though Kyle became Parallax for a time, he was able to break free of the Entity's control with the help from Held Jordan, and he was later inducted into the Green Lantern Corps' Honor Guard, where he developed a relationship with Sinestro's daughter and fellow Green Lantern, Sora Nick Natu. During the events of Blackest Night when the dead across the universe were resurrected as Black Lanterns, Kyle sacrificed his life to protect his fellow Green Lanterns.
As Black Rings attempted to turn Kyle into a Black Lantern, members of the Indigo Tribe and Star Sapphires intervened and managed to bring Kyle back to life. After facing a resurrected Black Lantern version of his former lover, Alyx, Kyle and the other Green Lanterns managed to repel the Black Lantern army and defeat its leader, Necron, the personification of death, when Sinestro managed to awaken and bond with the life entity within the Earth.
becoming a white lantern. You can learn more about Sinestro in our Sinestro vs Magneto duel episode. When a rogue Owen known as Corona trapped Parallax within the Green Lantern's central power battery, allowing him to take control of the Green Lantern core, Kyle became a blue lantern for a time. In the altered reality following Flashpoint, Kyle was chosen to wield power rings from each color of the emotional spectrum, including red rage, orange avarice, yellow fear, and
Green Willpower, Blue Hope, Indigo Compassion, and Violet Love, resulting in his transformation into a White Lantern. With each ring, Kyle underwent intensive training, mastering the abilities of each color, a journey that eventually led him to wield the White Light of Life, enabling him to tap into every emotion and power associated with the spectrum. As a White Lantern, Kyle faced unprecedented threats, including the rise of the Third Army.
a force created by the Guardians to replace the Green Lantern Corps. With the Third Army's ability to infect and transform others into soulless soldiers for the Guardians, Kyle worked alongside other Lanterns to destroy the Third Army and stop the Guardians. During this period, Kyle became instrumental in the battle against Relic, a scientist from a previous universe who sought to drain the emotional spectrum's energy, believing that its depletion was inevitable.
Kyle and other lanterns attempted to stop Relic, but his knowledge of the Spectrum's mechanics made him a formidable opponent. Relic's attack led Kyle to confront the Source Wall, a boundary at the edge of the universe. In a final bid to stop Relic, Kyle passed through the Source Wall, a feat that no one had survived, and one that restored each of the emotional entities. Although the universe believed him dead, Kyle eventually re-emerged from the other side,
forever changed by the experience and equipped with new cosmic insights. Upon his return, Kyle's powers as a White Lantern grew, allowing him to wield life energy at an unparalleled level. His unique role drew the attention of the new gods, led by Highfather, who sought to harness the life equation now within Kyle to create a weapon that would kill Darkseid. Highfather manipulated Kyle in an attempt to forcefully sever his connection to the
Kyle resisted, however, and ultimately joined forces with other lanterns and allies to prevent Highfather's plans, as it would have resulted in the deaths of billions. Realizing that his power could easily become a target, Kyle made the difficult decision to distribute the White Light among a select group, forming a small, white lantern core dedicated to safeguarding life. Kyle's duties as a white lantern extended beyond traditional heroics.
He used his power to heal and rebuild worlds devastated by conflict, guiding civilizations in need, and providing them with the means to prosper. His new status also introduced him to beings across the universe who sought the White Lantern's influence, from the Guardians to cosmic entities intrigued by his ability to channel life itself. This journey taught Kyle a new level of responsibility as he grappled with the implications of holding the life equation and the ethical dilemmas it posed.
Balancing the interests of various cosmic powers, Kyle carefully navigated his position as a force of creation, ensuring that his actions served the greater good. After helping the Omega Men overthrow the tyrannical rulers of the Vegas system, Kyle was summoned by some of his Owen allies to help resurrect Hal Jordan, who had died. Successfully doing so, Kyle then attempted to resurrect the entirety of the Blue Lantern
and Kyle returned to being a Green Lantern once again. But for this match, Kyle will luckily be in full-on White Lantern mode, as he's one of the few beings in existence capable of wielding each color of the emotional power spectrum in DC Comics. These capabilities include indestructible construct generation, allowing Kyle to manifest anything he can imagine in any solid color he chooses except for black.
He could also detect and instill emotions in others as well as fly, teleport himself and others across the universe, see others' memories, and heal himself and others even from fatal wounds. And unlike other power rings, his ring requires no charge as long as he's cultivating life with it. And that's Kylo Renner. Well, trust me, Kylo Renner will not be cultivating any sort of life while in battle against Null, the King in Black.
All he's going to be doing is fighting, so I feel like he's just going to run out of energy eventually. Yeah, no, that's not going to happen. Especially when Kylo Renner is just going to make short work of Vel. Oh, you think so, huh? I do, in fact. Well, let's find out then. All right. Come at me, bro.
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TV and action heroes battle every Wednesday, and Sendro World, where anime champions clash every Thursday. Join us as we speculate on the matches and armed with the power of mathematical simulations, discover who will emerge victorious. Visit dynamicpodcast.com where we settle the debate and settle the score.
Now that we've got their histories and abilities out of the way, let's speculate on how one of the 1000 simulated matches will go. The winner is determined by simulations, not this speculation, but it's fun to imagine how this fight could play out. AJ9K, what are the rules of our speculation? Well, I should say there are no rules, other than the characters have no prior knowledge of the other going into the fight. All they are aware of starting out is that the other character is a threat that needs to be eliminated.
For the speculation, the contestants will begin approximately 50 meters apart in a non-descript environment that will have no bearing on the match itself, as no environmental statistics are considered in my simulations. The contestants must earn victory on their own merit. Alright then let's get into it. White Lantern and Null meet on the battlefield. Who goes first? I'm going to say that Kyle starts off, you know, he's going to see Null's Necro Sword, and in response he's going to create like a giant...
futuristic lightsaber version of the Buster Sword, you know, Cloud's weapon from Final Fantasy. Basically just a big ass lightsaber. Alright, uh, Null's gonna see this and like, he's gonna tell White Lantern that he's gonna slit his throat and choke out the stars with his blood. And Kyle's gonna be like, okay, not a Star Wars fan, I guess. More of a Star Trek guy, apparently.
And that's when he's gonna lift his giant lightsaber sword straight into the air and just slash downward towards Null. It's gonna emit this vertical wave of pure light energy that's gonna slash Null right in half. No, because White Lantern's massively telegraphing with his big-ass sword swinging downward and everything, so Null's gonna be ready. He's gonna unleash a giant symbiote dragon that serves as a shield to protect him.
The wave of light is gonna evaporate the dragon from existence, but as it does that, we see Null riding another symbiote dragon like a steed, and he's just gonna charge full on White Lantern, and charging along with Null and his dragon are gonna be like a hundred symbiote tendrils, okay? And each one of those tendrils has a mouth at the end with sharp teeth. Basically, they just like pass over White Lantern like a cavalry running over a foot
and they just devour him to small bits as they pass. So I just imagine this as him like riding like a black wave of like ink and teeth. Yeah, pretty much. That's kind of cool. But I'm going to say when Kyle sees Noel charging, get him like a Lancer. He's going to create a massive energy cannon in the shape of like a lion mech robot that shoots light energy from its mouth. And he's going to blast Noel and his dragon.
with this white hot energy beam. And alongside Kyle are gonna be four other mech lions, which are focused on shooting down all of the individuel symbiote tendrils. So, all right, the lion cannon destroys the symbiote dragon, but Null's gonna leap off of it in time to avoid the blast himself. And from the symbiote armor, he's gonna sprout giant dragon wings of his own, and he's gonna just continue on swooping in.
and ramming his necro sword through White Lantern, impaling him like Vlad the Impaler. Uh, alright, so, Kyle, I guess he gets impaled through his chest, but that's when a spinning energy saw blade just comes down and slices the necro sword blade off, like, at the hilt. And while it spins through the air around Null, just carving chunks of his armor off, Kyle's gonna pull the necro blade out of his chest, and just overload it with white light until it vanishes.
and then he's gonna heal his chest wound while Null is still distracted by the saw blade. Okay, it would take an insanely powerful attack to break the Necro Sword, okay? Because it's not only supremely powerful, it's also imbued with the power of a Celestial. Yeah, and? I guess I'll allow it since White Lantern seems pretty powerful with his light-based attacks, but like, that wouldn't even matter because Null has...
created a new all-black necro sword before. And maybe this one's not quite as powerful, but it's not like the sword is the source of his living abyss powers. So while White Lantern is healing, Null is just gonna conjure a new sword from the hilt of his old one, and then create like a giant clawed symbiote hand that like swats the energy saw blade away and snatches up White Lantern in its grasp, just crushing him to death in like this Iron Maiden pointy.
grip? Well, not really, because as the Iron Maiden grip tightens, you know, Kyle's light aura is going to solidify and expand into this protective sphere. And as Kyle's pushing back against the darkness, that's when he's going to yell, let's go Voltron force. And that's when his five lion mecha's that he created transform around him into a giant mecha robot. I figured that was
His giant mecha is gonna slam his palm down onto Null and just splatter him everywhere. No, cause when the giant Voltron robot slams his hand down, it's gonna slam onto a giant spike. Like this spire that Null has erupted from the ground beside him. And from the spire is gonna leak this black symbiotic ooze that rushes all over the Voltron bot, just taking it over and transforming Voltron into like this giant-
Horned demon monster type thing and the living abyss is also gonna seep into white lanterns control room area Inside the robot and take him over to just enslaving white lantern to the will of null and making him his new Void knight just like null did with the silver surfer. So this match is over No, no, cuz let's say as the giant mecha is being taken over That's when the mecha is white light turns bright indigo
and its energy instills within Null this very strong sense of compassion, causing him to, you know, summon the darkness back to him. So while Null is having this very sensitive moment, that's when Kyle expands a white dwarf star within Null's head, obliterating him and his symbiote armor into nothingness. Wow. Okay. Well, anyone who's ever tried to...
Psychically or empathically affect null they're just exposed to the void that is his essence essentially it doesn't go well for them They basically become catatonic So I'm gonna say that's what happens to white lantern when he tries to manipulate nulls emotions But it's not like Kyle's mind is connected to his you know empathic powers his emotional influence powers Okay, like even if white lantern was successful in killing null with a white dwarf star inside his head
Kyle was assimilated, even if briefly, which means that he's now part of the Symbiote Hivemind as a codex that Null's consciousness can still have influence over even after his quote unquote death. So like White Lantern thinks he's won, but suddenly Kyle's white ring turns black with like a red spiral on it and he becomes a black lantern under Null's control. So Null still wins no matter what.
Null's dead, Kyle is alive, and you think Null wins? Yes, because at the end, Null's consciousness is in his ring controlling him. Pretty sure that's not how this works. Null's dead, Kyle's alive, match over. I think what you mean to say is that no matter what happens, Null wins either way. Either White Lantern becomes assimilated, or he dies, or he comes under Null's control, so yeah. So many ways for Null to win this, you're screwed.
Well let's take it to the stats then. Sure! Alright, yeah let's input them, run the simulations, and get the results. AG9K, hit it! Inputting data. Running calculations. Processing results. Simulations complete. This was a damn good match you guys. Man their stats were just so freaking powerful. I don't see how any other character would be able to go up against these guys. Both White Lantern and Null statistically were maxed out.
in their durability, their strength, their damage level, their range. We did say that White Lantern was a little bit faster because he can essentially teleport across the entire universe, whereas Null has to, you know, like travel through the universe. Yeah, we also said that White Lantern was slightly more versatile than Null because the guy's, you know, a freaking White Lantern. Yeah, he does have control over the entire spectrum, you know.
whereas Null sticks to his living abyss and darkness motif, so he doesn't have quite as many tricks up his sleeve. But we did say that Null was more intelligent than Kyle and a better fighter. But Kyle rated higher when it came to evasiveness because he's more prone to creating force fields. The interesting stat here I thought was perception, because White Lantern has the ability to detect emotions across the universe and hone in on them and stuff like that.
But Null is also connected to his symbiotes around the universe. So he can kind of like manifest an avatar of himself through those beings that he's created. But also through the symbiote Hivemind, anyone who's come into contact with the symbiote, a copy of their brain is basically uploaded to the Hivemind as a codex. So he has access to all that information as well. Which is wild. Honestly, both of these characters are really cool. Like, I feel like the White Lantern Ring is the ultimate weapon in DC.
and the Necro Sword is like the ultimate weapon in Marvel. Again, really close matchup. I would say that the Necro Sword is probably secondary to the Infinity Gauntlet, which is the ultimate weapon in Marvel and would totally stomp all over a white lantern ring, but that's neither here nor there. It's also cheating. I'm talking about like a real weapon, not like a cheater's weapon. Okay, okay. Oh, I could do anything, ah. Considering all these stats, Jonathan, who do you think is gonna be the winner of this match?
Well, White Lantern for sure. The stats are really close, but I think he'll come out on top. Now, Instagram disagrees with me. The poll is fresh. Like it definitely hasn't hit the full 24 hours, but it looks like Null has a pretty strong lead at the start with a 62% favorability amongst our Instagram poll takers. Well, let's see if they're right. I think they're right. AG9K, the results, please. Hey, Yuasa. OK, the winner between White Lantern,
and Null, the king in black, is... White's Lantern. Yes! What? Yes! Really? Who is this guy? Uh, motherfucking Kyle Rayner, my boy. I don't know what this shit is, but uh, White Lantern won 522 matches out of the 1000 simulations, whereas Null only won 478. In the end, really,
It was White Lantern's versatility, his speed, and the fact that Null is vulnerable to light-based attacks that really put him over the edge. Even though Null has proven to be extremely resilient against things like the Power Cosmic and Thor's lightning, it's those things that do him in. That's right! That's right! So proud of my boy Kyle, he's been my boy since the 90s. Null is just new and lame, and this podcast proves it.
Null is definitely one of the better new characters that Marvel has produced over the past decade or so. Definitely the best villain. I hope people who are new to the character at least got that impression through his backstory and his powers and everything like that. He really didn't deserve to go down like this to some punk-ass kid named Kyle. I mean, really? I just feel like Cartman right now. I just want to be like, shut up, Kyle! You shut your mouth, fatass!
Null is definitely not a Cartman. He's like one of the skinniest characters out there. He's like Slenderman but with long hair. Kinda, and you know, just badass powers and shit. Anyway, that is it for this duel guys. Let's get this over with. AJ9K, help close this out.
Thanks for listening to Dynamic duel. Visit the show's website at dynamicduel.com and follow us on Instagram at dynamicduelpodcast. You can support the show on Patreon at patreon.com slash dynamicduel and joining a tier that works for you, or by rating and reviewing Dynamic duel on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podchaser or on our website. Don't forget to listen to the other shows in the DynaMic Podcast Network, including Max Destruction, Senjow World and Console Combat.
Our next episode is going to be a good one. We're going to review Agatha all along season one. I actually haven't started watching the show. I wanted to wait to binge it. So it'd be fresh in my mind as I was reviewing it. But I have been waiting on pins and needles to start this thing. I cannot wait. I can wait. I haven't started it either, but I'm not looking forward to the show at all. I heard it's really good. Sure, we'll find out. Oh, you're going to find out. Yeah. You're going to fuck around and find out. I don't know what that means.
But yeah, with that for this episode, we want to give a big thanks to our executive producers Ken Johnson, John Swarovski, Zachary Hepburn, Dustin Balcom, Miggy Mattinghien, Brandon Essergard, Nathaniel Wagner, Levi Yeaton, Austin Wazilovski, AJ Dunkerley, Scott Camacho, Gil Camacho, Adam Spies, Andrew Shunk, Dean Maleski, Devin Davis, Joseph Kirsting, and Josh Schleiner for helping make this podcast possible. We'll talk to you guys next week. Up up and away, true believers.
live together in perfect harmony, side by side on my piano keyboard. Oh lord, why don't we?